February 1 Look to your future!futureor review the following standardsscience standardsbe inspired by Nick,Amazing

January 31 We have reached the end of the marking period. First block class has produced amazing rollercoasters. 4th block has produced amazing science researched. We have self evaluated ourselves. Now look to the standards of the state of Arizona. Between now and the end of May, review these questions to help prepare yourself for the NJASK8. I know you will be a success in your future! Use the opportunities of science to facilitate your dreams! Good luck and as always do your best!NJASK8 practice

January 30 Be inspired even after class is overhelp others

hopefully you have finished my final! For fun check out the following expectations from the past

Past finalwhat do you think? What should your exam cover today?

January 29 final motion activities this week NJASK 8 science practice questions too!

January 26 enjoy the school activities, PBSIS! Ironically, lots of winners at the 6th and 7th grade level. Which classes took part in this opportunity?

January 25 Be inspired by the following Rube Goldberg simple machine!simple machineIf you don't care for the above find your own. There are plenty out there!

January 23 and 24 We have been celebrating Respect in our school this week! Keep working on your final, your most important grade, due January 30! We are also producing our final project. Block #1 Roller coasters! Block #3 and #4 we took a school field trip to inspire a final project title for you! We also participated in the convocation presentations of G&T, way to go presenters! Use your learning from these events to produce your final presentation!

January 22 Our final will be based on the following 8th grade curriculum, explain or create a simple demonstration, picture, research

To help you connect science standards use the following links to create 2 or 3 models for the following topicsastronomy standardsNGSS


1. Patterns of apparent motion for the sun moon and stars.

2. Earth’s tilted spin

3. Seasons explained

4. Light intensity change over a season

5. Earth’s shape and gravitational pull (you may connect to animal circadian rhythm)

6. Earth’s rotation, revolution and tilt effect

7. Moon phases

8. Constellations

Use this link for the following topicsEarthEarth history

9. Describe inner planets

10. Outer planets

11. Asteroids

12. Comets

13. Moons

14. The Milky Way galaxy

15. Types of galaxies

16. Relative size of space objects, planets, types of suns

17. Apparent and actual size of the solar system

18. Tides

19. Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse

20. The Big Bang theory (not the tv show)

21. Rockets, probes, landers and technology for space exploration

Earth’s Surface and Structures

22. Geological time scale

23. Fossil evidence, index fossils, sedimentary rock type and age of rocks

24. Rocks of New Jersey- strata

25. Plate tectonics, Pangaea, fault lines, Pacific ring of fire

26. Divergent, convergent and transform faults, mountain building, subduction

27. Earth’s interior, convection, layers of the Earth, you may also include atmosphere formation here

28. Chemical change, physical change and even biological change

29. Weathering & Erosion, the break down of rocks into soil formation

30. Planet systems including, ocean current, Carbon dioxide flow, even human impact, light polution

31. Volcanoes

32. Earthquakes, tsunami, land formation change

Human impact

33. Available resources, clean water, pollution, fish stocks, food, habitat for the natural world

34. Renewable and non renewable resources, uneven distribution of natural resources

35. Human population change

36. Weather related storms, blizzard, floods, droughts

37. How technologies (s2) can fix destruction of resources

38. Human activity nuclear power plant

39. Petroleum fields, Woodbridge power center, Chernobyl

Forces, Motion and Energy


40. Newton’s laws of motion

41. Gravity

42. Friction

43. Momentum, inertia, motion

44. Magnetism/electricity

45. Work & simple machines

46. Pressure and fluids

47. Kinetic energy- mass and speed squared

48. Potential energy- law of position

49. Energy transfer, high to low

50. Temperature relative differences

51. Type and source of energy

52. Transfer and conservation of energy

53. Thermal motion

January 20 Thanks Bret for a link to the following amazing paper airplanepaper plane

January 19 Airplane pup n3, why do you think I showed this video today?

As speed increased today what happened to lift? We also included pneumatics. How is a jet engine similar and different from the stomp rocket?Pneumatics.Kindakasr71

January 18 Day two motion! Wow, students creating their own results, let's fly!orpaper flightflightWe will fly based on distance, accuracy and hang time. You are encouraged to make your own planes based on these 3 criteria!

January 17 We created a truck pulling contest to demonstrate momentum and inertia tomorrow how about a paper airplane contestairplane

January 16 we interpreted motion today, demonstration lab tomorrow, followed by Newton’s Laws of Motion. Interpret the next generation science standards for Newton’s laws of motion

January 13 check out this short video for next week!RockorManusPower outage so no homework?

January 12 Afterdemonstarting motion in class today how did inertia and motion of friction affect your moving objects?

January 11 Objects in motion, What type of transportation is important to you?

