The Zodiac

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac. Arians like to be first, especially when going on adventures. They are enthusiastic in starting new projects and on new hobbies, but it may not last very long as they are constantly looking for new challenges. Life gets never boring, because Arians are very active. They take each day as it comes and work hard to make the most of it. They may get angry very quickly, but it never lasts long because they calm down easily and look forward with new hope. They are good students and they can use whatever they learn for their own best. At school they will always stick up for the kid that gets picked on.

enthusiastic / sb who is very willing to do sth
constantly / all the time
challenges / more difficult things to do
boring / dull, sth you get tired of
stick up for / help, to be on sb’s side
pick on / bully, tease

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Taurians are strong in many ways. Their strength gets them through difficulties in life and with a strong will and patience they get what they want in the end. Taurians love their family and they are reliable and generous friends. They also want beautiful things around them and are quite romantic. They like to keep things as they are, because it gives them a feeling of security. Taurians enjoy being in nature and many of them work to preserve the beauty of it. Still, they also enjoy material things and want all the finer things in life that money can buy. As students Taurians have a good memory and they get good grades in the end.

strength / being strong
patience / to be able to wait for a long time
reliable / sb you can trust
generous / sb who gives things to others
security / to feel safe
preserve / to take care of sth so that it won’t go bad

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Gemini means the Twins and that’s what they are: two personalities in one body. Geminis can change their minds and their ways in a flash of a second from one to the other. They can see both sides of a story, which makes them fair. Geminis are always looking for fun and they are the sparkles at any party. Geminis can be quite childlike in the way they hunger for information and happening in life. This makes them often seem nervous and tense and makes it difficult for them to relax. Geminis are quick and clever. They can study for an exam just for an hour and still get the best results in a test.

fair / sb who is the same to everyone
sparkle / a bright light
tense / stiff, nervous
relax / to take things easy, lie down

Cancer 22 June – 22 July

Cancerian teens need to feel safe and secure. Like the crab, the Cancers are soft on the inside and hard on the outside. They have a shell to protect them against everything that could harm them, and they crawl into that shell whenever they feel hurt. Cancers love family life and old traditions. They have a lively imagination, which makes them very artistic and creative. They make long-lasting friends and respect loyalty, but on the other hand they never forget any wrongdoing. Cancers can sit up and study through the night and at school they are sensitive to feel what the teacher expects from them.

secure / without any danger
protect / to keep sth from danger
harm / to do sth bad to sb
crawl / to move on all four, close to the ground
imagination / fantasy, way of thinking
sensitive / sb who has strong feelings and can feel how others are feeling
expect / to wait for

Leo 23 July – 22 August

The Leonine teen wants to be admired by everyone. Like the Sun, the Leo wants to be in the centre. They may seem quite bossy and proud. On the other hand, they have a sunny personality and it’s hard to be sad close to a Leo. It’s easy to win a Leo teen on your side by saying some nice things about him or her. Others trust Leos, because they are very self-confident and always seem to know what to do. Leos love drama both in their own lives and on stage. They are creative and very romantic. The Leonine teen succeeds in school because of his or her strong and special personality.

admire / to like sb very much
bossy / like a boss
proud / sb with their nose up in the air
self-confident / sb who believes in himself and is not afraid
stage / at the theatre the place where the actors act

Virgo 23 August – 22 September

Virgo teens like facts. They want to understand things exactly right, in detail. They don’t want to leave anything to imagination. They find the information from other people and they will not rest before they know everything they want to know. The Virgos like cleanliness and many of them are perfectionists, wanting everything to be in its place. It’s good for a Virgo teen to have a pet, because they need something that they can take care of. They love helping others. The Virgos are very creative people and the bright ones do well in school, because they are hard workers and have good memories.

in detail / every part of sth
rest / to take things easy, lie down
cleanliness / to be clean
perfectionist / sb who wants everything to be perfect
bright / clever, also strong light

Libra 23 September – 22 October

The typical Libran teen is easy-going, charming and pleasant. They cannot get along without other people. They need to be popular and they would do anything to keep peace with everyone. They are experts at softening the hardest of hearts. The Librans hate conflicts so much that they may say whatever they think the other person wants to hear - just to be popular. That’s why it is almost impossible to argue with a Libran. They wish their whole life to be peaceful and they do everything they can to keep it that way. Teachers often like Librans very much because they are clever, logical and artistic.

