Polk County Positive Support Network

PBSN Quarterly Membership Meeting: January 13th, 2017 from 9-11am

Present: Meghan Klier, Tiffany Steenblock, Shelly Hansen, Jennifer Lilly (see attendance sheet for agency member attendance)

1.  Intro/ice breaker: toilet paper activity in groups of 3-5 (Bonnie with Optimae): split into 5 groups

2.  Updates with Strategic Plan (Susan): 3 year strategic plan July 15-June 18, it's on the website if you want to view in its entirety

a.  Updates:

i.  Priority 2- grow liaison role, make a commitment to be present for the teams we support

ii. Encourage quarterly network meetings to be more active & interactive with each other (share best practices, tools etc)

iii.  Added goal: now-June 2018- identify ways to partner with universities/colleges earlier (focus on Human Service degrees)

3.  Success Story (Meghan-Coordination Team): Nicole with Eyerly Ball- get lots of referrals from jail, gentlemen who was homeless went to PACT, got hooked up with MEPD, disconnected from his family because he was struggling with his mental health, he now has his own apartment & re-connected with his son

4.  Update on liaison roles/face to face assignments: what can we do to be more supportive? We will be reaching out to get something set up (Tiffany)

a.  Review liaison assignments: ensure all names & contact information are accurate (Tiffany)

b.  Agencies who were absent & still need confirmation= Candeo, COC, Crest, ISA, LSI, Mainstream, PI

5.  Quarterly purpose statement (Meghan): shared handout with purpose statement

a.  Envision these meetings: to grow agencies & also individually

b.  Learn best practices to take back to teams

c.  Encourage other members on your PBS teams to join this meeting

6.  Ask for volunteers to lead various topics (ice breakers, PBS tools, networking groups)- let us know if you are interested in presenting at quarterly meetings

7.  Upcoming PBS Trainings (Maria)

a.  Discussed PBS library & options to check out

b.  Distributed training dates hand-out & description page for upcoming trainings: go to website for most up-to-date information

8.  Networking Groups:

i.  Strategies for managing interfering behaviors (Jennifer)

ii. Personal self-care (Meghan)

iii.  MCO Trends/Insights (Tiffany)

Next Quarterly Membership Meeting will be April 14th, 2017

Respectfully submitted,

Tiffany Steenblock