January 10 Newtons Laws of motion, Imagine eating food in space. How high up and how fast does the international space station exist above the surface of the Earth?ISS

January 9 what about a tiny housetiny houseor check out this robotamazing robotor check out these peoplesamazing people

January 8 we begin future home presentations this week! Take this project seriously it is worth 3 major grades! Home replresentation, Career plan, motivators and most importantly, energy savings devices! As an example how could a pile of wood become something more?table

shipping container homesbox houseor efficient homes, I watched from 2 minutes to 13 minutesamazing home

Jan 4 snow day! Enjoy your time off and help out a neighbor by shoveling! Work on your future dream home, I know the due date was tomorrow but we will give you an extra day or two to finish up. Be prepare on Tuesday. Requirements, are a birds eye view of your home, 10 energy savings devices, location, future career plan, motivators and means of transportation.

Jan 3 Today we take on vehicles of today, compared to the past and hope for the future!student carWatch the follow up video! If cars are not your thing no problem. How would you deal with pests (efficiently)pestWhat if your pest was a 15 foot snake. Some have been known to eat an aligator!python. This is a house built famously in 1935fallingwateror

January 2, 2018 We checked out electrical energy being produced locally. The 5th most efficient electrical generator in the world in Woodbridge, NJWoodbridge energy center

Over the break, work on floorplanner or homestyler! Look up efficiencies during the different seasons. For efficiency check out hereNet zero

December 22 To make your future more efficient bigger is not always better. Save money by saving space, refer to the following videos as inspirationEfficiencythe way the world uses energyenergy

Chernobyl was the location of a nasty nuclear accidentChernobylafterClean up

December 21 clean water act and clean air actClean waterclean air act are designed to help all of us. Beyond laws is the act of giving. If you feel slighted you may want some motivation. Watch thisHopewhat do you think?

December 20 we are designing a future dream home. Along the way utilize technology to improve the efficiency of your future be inspired by these kidsChild inventors. We also are reviewing our electrical grid, including nuclear and our Woodbridge energy center, top 5 in the world.Cpvlook also at the energy grid for our nation. How can we make improvements for your generation?Nuclear electricityI would scroll down to the map and check out the distribution of nuclear power plants.

December 19


1. What are the 4 steps of a 4 stroke Internal combustion engine? 4 points

2. What is the efficiency of a typical automobile driving down the road?What is the efficiency of a bicycle driven down the road? 2 point

3. What is your invention? How do you answer your if...then statement? 5 points

4. List 5 energy efficiencies in your future home. 3 points

5. Explain a plan for career, home or a means of motivation for your future. 2 points

December 18 be amazed by the world we live in, did you know?amazonWould you get paid to do thisclimbhow about a career plan based on opportunitycareer

December 15 Today we began the process of thinking about our future. Animals in the wild are prefectly adapted to their environment. Humans on the other hand can adapt to so many different environment. Create a list of 10 characteristics that describe your abilities. Think about how transportation, resources, time and energy will take place in your forceable future. Image your life at double your age. Where will you live? What will yourprofesion be? What are some of the important parts of your lifestyle? How will you afford your lifestyle? Use these resources to create a tenative plan for your future?CADorfree CAD software

Over the next two weeks try to include, views of your future dream home, costs to college, job oportunities, lifestyle, means of transportation, ammenities, motivators and even an interview with a person in your career choice.

December 14 Watch the last two machines from 5:30 onward, imagine how you will program your machines of the future, just like the coding you did on the S2!programmable robots. We have an alternative form of teaching for youteacherWhat do you think?robot

December 13 Today we are shifting back to the atmosphere. We are using the California wildfires (worst ever) to explain global climate atmospheric patterns. El nino, la nina, storm system development.winds. Looks like a la nina winter! Spin your water bottle tornadoes, slowly, quickly, add pressure to the top, to the bottom. Which form of pressure creates, el nino or la nina?

We have coeded for 2 days, just look at how quickly you picked up these skills. These are drones that sense each other.drones. By the way this was almost 6 years ago. Imagine where the technology will be when you are my age!

December 12 day 2, S2 robots, have a purpose for your S2, include activities in life that you would not want to participate in. For me, no dishes, cleaning toilets, hair cuts! For you list 10 activities that you would want a robot to take care of for you!S2 programming. Be inspired by the mindset of our friend Bill Gatesuse of technologyThe first minute or two is enough!

December 11 Today we built code into our S2 scribbler robots! Today we moved forward, turn lights on an off, tomorrow we will add direction and purpose. Keep on workin on your sciece research! This may help motivate you!science research

December 9-10 Image water loaded with so much methane that it can burnburning waterorriver fire

December 8 Snow tomorrow! It won't be as exciting as thisBuffalo snowUnderstanding the water cycle, hydrospherehydrosphere

December 7 Today lets connect the hydrosphere to the atmosphere through the water cyclewater cycleExplain the steps(from 2 to 3 minutes). How would our water clouds have been different if we blended both hot and cold water(air) togather?

