MONDAY 12thDecember

7.00pmAlpha at ‘The Vestry’

TUESDAY 13thDecember

10.00amToddler Group

WEDNESDAY 14thDecember

10.00amMidweek Prayers





THURSDAY 15thDecember

2.00pmArt Group


8.00pmSinging Fellowship

FRIDAY 16thDecember

10.00amToddler Group



7.00pmRangers (fortnightly, check dates)

SATURDAY 17thDecember

9.30amJunior Belletones

SUNDAY 18thDecember

10.30amRevd David Hookins (All Age Worship)

6.00pmRevd David Hookins (Carol Service)


Sunday, 11thDecember 2016

Welcome to worship

Prayer for 10 minutes, 10.15 - 10.25am in Room 1, to pray for those taking part in the service. Do come and join us when you can.

Large print hymn books and sheets are available.

Loop system for those with hearing aids.

Small children are welcome to join our supervised crèche in Room 1. Toys are available in the welcome area for parents who wish to play with their children whilst listening to the service.

The candle prior to worship is a sign that we should keep

a prayerful silence.

After morning service, please join us for refreshments in the Hall and visit the Fairtrade stall. The ‘Good News Book’is available for use.

Vera Parker’s funeral will be at Amesbury Methodist Church at 1.30pm on Monday, 12th December. We are invited to use the town centre car parks in Amesbury as parking at the church will be difficult.

Christmas Greetings Board to the Church Family

The board is now available in the Welcome area. This year we are supporting the mental health charity MIND.

Please use a SMALL card or one of the shapes provided. Collection boxes will be provided and it is possible to GIFT AID your donation. Please use one of the envelopes provided, making sure you fill in all the details requested on the envelope. Many thanks.

Mission Committee.

Today there will be a retiring collection for the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Donations will go to "All We Can" (previously called Methodist Relief and Development Fund). All We Can is working with local partners to provide support for refugees. Gift Aid envelopes are available.

Today, 12-2.30pm – Carol Singing at Waitrose

Come and join the carol singers after the service as we spread Christmas cheer among the shoppers at Waitrose, ably accompanied by the Belletones. We will be singing in aid of Action for Children.

Friday, 16th December, 7pm – Carol Service Choir Practice

All singers welcome.

Sunday, 18th December, 6pm – The Carol Service

As is our usual custom, we serve tea / coffee and mince pies after the service. Donations of mince pies will be gratefully received. Please bring them to church on the Sunday morning and leave them in the kitchen.

Thank You. Sue Gilbert Church Life Team Leader

Saturday, 14th January, 3pm – Concert in aid of Street Pastors by Second Wind band

Tickets available from coffee shop welcoming area. Price Adults £4, Child £1.50 & 2 adults 2 children £4.50. Tickets also available from Gwen Leslie.

SMc Reading Group

Over a period, we shall read the study "Something more – encountering the beyond in the everyday" by John Pritchard,

former Bishop of Oxford. We meet again on Wednesday, 14thJanuary at 3pm at 2 Hazelmere House, Harnham. Others are welcome to join us. So I hope there is ample time to buy a copy and get reading over the Christmas/New Year period.

Barbara Hickman


The date of the 2017 Christian Aid Quiz is Friday, 27thJanuary 27at St Mark's Church. There is an opportunity to make up a team of six. SMcare the current champions!




07956 100936

Church Office Mon to Fri, 9.30am-Noon


01722 322755