TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 – 10:00 AM
Draft minutes, not Committee approved

Meeting called to order at 11:00 AM by Ron Korzeniewski, Chair.
COMMITTEE PRESENT: Ron Korzeniewski, Chair, Terry Brazeau, Vice-Chair; Ken Linzmeyer, Secretary; Darrel Pagel; David Christianson
OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Virtues, Zoning/Solid Waste Administrator; Shelley Zahm, Administrative Assistant; Kevin Brehmer, Assistant Zoning Administrator

1.  Approval of Agenda
A. Change of Sequence
B. Removal of Items
Moved by Christianson, seconded by Pagel to approve the Agenda. Motion voted on and carried.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
Moved by Linzmeyer, seconded by Brazeau to approve the minutes of August 18, 2015. Motion voted on and carried.

3.  Communications: None.

4.  Current Legislation
A. AB 371 regarding repealing comprehensive planning and smart growth.
B. AB 333 and SB 241 regarding possession of wild/exotic animals. Would be assigned to animal control officer.

5.  Update on Zoning Ordinance language changes. Action, if necessary.
The northern towns are meeting on October 14, 2015, and Pat Virtues will discuss accessory structures. We could possibly have a public hearing in November and adoption at the December County Board meeting. We are still waiting for interpretation on time of sale requirements as they pertain to septic system evaluations.

6.  Approval for Staff to Attend WCCA Fall Conference, Egg Harbor, WI, October 21 – 23, 2015.
Moved by Linzmeyer, seconded by Pagel to allow staff to attend the conference. Motion voted on and carried.

7.  Review and consider request for reduced fee – Michael VanArk rezone application.
Permits were issued in 2005 listing an incorrect zoning. The VanArks had their property rezoned recently and are asking for a reduction in the fee to $150.00. Moved by Pagel, seconded by Christianson to reduce the fee to $150.00. Motion voted on and carried.

8.  Review and consider Resolution to Repeal Provisions Enacted in the State of Wisconsin 2015 – 2017 Budget concerning Shoreland Zoning Standards
Moved by Brazeau, seconded by Pagel to bring the resolution to the next County Board meeting. Motion voted on and carried.

9.  Report by Planning, Zoning & Solid Waste Administrator
A. Kevin Brehmer reported on a violation on Sherrie Lane in Underhill with salvage and garbage. A petition was filed by neighbors requesting action be taken to clean up the property.
B. Frank Nowak case is going to Court on October 14, 2015 to reopen the dismissal. A condition was that there be no advertisement, and the events were advertised.
C. Tom Wallendal property is once again covered in debris.
D. Robert Kolkowski Conditional Use permit was revoked.
E. Maintenance notices for POWTS owners who have ignored notices for several years number less than 100. Actions by Corporation Counsel forthcoming to resolve violations.

10.  Vouchers and Bills
Moved by Linzmeyer, seconded by Christianson to pay the bills. Motion voted on and carried.

11.  Set Next Meeting Dates
Next meetings to be October 27, 2015 and December 1, 2015. Rezone hearings will be held October 28, 2015.

12.  Public Comment/Misc.

13.  Adjournment
Moved by Christianson, seconded by Pagel to adjourn. Motion voted on and carried. Adjourned at 11:54 AM.
Ron Korzeniewski, Chair Ken Linzmeyer, Secretary