Closing date for applications at Stellenbosch University

17 September 2012

  1. GOALS

Protea has been created to develop the relationship between the French and South African scientific communities through joint research.

The purpose of the co-operative programme is to encourage an exchange between researchers and to develop a synergy between the two scientific communities, thereby developing a durable network.

The co-operative research projects funded under this agreement are developed and submitted in both countries by French and South African researchers, working as partner teams and headed by two team leaders, one French and one South African, who bear the main responsibility for the project, including its technical and administrative coordination as well as scientific and financial reporting.In South Africa this call is open to Msc-holding (preferable PhD) researchers residing in the country and affiliated with a recognised higher education or research institution such as a university, university of technology or science council.

Each co-operative research project will run for a maximum duration of two years. Each project will aim to fulfil well-defined contractual objectives and will have to dispose of the necessary means to ensure that these objectives are effectively achieved.

Particular emphasis is to be placed on the training of students and young researchers achieved through research and the transfer of knowledge and know-how aimed at socio-economic community development. Industrial and institutional partners involved in the projects or in the communication of its results should be officially mentioned and recognised. The integration of young researchers and students, and the exchange of post-doctoral researchers are encouraged, as is the involvement of students and researchers from previously-disadvantaged communities.

Each project financed will undergo a final evaluation in order to examine its outputs and compare the results achieved with the objectives set out at the beginning of the project.

Note that both scientific and financial reporting on the project is an obligatory condition for continued funding.



The internal closing date at Stellenbosch University is 17 September 2012

Anelectronic copy (max 1.44mb file size)of the application, with the scanned signatures of the SA and French investigators, should be sent, for endorsement, to the programme’s Research Authorising Officer at SU:

Riana (MJ) Coetsee

Manager: International Research Funds & Capacity Development


Tel: 021- 808 2580


The application will be sent to the NRF by this office.

Only applications endorsed by the research office will be accepted by the NRF.


The French team’s project proposal, in French, will be submitted on-line at the following addressProtea on line submission of the French proposals. On the French side, the projects will be assessed by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research.

The onus is on the applicant to find their own research partner. Proposals must be received in both France and South Africa. Proposals which have only been received in either South Africa or France, but not both, will not be considered for funding.The NRF will not be held responsible for non-submission of the application in the partner country.


The projects will be submitted, in each country, to a panel of experts in the various fields of research represented by the proposals received. These experts will take into account the following criteria:

  • Scientific and technical merit
  • Feasibility
  • International significance
  • Participation of students and young researchers
  • Budget

In addition, research proposals submitted will specifically have to show the way in which they will contribute to the strengthening of the research capacity in South Africa and the creation of durable ties between the two countries.Following local evaluation, a Franco-South African Joint Technical Committee (JTC) will establish the list of the projects to be funded.

The call process is highly competitive therefore application does not guarantee funding. The availability of funds and the evaluation of applications from both countries should be positive for them to be funded.

Which research areas may one apply for?

During the present call, priority will be given to the joint research projects in the following areas:

  • Nanoscience/Nanotechnology
  • Life sciences
  • Biotechnology
  • Energy
  • Humanities/Social sciences
  • Astronomy


While funding levels are not fixed, a suggested maximum of R200 000 per project and per country may be used as a general indicator of available funds (i.e. R100 000 per year), essentially for mobility: the sending party will be responsible for financing international travel(2 trips over the duration of the project), while the receiving party will be responsible for financing the accommodation and subsistence of their international visitors. Local travel and fees relating to the organisation of joint scientific events (venue, catering, audiovisual equipment etc.) will be the financial responsibility of the team leader representing the country in which the event is held.

The following may NOT be funded: consultant’s fees, educational expenses (scholarships, etc.), insurance and medical care, large equipment, project management fees, publication costs, salaries, temporary staff fees.

Funding from France will be available for financing the return ticket from France to South Africa and the accommodation and subsistence of South African Scientists, doctoral or postdoctoral students in France :

-The travel from France to South Africa will be reimbursed up to 1500 € per return ticket.

-Doctoral and postdoctoral daily allowances of 60€/day up to 90 days

-Scientists daily allowances of 110€/day up to 28 days.

5. Intellectual property

The researchers of each country, particularly the leaders, must take the adequate steps to ensure protection and sharing of the intellectual property that could result from the joint projects.

6. Projects follow-up and reporting:

-A final scientific and financial report will be submitted in English by both South Africans and French project leaders no more than 3 months after the end of the project.

-The report will mention the outputs of the projects compared with the objectives and aims targeted in the submission.

-The French leaders of the project will imperatively use and join the template downloaded template for a report within the defined timeframe.

-The report will be sent to the Attaché for Science and Technology at the French Embassy in South Africa.

-The joint publications will mention the support from the National Research Foundation and the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research and the French Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs.