Hello everyone, hope your summer was filled with wonderful memories! After getting off to a rocky start with the pools, we truly turned them around with the help of our NEW pool company and along with the security were able to a have a fun, safe summer at the pools this year. Thanks to everyone who commented about the new success at the pools and the common areas in general, it truly is an enjoyable atmosphere! (No incidents Thank you, Thank you, Karla)

We are going to share some numbers with you on how much this costs the community and how much the lawn and maintenance costs are. We hope that all of you who still feel that we can do better and are unsure where your monies are going will see how fast our dues go in the summer. Please keep in mind that 53 acres to maintain along with 2 community pools and 853 homes, not people, is an expensive task and remember our trails.

We on the Board are dedicated to ensuring the safety of our community and this has an expense. We also are very aware of the concern the security has on our property values and are hopeful that we can re-instate our crime watch, get more homeowners involved and active and keep the presence of the police to a minimum.

We ask that ALL of you come to the next Annual Meeting on November 26th at 7pm to hear what our plans are for 2008, to hear how we need your help, and how you can get involved! We are looking to add to the Board due to the size of the community and having sub committees for each section. In order to do this, we require an 80% vote to change our by-laws. Please put this date down on your calendar and come and share your thoughts and concerns and GET INVOLVED! We cannot do this successfully without your help and support! Thanks and we will see ALL of you in November.

The Board


September 27,28 & 29thGarage Sale, Thurs, Fri & Sat 8-5

October 6 (12-2)Block Captain Meeting Fire Stat @ 650N

November 26thAnnual Meeting @7-9pm, Fire Department Territory Building, Northfield Drive, between Casey’s Gas Station and Bill Estes Ford Dealership

Website: eaglecrossinghoa.com

Keep in touch with the community and stay informed, the more homeowners we have logged in, the more people we can reach with important news and updates. Go to our webpage: Click in the left green area on registration. You will then come to a page that says Homeowner registration with a graphic that says ‘Join our email list’. Put your email in and it will say Done. If you click on Contact us: you will come to a page with the Affordable HOA on it with Nichole’s address, phone, etc. There is a line that says Click here to access your account. This then takes you to Affordable’s page to sign in their site. Once you have signed in to our registration line-- not Affordable-- we will be able to send email after we get 100 names on it. We will take your name off the list to receive hard copies of information. This will eliminate the need for expenses on postage and save us some monies. Help us save some money by keeping informed via emails and our website! Thanks!

Please NO PARKING!!!!

Please remember that parking on the streetis in violation of our covenants and your vehicle will be towed at your expense. If your vehicle is blocking any school bus the right of passage, the county has the right to tow it “without” any tag! As a homeowner, you have the right to call the sheriff if you see a bus having difficulty passing due to a car(s); please notify them on the non-emergency number 745-6464. This is a true safety hazard for our children and as the days gets shorter & darkness this makes it an even more dangerous problem. PLEASE, keep your vehicles in your driveways.

Where do my dues go to anyway? Well there’s……………………………

Pool Maintenance$21,000. approx.

Pool and Drive Thru Security$40,000.approx.

Street Lights ($2800.monthly)$33,600.approx.

Mowing (to date)$75,000.approx.

We can’t emphasis enough how expensive it is when homeowners choose not to pay their dues and how much of the monies that are collected are going to attorney’s fees and filing fees……PLEASE pay you dues on time. If you have not done so, even if it was in the year(s) past, please contact Affordable HOA to get on a plan to get yourself caught up, we only hurt our neighborhood when you don’t pay. All the amenities we all enjoy and we are sure brought us to this neighborhood, costs money to maintain. Several of you have voiced your concern about the conditions of the grounds and this cost money, when you have SEVERAL homeowners not paying their dues, this puts a strain on the budget and we have to choose what will get done. We want to do everything we can to keep up on all the trails, entrances, pools, safety concerns, etc. and we are trying to get to all of your requests. Again, this cost money! So please pay your dues timely and if you are struggling to get that done, don’t ignore them, contact us so that we can work together!

Did your grass take a beating this summer?

We have arranged from our landscaper some help. He will core aerate and overseed your lawn. Prices will be $55-75 per yard depending on the size of your lotand overseed with a bluegrass/rye mix at $3.00 a pound. He estimates it will take 10-15 lbs per yard. If you would like an estimate please email . A return email will be sent to you. Thanks.

A Note from Dan

Hello to all Eagle Crossing homeowners, I hope everyone will read this information of what the H.O.A. board has been working on to improve our neighborhood and will share your thoughts and concerns with board members and neighbors.

