Terms of Reference – Finance Committee


The Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Irish Girl Guides responsible to the Executive Committee.


The Finance Committee has been established for the purpose of:

2.1Managing the financial affairs of the Irish Girl Guides, with responsibility to and in consultation with the Executive Committee to whom a full report will be given at each meeting

2.2Drawing up an annual budget, in conjunction with the National Treasurer, for presentation at Executive

2.3Ensuring that the annual accounts are signed off at General Council

2.4Conducting internal audits of District/Area/Regional/Committee accounts for monitoring and review purposes

2.5Monitoring and reviewing arrangements whereby volunteers and staff may, in confidence, raise concerns about possible improprieties in financial matters and ensuring that these are independently investigated and acted on if appropriate.

2.6Monitoring and reviewing financial control and risk management systems.



3.1.1VOTING MEMBERS / The voting members shall consist of -The Chairman of Finance, The National Treasurer, The Chief Commissioner, The National Programme & Training Commissioner, The Grant Secretary, One other member, A Regional Commissioner
(NON-VOTING) / The Assistant Chairman of Finance, The Assistant National Treasurer, The Chief Executive Officer, The Secretary.
3.1.3 SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS / The Chief Commissioner and the National Programme & Training Commissioner may send their assistant, with the power to vote, if they are unable to attend.
The Assistant Chairman and the Assistant National Treasurer are entitled to vote when they are representing the Chairman or the National Treasurer.
The Regional Commissioner may send another Regional Commissioner, with the power to vote, if she is unable to attend.


3.2.1 CHAIRMAN / In the event of a vacancy occurring, the Finance Committee will inform the Executive Committee who will elect a chairman according to the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Irish Girl Guides, namely Bye-Laws 7 and 8. She shall be elected for a period of three years. She may be re-elected for one further period of three years, after which she may not be elected in the same capacity for a further three years.
3.2.2ASSISTANT CHAIRMAN / The Chairman of the Finance Committee may appoint a non-voting assistant for a period of one year. She may be re-appointed annually thereafter for the duration of the term of office of the Chairman.
3.2.3COMMITTEE / National Treasurer - will be elected as per Bye-Laws 7 and 8. She shall be elected for a period of three years. She may be re-elected for one further period of three years, after which she may not be elected in the same capacity for a further three years.
Assistant National Treasurer - The National Treasurer may appoint a non-voting assistant for a period of one year. She may be re-appointed annually thereafter for the duration of the term of office of the National Treasurer.
Grant Secretary - The Grant Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a period of three years. She may be re-appointed for one further period of three years, after which she may not be appointed in the same capacity for a further three years.
Regional Commissioner - A Regional Commissioner shall be appointed by the Regional Commissioners for a one-year term, renewable annually, up to a maximum of six years.
Other Committee member - One other Committee member, shall be appointed by the Finance Committee in consultation with the Executive Committee. She/he shall be appointed for a period of three years and may be re-appointed for a further three years, after which she/he may not be appointed in the same capacity for a further three years.
3.2.4SECRETARY / A secretary will be appointed by the committee, but she will only have a vote if she is a committee member. The secretary shall be appointed for a period of three years. She may serve a second term of office but may not serve for more than six consecutive years.


3.3.1 / The committee will meet at least four times per year.
3.3.2 / An attendance book will be held.
3.3.3 / Meetings may be called by the Chairman, the National Treasurer or the Chief Commissioner; or by any two voting members of the Finance Committee.
3.3.4 / Notice of meetings, together with agenda will be sent to all members at least two weeks in advance.
3.3.5 / Minutes of meetings shall be sent to Finance Committee members marked confidential
3.3.6 / The Chairman and three other voting members shall constitute a quorum.
3.3.7 / The Chairman and each voting member shall have one vote. All matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote. Business, which cannot be resolved, shall be referred to the Executive Committee.
3.3.8 / The committee may invite to its meetings any other person(s) whose presence is required. Such person (s) will have no vote.
3.3.9 / The Chairman is responsible for the work of the committee between meetings.
3.3.10 / The Finance Committee will communicate with all Regional and National Committee Treasurers at least once every two years.


3.4.1 / The Finance Committee will allocate the Government Grant.
3.4.3 / The Finance Committee will set Membership Fees and recommend them to Executive for approval. A year’s notice of change must be given to Units.
The Finance Committee will recommend the appointment, pay and conditions of an independent and reputable external auditor to Executive for approval and will subsequently agree the terms of engagement.
3.4.4 / The Finance Committee is empowered to authorise non-budgeted expenditure of up to €6,000. Any sum above this figure requires permission from the Executive Committee.
3.4.5 / Any two members of the Management Committee (one of whom must be a volunteer) may spend up to €1,000 in total on non-routine office and house expenses between Finance meetings. Such expenditure must be reported to the next meeting of the Finance Committee.
3.4.6 / Up to €1,000 may be spent at the discretion of the National Treasurer on other non-regular expenses between Finance meetings. Such expenditure must be reported to the next meeting of the Finance Committee
NB. / The figures in sub sections 3.4.3, 3.4.4, and 3.4.5 may be changed from time to time with permission from the Executive committee.


3.5.1 / The Committee may establish such sub-committees, work groups and ad-hoc committees as are necessary to facilitate its work.
3.5.2 / The Management Committee is a permanent sub-committee of the Finance Committee. It is composed of the Chief Commissioner, National Treasurer and/or Chairman of Finance,Chief Executive Officer and the Operations Manager.
The duties of the Management Committee are to ensure the effective operation of National Office. This includes responsibility for: -
  • Monitoring the operation of National Office e.g. maintenance, equipment expenditure, upkeep.
  • Staffing Interviews and job offers
Salary reviews
Supporting the Operations Manager with H.R issues e.g. extended sick leave
Voting members of the Management Committee are as follows:
Chief Commissioner, Chair of Finance or National Treasurer (have one vote between them), CEO (or, in her absence, the Operations Manager). The Operations Manager only has a proxy vote – she does not have a vote in her own right.
The Management Committee will give a report at each Finance meeting.


All administration and travel expenses to committee meetings will be paid in accordance with current IGG ruling


3.7.1 / These Terms of Reference may be amended or revised from time to time by the Executive Committee.
3.7.2 / The Finance Committee has the power to recommend amendments to these Terms of Reference to Executive.


These are the property of the Irish Girl Guides and should be stored in National Office.
Revision date October 2016 / Page 1 of 3