Announcements and Information
September 28, Issue 2
Calendar of EventsSeptember 29 / First Cross Country Meet at Mount Tabor
September 30 / Soccer at WS Prep
October 1 / Early Release Day for Students (Dismissal at 12:40)
October 1-3 / Progress Reports Distributed (10/1 Core, 10/2-3 Encore)
October 2 / Soccer vs. Southeast MS (at Sara Lee)
October 4 / The Big Sweep Campus Clean Up Event (Free Pizza for participants)
October 7 / Soccer vs. East Forsyth MS (at Sara Lee)
October 8 / Picture Day
October 8 / Cross Country Meet at Wiley
October 9 / EXPLORE Testing (8th grade only)
October 9 / Soccer vs. Kernersville MS (at Sara Lee)
October 11 / Bully Awareness Walk (District Initiative) at Dash Stadium
October 20 / School Improvement Team Meeting (4:05)
A Note from the Principal
Hanes Parents,
I would like to extend a special thank you to all Hanes parents for a fantastic opening of school and for helping us to support and serve students.Many of you have volunteered to help with opening of school activities, including Open House, Curriculum Night and the Book Fair. These were very successful events, and your leadership, presence and assistance have helped us to welcome new families into our school and show them that community is important at Hanes. You have also responded so well to our PTSA efforts to provide academic support to students. I am very excited about the success of the Direct Donations campaign and looking forward to putting iPads and other instructional technology tools into the hands of our students. Thank you to all families that have contributed, and thank you to PTSA for your leadership with this. I would also like to thank you all for your support of our teachers. Thanks to you, we have been able to provide quality community building activities for our staff. Your contributions for Wonderful Wednesday and for our teacher recognition activities have shown teachers that their efforts and service to students are appreciated and have helped us make our staff feel good. I am so grateful to have such a supportive parent community and pledge that we will continue to work hard in the service of your children.
Thank you,
Fall Picture Day
Fall Picture Day is Wednesday, October 8. Teachers will distribute picture selection packets/money envelopes to students in Wednesday packets. Money must be turned in on picture day. Students should wear SMOD on picture day. If your child does not bring a picture envelope home, please contact his or her homeroom teacher to have another one provided.
Assistance Needed with Student Pick-Up Procedures for After Club Activities
Parents, we need your help keeping our students safe as they are dismissing after club activities end in the afternoon. Please be very aware as you are driving through our parking lots. It would also help us to get students to cars safely if parents will pull into parking spaces to wait for students. You are welcome to also park in the bus parking lot (for club/activity pick-ups) and walk to the front of the building to get your child. Thank you for helping us facilitate getting students to cars safely and for helping us keep the flow of traffic moving by parking in spaces.
STEM Activities Update
The STEM Committee has been hard at work planning and organizing means of community outreach, social media, event planning and student learning opportunities. Teachers have devised means of incorporating the great work at Hanes into a community blog available on the Hanes web page as well as Twitter accounts and sharing of classroom experiences through quarterly videos. Student events, such as our Lunch and Learn program have been re-evaluated and driven in a more “student-centered” direction. Field experiences to the BioTechnology Center (September 24), KABA (October 3), 4H Aeronautics Program (October 8) and Hayward Industries (October 22) are in place with the goal of hands-on, real life experiences in manufacturing, engineering and design. Student programs have been expanded to include an upcoming programing club through Google Computer Science, offered to students at all grade levels for gaming and music development. The development of more student centered STEM activities for our Magnet Recruitment nights has also been a focus driving toward a more exciting and engaging experience for potential Hanes families.
Parents of 8th Grade Students – DC Field Trip Deadline Reminder
DC trip permission forms and $50 deposit are due by Wednesday, October 1st.
Clubs/Extra-Curricular Activities
Please see below for information regarding athletics, STEM clubs, and other extra-curricular activities.