pleasant / nice
soften / to make sth soft
argue / to fight with words

Scorpio 23 October – 21 November

The typical Scorpio teen is an understanding and loyal friend. That’s also the only kind of friend that the Scorpio wants. They are often quiet and watching others. In this way they notice things others don’t. Scorpios like to have things in order and everything made clear to them. They hate surprises. The animal scorpion has a sharp sting in its tale, but they only use it for self-defence. If the Scorpios are hurt, they will fight back and revenge. The Scorpios enjoy power and many of them have become important leaders of the world. It would not be a surprise if the best student of the school were a Scorpio.

notice / to see and realize sth
in order / when everything is in their right place, clean and tidy
surprise / sth you didn’t know would happen
sting / kind of a needle that sticks you
self-defence / fighting back when sb attacks
revenge / when sb has done sth wrong to you, you want to do the same back

Sagittarius 22 November – 21 December

Sagittarian teens get along with almost anybody because they are naturally curious about other people. These teens need even more freedom than other teens. The Sagittarians can sometimes say things they shouldn’t just because they are honest and want to tell others what they think. They can also tell others what to do but not follow their own advice. The Sagittarians are very good workers. They can do twice as much as others and are often working to help others. They love to have fun and they feel at home anywhere they go. The Sagittarians are interested in many things and learning is a fun game for them, so they usually do well in school.

honest / sb who doesn’t tell any lies
advice / to tell sb what you think they should do
twice / two times

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Capricorn teen has an unusual sense of humour. They seem older than their years because of their seriousness. The Capricorn often finds it difficult to let go and have fun. They are not afraid of hard work; in fact Capricorns love to make things with their hands. They are also very patient and enjoy working alone with practical things. Sometimes the Capricorn teens may seem “cold” to others, because they don’t like to show feelings as openly as other teenagers do. But they do feel deeply. The Capricorn teens are calm, intelligent and well organized, so they seldom have any problems with the traditional school system.

unusual / different from the others, special
seriousness / not to laugh easily
practical / doing things with your hands
deeply / strongly, very much
calm / like the sea when there is no wind, not nervous, not in a hurry
seldom / no often

Aquarius 21 January – 18 February

The Aquarian teen has a strong need for freedom. They are the rebels of this Earth. Aquarians need a lot of energy to find their own uniqueness as an individual. They seem much older than their years, almost as if they skipped over the childhood part. Although it is not easy to get close to an Aquarian teen, they can find new friends wherever they go. Once they have made friends, they will never break the bond. Aquarians like to work in a group, making the world a better place. The Aquarians are very intelligent, so the only problem at school can be to find enough interesting things to do.

rebel / sb who fights against “all” others
uniqueness / being special, not like anybody else
skip / to jump
bond / sth that is tied together, like a knot

Pisces 19 February – 20 March

The Piscean teen is a dreamer lost in a sea of feelings. They wear rose coloured glasses believing everybody to be as honest as they are. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac and therefore, they have features of all the other signs. That’s why it may be difficult for a Piscean teen to find his or her true identity in the early years of life. The Piscean teen cannot stand to see another human being – or animal – in pain. They are totally unselfish and can seldom realize their own possibilities. The teen Pisces may have trouble with the school rules, but they will do well in drama, art and English.

honest / sb who doesn’t tell any lies
feature / a part, a side
unselfish / sb who thinks of others before himself
realize / to see and understand
Zodiac /


/ Symbol / Planet / Element
Aries / 21 Mar – 19 Apr / the Ram / Mars / Fire
Taurus / 20 Apr – 20 May / the Bull / Venus / Earth
Gemini / 21 May – 20 Jun / the Twins / Mercury / Air
Cancer / 21 Jun – 22 Jul / the Crab / Moon / Water
Leo / 23 Jul – 22 Aug / the Lion / Sun / Fire
Virgo / 23 Aug – 22 Sep / the Virgin / Mercury / Earth
Libra / 23 Sep – 22 Oct / the Scales / Venus / Air
Scorpio / 23 Oct – 21 Nov / the Scorpion / Pluto / Water
Sagittarius / 22 Nov – 21 Dec / the Archer / Jupiter / Fire
Capricorn / 22 Dec – 20 Jan / the Goat / Saturn / Earth
Aquarius / 21 Jan – 18 Feb / the Water Carrier / Uranus / Air
Pisces / 19 Feb – 20 Mar / the Fish / Neptune / Water

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