Volunteer Registration Form

Title: Reply / First Name: Reply / Last Name: Reply
Line 1: Reply / Line 2: Reply
Line 3: Reply / Postcode: Reply
Phone Number(s) / Email Address:
Daytime: Reply / Evening: Reply
Mobile: Reply / Email: Reply
Age Range: (Please choose the age range that applies to you)
Reply / 26-35
Reply / 36-45
Reply / 46-55
Reply / 56-65
Reply / 66-75
Reply / 75+
(Please note that the minimum age for volunteers is 18 years)


Do you have any health issues we should be aware of?


Experience / Qualifications / Skills:

Employment and volunteering experience:


Qualifications / training courses attended:


Other skills, experience, crafts or trade:


Other languages, including BSL:

(Please state your level of proficiency)


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(Please choose the description that applies to you)

I am in full-time employment: Reply / I am in part-time employment: Reply
I am not working / retired from employment: Reply
I am in full-time further education / school: Reply
Do you have the legal right to volunteer in the UK? Reply
If appropriate, please give details of visas held: Reply

How much time can you offer us? (eg half a day per week / one day per fortnight): Reply

Preferred Volunteering Locations:

(Please choose any that apply)

Hampton Court Palace: Reply
HM Tower of London: Reply
Kensington Palace: Reply
Kew Palace (and the Royal Kitchens): Reply
Banqueting House, London: Reply
Hillsborough Castle, Northern Ireland: Reply


Please number your areas of interest, up to a maximum of five, in order of preference (1 being the area that interests you most)

Welcoming visitors: Reply
Visitor surveys: Reply
Family learning and schools support: Reply
Gardening and estate work: Reply
Interpretation / curatorial placement: Reply
General office duties: Reply

How did you hear about the volunteer programme?


Date: Reply

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