Eagle Crossing Landscaping

  1. This year we have weeded and re-mulched all five playground areas. New volleyball nets have been put up.
  2. All Courts and Round a bouts have been weeded and re-mulched and dead shrubs and trees removed.
  3. Both Pool Houses have been weeded, mulched, and dead plantings removed.
  4. The plugged drain on the Monarch Trail has been replaced and the flooding issue should be resolved. Some of the other drains were unplugged by volunteers last fall and are still clear but may need some maintenance in the future.
  5. The Bridge at Maxine’s Garden was painted by two volunteer homeowners (thanks Kim & friend) and the Landscaper weeded, mulched and pulled dead plantings.
  6. The wood fence at the pumping station (by the BMX area) was vandalized and replaced by the Water Company with a steel green mesh fence. (no cost to us)
  7. Sections of railing along the Monarch Trail have been replaced due to falling limbs off trees.
  8. We continue to spend money for repairs on the steps and railings at the Sledding hill due to vandalism. Several benches along the trails have been destroyed. Please let the Management Company, Sherriff’s Dept., or any board members know if you have any information on this or other acts of vandalism.
  9. Several complaints on trash throughout the neighborhood. Trash is picked up by the Landscaper when they mow, and on Saturdays when they’ve been weeding and mulching. I have seen and thanked many homeowners walking the sidewalks and trails for picking up trash. Please give a frown to anyone littering OUR walkways. Let them know OUR community is not their dumping ground.
  10. Some homeowners have tried to use our trails as dumping grounds for the yard debris and failed plantings. This is not allowed and you can be fined $150. Please help keep our Trails and Common areas a Natural Beauty for future generations.
  11. Dog Poop! Yes I said it, is NOT a natural fertilizer. It is full of bacteria from the meat by-products you feed your faithful friend. The temperature needs to get to over 160 degrees to kill this bacteria…we won’t have any green lawns doing that.
  12. Fences or leashes are required per the covenant for your K-9 pets. There are also leash laws in HendricksCounty that are duly enforced. Please call Animal Control (317) 745-9250,(317) 745-6464(After Hours Emergency) to report any stray animals. I know of at least one homeowner that was levied fines that totaled over $200 by the county on two offences.

Future Landscaping Projects

  1. We hope to fix/repair the Restoration Trail in Tallgrass by year’s end; we will be adding several tons of gravel instead of mulch to keep the trail from washing away. This trail is 1/4 of a mile and may take part of next summer to complete.
  2. Shrubs along CR 1000 and 650 will be relocated to replace dead shrubs at entrances and high profile areas. We are doing this because it is impossible to water along those roads and many of those plantings have died. It will also reduce our mowing costs by eliminating obstacles to go around. This work will be done in fall.
  3. Mulching around trees will be a top priority for next year, and continue to weed and maintain areas that were cleaned up from this year.
  4. We are making plans to improve the 3 acre field between Eastern Range & Split Rock. We have been spraying this area for weeds but some areas need to be re-graded and seeded to make this area more suitable for play.
  5. Several Trees throughout the forest areas need to be cut up that have fallen across several trails and paths. They could be a hazard if left alone; we plan to take the cut logs to Kids Kamp for firewood at the bonfire pit.
  6. We are looking for ideas/volunteers to design a BMX bike course.
  7. Exercise equipment along the Monarch Trail is seldom used, and some of the equipment is being vandalized. We are looking at relocating some of it to the larger playground areas.
  8. The entrances at Noble Drive and Big Stone will be lowered to match the road grade of the widening of 56th street, we have no timetable on when this will happen but those entrances will probably be closed during the construction.

Reminder of Dues Process

We would like to refresh everyone on the procedure for the payment of your HOA dues. The Management Company will mail out your statement in December. If any fees are left from prior years they will show on yourstatement (this does not include any lawyer fees). You have the option of paying ½ by January 1 with the other ½ becoming due July 1 or you may pay it in its entirety. Dues become delinquent on the 15th of the month following the due date. If you do not pay the first half in January then the entire bill becomes due and you are charged a $50 delinquent fee. After Feb 15 and July 15 your account goes to the lawyer.Understand that once the lawyer gets involved, the amount is substantially increased and with every payment you make, the lawyer takes his cut first, then if enough has been paid, we get the remainder. Please save yourself some money and pay on time.If you cannot pay $200 then pay monthly but talk with Nichole first. We do not know whatour dues will be for 2008untilwe finish the budget.

Remember: Be Safe and watch out for your neighbor. We truly want this to be a place you want to come home to.


Anyone wanting to run for a position on the board should let Affordable Management know, so their name can be put on the ballot before the Annual Meeting.