McCloud Union School District

332 Hamilton Way

McCloud, CA 96057


REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Regular board meeting of the McCloud Union School District held on

December 09, 2015, at the McCloud Elementary School.

CALL TO ORDER: The regular board meeting of the McCloud Union School District was

called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mrs. Amber DeBon.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Dan Bringle Mrs. Amber DeBon

Mr. Chuck Ott Ms. Sybil Stewart

Mr. Steve Clark – arrived at 5:20 p.m.


ADMINISTRATION PRESENT: Superintendent Shelley Cain and Administrative Secretary Laurie Zanni.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE Mr. Ott made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular board

REGULAR MEETING HELD ON meeting held on November 11, 2015. The motion was seconded by

November 11, 2015 Mr. Bringle and passed unanimously by the board.



COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC INPUT: Coach Jones reported that Volleyball was over and Basketball has started.

ENROLLMENT: It was noted that our enrollment has increased by 4 students in the past two days, bringing the enrollment to 55. The new students consist of one kindergartener, two first graders, and one third grader.


NEW BUSINESS: 1. Organizational Meeting

M/S A. Election of Board Offices

Stewart/Ott Ms. Stewart made a motion to nominate the current slate of Officers

to continue for the upcoming year. This would include Mr. Clark as President, Mrs. DeBon as Clerk of the Board and Mr. Ott as Representative of the Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ott and passed unanimously by the board.

M/S B. Determination of Day and Time of Meetings

Stewart/Bringle Ms. Stewart made a motion to keep the current day and time of the board meetings to the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bringle and passed unanimously by the board.

M/S 2. First Interim Report 2015-2016

Clark/Ott The First Interim Budget Report was presented by Ms. Cain with review of how the meetings take place to evaluate the budget, the revenues and expenses for each fund, as well as how ADA affects funding. Mr. Clark made a motion to approve the first interim report as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ott and passed unanimously by the board.

M/S 3. Budget Transfers Resolution

DeBon/Bringle Mrs. DeBon made a motion to approve budget transfers 160000-160018. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bringle and passed unanimously by the board.

M/S 4. Board Policy 6158.21

Stewart/Bringle Ms. Cain presented Board Policy 6158 Instruction: Independent Study

to be in compliance with the updated Independent Study regulations.

Ms. Stewart made a motion to approve Board Policy 6158 Instruction: Independent Study. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bringle and passed unanimously by the board.

M/S 5. Classified Salary Schedule to Reflect Increase in Minimum Wage Bringle/DeBon Ms. Cain presented a Classified Salary Schedule to reflect the increase of

minimum wage effective January 1, 2016. Mr. Bringle made a motion to

approve the Schedule as presented. The motion was seconded by

Mrs. DeBon and passed unanimously by the board.

M/S 6. Approve Use of Suburban for Student Transportation

DeBon/Stewart Coach Jones asked the Board to consider approving the use of the

Suburban for transportation of students. After some discussion,

Mrs. DeBon made a motion to approve the use of the Suburban for

transporting students. The motion was seconded by Ms. Stewart and

passed unanimously by the board.

M/S 7. Listed Bills

Bringle/DeBon Mr. Bringle made a motion to approve the bills as listed. The motion was seconded by Mrs. DeBon and passed unanimously by the board.


SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: *Ms. Cain reported that GATE/Intervention started today. The kids worked on math as well as reports.

*Tomorrow, December 10th, is a Teacher Collaboration Day.

*The Winter Concert for PK-8th grades will be held on Thursday, December 17th at 6:00 p.m. at the MES Gymnasium.

*Christmas break is scheduled for December 21 – January 1. December 18th is a regular day.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mr. Bringle made a motion to adjourn

M/S the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Stewart and passed Bringle /Stewart unanimously by the board. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shelley Cain, Secretary