April 21, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Smith, Chairman; Robert Moynihan; Ed Bannister; Lou Ann Griswold; and Scott Kemp

OTHERS PRESENT: Allan Dennis; Caren Rossi, Secretary; Peter Hoyt; Antoinette Hartgerink; Laurel Cox; Packy Campbell; Mark Lopez; Chris Berry; and Marc Jacobs.

A continued application for a Site Review Application for two commercial buildings and a NH DOT Park and Ride. Each building is approximately 14,500 sq ft with associated parking. The applicants are Wayne and Brenda Campbell. Property is located on Rt. 4, and is known as Tax Map #07-04-00.

Chris Berry, Berry Survey explained that he has not updated the plans as he is addressing Civil Consultants concerns and then he will update the plan set. He read a letter he submitted to the Board that detailed the project status. (In file) Some changes have been made.

They have met with the fire chief who has requested that we move the proposed 30,000 Gallon fire cistern to the front of the project. We will be accommodating this at the front of the proposed Family Dollar parking lot, adjacent to the entrance. This will allow for the fill and draw pipes to be out of the way of passing traffic.

As requested we have removed five parking spaces along the front of the Family Dollar parking lot directly adjacent to the entrance, and abutting the highway. This was in an effort to reduce impervious surface and allow for more landscaping and less visual impact along Route 4.

The Family Dollar portion of the proposed structure will be limited to 8,000 square feet with the remaining 6,500 Sq.Ft. being un-assigned retail space. This will not affect any parking, drainage, water or sewer loading calculations.

They have added some pervious pavement to the rear Park & Ride. We have discussed this with NHDOT and they have allowed porous materials in parking spaces only, due to vertical loading concerns within the traveled ways. The two front tenants did not approve the porous pavement and therefore it has remained as originally presented.

Rite Aid has requested that we remove the 5’ island at the front of the parking lot abutting Route 4 as well as the island along the side parking lot. This request is due to plowing and maintenance concerns. They will be requesting a waiver to the requirement of one hundred and fifty lengths impervious surface. We will be proposing larger end islands for enhanced landscaping, and will be proposing a more frequent placing of 2-3’ shrubbery along the front parking row.

The proposed well location will be moved to the Northwest corner of the Rite Aid building at their request. This eases cross easement concerns and limits piping expanses.

The lighting plan is not acceptable for Rite -Aid, this will need to be revised.

Mark Lopez representing Family Dollar showed the Board a design of what the purposed building will look like. It is a steel building, with vinyl siding. Tan, beige, and maroon in color. The building is 22’ to the top. (In file)

Bob Moynihan advised them to make it more colonial looking.

Mark Lopez will look into possible changes to the façade.

Dave Sanderson representing Rite-Aid presented the Board with a design of what the purposed Rite- Aid will look like. It is a clapboard and brick building. The loading for the building will be on the side, and is typically once a week in the early morning.

Chris Berry explained to the Board that Rite-Aid will not do a condo site plan; they prefer to own the lot in its entirety. So, they will be going to the ZBA to ask for relief to the setbacks to be able to subdivide this parcel out for ownership purposes only.

The Board did not have any issues with this.

Chris Berry explained to the Board that they would also like to get started on the DES approval requirements now. The Board agreed as well as Tony Hartgerink from the Conservation Commission.

Louann Griswold made a motion for them to be allowed to begin with the DES approval requirements.

Ed Bannister second.

Vote: All

Chris Berry explained to the Board that they are also asking for some waivers for the project as submitted in their original application. He reviewed them. They are parking spaces, Family Dollar requires 58 spaces, and they are providing 50. Rite-Aid requires 59 and they have 68. They have also requested a reduction in the size of the spaces to 9’ X 18’ from 10’ x 20’. They also would like to eliminate the 2 island bump outs as requested by Rite-Aid for plowing and road maintenance.

Bob Moynihan made a motion to approve the waiver request.

1.)  9’ x 18’ parking space size

2.)  Reduce the number of parking spaces on Family Dollar

3.)  Eliminate the island bump outs

4.)  Parking to be allowed in the setback

Louann Griswold second.

Vote: all

Next meeting is on May 12, 2010 for the continued application.


Louann Griswold explained to the Board that the Gilbraltor Pit could soon be town owned. She thinks the Board needs to be proactive as a community.

Allan Dennis suggested that Town Council is asked what can be done with the property.

Bob Smith will discuss this with the selectmen.



Caren Rossi, Secretary



Robert Smith, Chairman Lou Ann Griswold


Robert Moynihan Ed Bannister


Scott Kemp