Boys Soccer
- 9/30 at WS Prep (3:30)
- 10/2 vs. Southeast at Sara Lee (3:30)
- 10/7 vs. East Forsyth at Sara Lee (3:15)
- 10/9 vs. Kernersville at Sara Lee (3:15)
- 9/29 vs. Flat Rock and Jefferson at Mount Tabor High School (3:15)
- 10/8 vs. Clemmons and Wiley at Wiley (3:15)
- 10/15 vs. Walkertown, Paisley, and Clemmons at Paisley (3:15)
All boys and girls that plan to participate in Intramurals must have a ParentalPermission Intramural Form turned in before being allowed to participate. Forms may be picked up from the main office, from a physical education teacher or may be printed from the Hanes Athletic Website. Students participating should make sure they have arranged for transportation and be picked up by 4:05 each day.
- Intramural Soccer for 6th grade girls will be held from 3-4pm on the following Tuesday dates, September 30th, October 7th, and October 14th.Contact Anna Fowler (coach),Tim Lawson (Athletic Director), or a Physical Education Teacher for more information.
- Intramural Soccer will be held for 6th grade boys from 3-4pm on the following Thursday dates, October 2nd, October 9th, and October 16th. Contact Anna Fowler (coach),Tim Lawson (Athletic Director), or a Physical Education Teacher for more information.
- Intramural Volleyball for 6th. 7th and 8th grade boys will be held from 3-4pm on the following Tuesday dates, September 30th, October 7th, and October 14th. Contact Brian Smith (Coach), Tim Lawson (Athletic Director), or a Physical Education Teacher for more information.
- Intramural Volleyball for 6th. 7th and 8th grade girls will be held from 3-4pm on the following Thursday dates, October 2nd, October 9th, and October 16th.Contact Brian Smith (Coach), Tim Lawson (Athletic Director), or a Physical Education Teacher for more information.
Science Clubwill meet on Wednesday, October 8th and Wednesday, October 15th in Room 235 and will meet every other Wednesday after October 15th. All these dates are indicated on Mr. Bombick's school web site calendar.
Science Olympiad Club will meet every Tuesday after school in room 235.
Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC)is meeting weekly on Tuesdays, from 3 until 4:30 with Mr. Draper in room 302.
New STEM Club! Google CS (Computer Science) Club will focus on game design using MIT's Scratch programing tool.This club will meet on Wednesdays from 3:00 - 4:30 in the Media Center, starting October 15th and continuing through December 17th, omitting the early release day on October 22nd. Space is limited to 30 students. Students should sign up in the Media Center.
Dance Club will begin Tuesday, October 7th and continue on Tuesdays throughout this year. Interested boys or girls of any grade should get a permission slip from Señora Walters or Ms. Broughton.
NEW Club! Show ChoirAuditions will be this Tuesday and Thursday, Sept. 30th and Oct. 2nd from 3:00-4:00.Any interested student should come prepared with ashort part of a song to sing and be ready to learn some choreography!
PTSA Announcements
PTSA website:
- We are well on the way to our $30,000 Direct Donation goal for the year. Our current total is $12,870. We depend on your support to fund our PTSA activities and programs for the year. Please help us make this a great year for students and staff at Hanes! See our websitefor additional information on how to donate. Thank you to all families who have contributed.
- The theme for this year’s Reflections Program is "The World would be a better place if..." The categories available are dance choreography, literature, music composition, film production, photography, visual art, and special artists. For more information see the NCPTA website,
- Be sure to visit the Hanes PTSA website regularly – you’ll find a wealth of information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and ways you can support our school. You can find a link to the PTSA website on the Hanes school website under the Parents tab.
- The PTSA Grounds Beautification Committee invites all Hanes families to help with The Big Sweep campus clean-up onSaturday, October 4, 9 am -12 pm. This event is organized by Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful and they will provide a free pizza lunch for all volunteers.
- It’s time to RE-LINK. Be sure to link your various store cards to Hanes so our school benefits every time you shop! You can find information and codes for Hanes on our PTSA website.
- Turn your trash into cash for our school! Gather up your Boxtops for Education and Labels for Education from the summer and send them to the school at any time.There is a collection box for these labels in the main office.
- Get involved! Be watching your student’s weekly packet for a Volunteer Interest form which will be coming home soon. We encourage you to find some way to invest your time and energy at Hanes this year. Also, please remember to log into the WS/FCS database to re-activate your volunteer status for the year (or register for the first-time). If this is the first time you have registered you will receive an email to which you MUST reply to activate your volunteer application.