February 7, 2006
PRESENT: Paul Killpatrick, Carl Diekhans, Lynn Mahlberg, Danny Gonzales, Mike McFarlane, Linda Uhlenkott, Lisa Heise, John Rice
1. Approval of Minutes – The minutes of the President’s Council meeting on January 31, 2006 were approved.
2. Pahrump Discussion – Paul Killpatrick reported that he has sent President Carpenter a list of questions that need to be cleared up. GBC would like acknowledgement that we can continue to provide the types of classes to Esmeralda County that CCSN was providing before through the Pahrump Valley Center. Also, we need to know who their accreditation liaison is so Danny Gonzales and that person can start working on the substantive change. We also asked President Carpenter’s approval to see about offering a CDL program in Pahrump. Paul also indicated the importance of the VP’s to start communications with one another about the transition period as well as scheduling, programs, and adjunct faculty.
Dr. Killpatrick and Mike McFarlane are going to meet with the interim principal of Pahrump High School on February 15. He will also be trying to locate some modular buildings to relocate to West Wendover.
3. Change in Housing Fees – Lynn Mahlberg reported that Carl Diekhans met with Joe Johnston, Julie Smith and Julie Burns regarding proposed fee changes for housing. The fees go towards servicing the debt and paying ½ of Joe Johnston’s salary. President’s Council recommended that the fee for single rooms should be increased. Carl will re-poll the group. The more we can encourage doubles the more revenue we will make. Lisa Heise asked about the other wing at Griswold. Carl said the remodel has to be done by the GBC Buildings and Grounds staff. Maybe they will get to it this year.
4. Relocation Allowance – Mike McFarlane brought forth discussion about a possible relocation “package” to Pahrump. We cannot pay for relocation for new people, as that is against BOR policy. We need to take a look at the policy and then talk to Mark Ghan for his recommendation as to whether we provide relocation to Pahrump for a faculty member.
5. Miscellaneous
· Linda Uhlenkott brought forth the language change on the workload policy as it pertains to underground mine pay. President’s Council will have to vote on the language change via email. The wording will be as follows:
Workload policy. This is a suggested addition to the workload policy.
“Faculty will be eligible for supplemental pay when teaching contract training courses under the following situations:
a) The course is taught underground at a mine site or at an above ground mine or industrial site and
b) the course must be a contract course, not a regularly scheduled course taught to mine or industrial workers at the faculty member’s home GBC campus and
c) The course must require travel to the training location other than the normal travel to the faculty member’s normal GBC campus and
d) The supplemental pay will be paid for out of the contract training fee.
Faculty will be eligible for supplemental pay at the rate of:
For teaching a training course at an underground mine, the supplemental rate will be twenty dollars ($20.00) per student per credit.
For teaching a training course at an above ground mine setting or industrial site, the supplemental rate will be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per student per credit. The supplemental rate will not affect either the faculty member’s overload or workload normal contract agreement.”
President’s Council approved the language change via email vote.
· Linda Uhlenkott reported that Chancellor Rogers has asked Faculty Senate chairs to provide him with the number of FTE per administrators at their institution. The Senate Chairs do not believe that information should come from them. The Chancellor is not coming to GBC in March after all; he may come in April. Regent Leavitt will be at GBC to meet with faculty on Friday, February 10.
· John Rice suggested enforcing the state regulations about smoking. He believes regulations state that you must be 25 feet from the entrance of a building if you are smoking. Carl will speak to Pat Anderson about the state regulations on smoking.
· Carl Diekhans reported that the utilities are up from this time last year: 25% increase in electricity and 18% increase in natural gas. GBC will be short by at least $100,000 this year because of our utilities. We will have to cover this amount with operating money. We need to start thinking about conserving our energy usage by shutting computers and copiers off when we go home and by turning out the office lights if you know you will be gone for more than an hour. He will prepare an email to GBC-All recommending steps to save energy. We can create significant savings if people shut things off. Carl noted that our phone bill is also extraordinarily high.
· Last week’s conversation on public use of computer labs continued. President’s Council is trying to come up with a resolution. They would like Jeff Cox to poll the other institutions and see what they do.
· President’s Council will donate $35 each to put together a gift basket to be auctioned at Foundation dinner dance. Lisa Heise asked that it be coordinated with Patty Jones.
· Lisa Heise reported that the hiring committee will be meeting this Friday to review the applications for the Executive Director position.
· Carl Diekhans said that the carpet colors have been chosen for the Berg Hall conference room. We ended up with the rustic border. Carl will have Dorinda Friez place the order.