A meeting of the Highways & Utilities Committee was held in the Parish Office on Tuesday 23rd June 2015.

Present: Cllrs E Reall (Chairman), Mrs M Chapman, D Pikett, A Lowen, M Powell and G Watkin

Clerk: Mrs J Murray

15/06/28 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, the first since February and welcomed Councillor Watkin to the committee.

15/06/29 Election of Vice-Chairman

On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Mrs Chapman be elected Vice-Chairman of this Committee.

15/06/30 Apologies for Absence


15/06/31 Declarations of Interest


15/06/32 Minutes

On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 17th February 2015 were approved and signed as the minutes.

15/06/33 Clerk’s report

15/02/22 - The static Vehicle Activated Sign has been erected on Hackthorn Road. A letter confirming that the tactile crossing will be installed on Manor Lane during this financial year has been received from LCC. Portable Speed Indicator – this has now done the rounds at all the locations and a report will be prepared for the next meeting. I have put a brief piece about it in the WN July issue. Footways on Hackthorn Road, one side has now been slurry sealed and the other side will be done later in the financial year.

15/02/27 – The hole on Ryland Road has now been filled in by LCC. Overgrown hedge on Slated Row – I have written to the property owner.

15/06/34 Correspondence

WLDC – Letter re siting of utility equipment on village greens and within other environmentally sensitive areas

Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – Public liability insurance certificate

LCC – confirmation of installation of a tactile crossing on Manor Lane in the next financial year

Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – Transfer of Grounds Maintenance Operations to Glendale

LCC – Verge Mowing by Parishes Safety Code of Practice & confirmation of contribution for 2015/16

e-mail from a resident regarding overhanging trees on Occupation Lane

LCC – response re above e-mail


15/06/35 Financial Matters

Members were provided with a financial report to date.

15/06/36 Highway Matters

·  Slowing down measures before entering the village – write to LCC and see what is allowed with PC funding.

·  Projects for the future – defer to next meeting.

·  Safe crossing on Hackthorn Road – On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to include in the letter to Alan Brown – request a safety refuge between Westhall Road and Northfield Road.

·  On a proposal from Cllr Powell, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to send a request to LCC for grit bins to be installed on School Drive and Occupation Lane.

·  Bollards on the grass verge opposite the entrance to WS&SC - several options have been considered following the site meeting with LCC last year. Delivery vehicles to WS&SC are now 7.5 tonnes so don’t seem to be a problem anymore. The gates have been there for 30+ years and it was agreed not to remove them at a previous meeting. On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that no further action is required as the problem has been resolved by a change of supplier to the WS&SC. A letter will be sent advising of this decision to the resident.

15/06/37 Roads, Verges, Paths and Street Furniture

·  Potholes 3-4” deep at the entrance to Westhall Road and outside property numbers 23 & 25.

·  Footpath outside 5 & 7 Hackthorn Road – top surface has gone, walking on ballast.

·  Sandbags on footway on Northfield Road/Hackthorn Road - request Beal Homes to remove.

·  Dip in the road on William Farr/Allotments bend – report to LCC

·  Sudbeck Lane – dark in winter – new streetlight – request to LCC

·  Beckhall – Ridge & Furrow – where trees have been cut back, lots of nettles and weeds are now growing – this area is included in the Village Maintenance Contract

·  The bad condition of the footways on Hazel Grove and Rivehall Avenue – report to LCC

·  Slated Row hedge – send further reminder