Use your atmosphere drawing to answer the following questions.

1. List the three main cloud types.

2. Which cloud types combine togather, name them.

3. Use alto and nimbus to explain clouds.

4. List the % of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

5. How does the ozone layer protect living creatures?

6. How does the build up of large molecules like carbon dioxide, water, methane affect Earth's climate?

Now how does your chosen animal(biosphere) fit into the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere?

Hydrosphere, yesterday we focused on the atmosphere, have you ever thought about sound in the oceans,bloopyes check out the bloop and other hydrosphere sounds.

December 6 Today we are going to review biosphere and take on the atmosphereatmosphereor

Look at how fast rushing water can take over. Start at 3:30flood

December 5 Today we reviewed series and parallel wiringholiday lights. We also completed a quiz on our last three scientific observations. It is easy to loose motivation this time of year, if this is happening to you, watch thismotivation

December 4 On superhero day who is an inspiring character in your futuresuperman. Today you drew a picture and included 5 means of inspiration gained from your superhero. Your superhero is not limited and may include, family, friends, inspiring people that you may one day want to meet!

Your online quiz is as follows. Answer each of the following questions to the best of your ability. Use a short answer response form. 25 points

1. During the time of Pangaea, describe the continents, give an example of a plant or animal that supports your response, and explain sealevel in Woodbridge, NJ.(5 points)

2. During the Ice Age approximately 20,000 years ago, describe two animals that lived in North America that are no longer with us. Give atleast two reasons why that environment was beneficial for mammals. (4 points)

3. During the Paleozoic Era where in New Jersey is the best evidence for this time? Where did complex life exist? Can you infer what the land might have been like during this time? How about the atmosphere? (3 points)

4. Describe the Precambrian? What life forms dominated? (2 points)

5. The rivers we made in class changed with time, tell how? Include, river bank, deposition, erosion, delta formation, and weathering. (5 points)

6. Include changes in your river, the human influence, hydro-electric generator, bridges, trees, and boats. Tell us what happened? (4 points)

7. Finally, explain any of the recent homework assignments. (2 points)

December 1 Can you believe an earthquake yesterday! 4.1 Richter scale just yesterday!quakeFrom earthquakes to blue whalesblue whales

November 30 Today in class we made a river table. Here is a neat time lapse of how change occurs.river table. We also read non-fiction for meaning, imagining the places that Star Wars was filmed. What unique landscapes do you most appreciate?

Imagine walking along your river and finding this.yellow diamondImagine how a volcano eroded into a river bank, park. If you can challeng yourself imagine how carbon dioxide once on the bottom of the ocean has been swept up along a fault line driven beneath the land, mined as a hydrocarbon (fossil fuel), burned by humans and is now building up in the atmosphere!co2 build up

November 29 When you explain your river system, include weather related climate differences, seasons and try to keep in mind the big picture. This a river changing over timeriver changeor this onepower of water

This video is a great examples of how measurements over time show patterns.carbon dioxidewhat have been the pattern changes in your river system?

November 28 After including P and S waves can you see those seismic patterns in this song. Do you think the Earth's earthquakes create sound?sound

After watching a couple minutes of the following video, why do you think the river otter is so inquisitive?river otterhow about the river beaver?beaver

What causes the beaver to build a dam? What do beaver eat? How could trees be connected to mountains and beaver?

November 27 today we assigned a river project. Pick a region of the country and focus on the same three areas as previous projects. List 5 unique plants and animals of your region. Pick some animals that are less common. For example, Woodbridge is home to the southern flying squirrel (Glaucomysvolans).

Pick some fun activities that you would participate in, if you were visiting your area of research.

Find a map of the watershed for your region, this may be a challenge.

Research unique minerals in this part of the country. The industrialization my give you a focus for this. Fossils in the area also tell an excellent understanding of the past for your area.

List rock types and ages of your area of reasearch. Compare to our map of our state!

Research the history of a city along your river system. This may be very broad or specific.

Finally, how best to travel your river, this is based on slope, location and resources. The lower Mississippi has an enormous carrying capacity yet the flow rates are slow enough that barges pushed by tug boat travel upstream. The headlands of the Gauley River in West Virginia are so fast that an inflatable downstream is the only way to travel.

November 22 Today we created glaciers (continental glaciers) the kind that carved out the Great Lakes, Hudson River (Fjord) and or Central park glacier grooves@!central park glacial groovesRecognizing the animals of the ice age in southern CaliforniaLaBrea Tar Pits discovered thispits of southern California