Promoting Safety For Families with Dogs.

Family Paws Parent Education common Q & A’s

What are the Family Paws Parent Education programs (FPPE)

Currently we offer two International programs: Dogs & Storks® and the Dog and Baby Connection. Dogs & Storks® is for families prior to the arrival of a baby. The Dog and Baby Connection is for families with babies 3 months to 3 years of age.

Is Dogs & Storks® a “baby proofing” program?

No, unlike baby proofing objects such as cabinets and doors, dog’s are living creatures and therefore will behave and respond as dogs. We provide expecting families with education about dog behavior and body language so that they can safely include them in daily baby routines with proper expectations and boundaries. We believe the only “baby proofed” dog is a stuffed one.

What are the most frequently asked questions by families?

1.  Will our dog be jealous?

2.  How do we introduce our dog to our new baby?

3.  What if our dog growls at the baby?

4.  Should we carry a doll? Listen to baby sounds? Bring home a blanket?

5.  What if our dog does not like the baby?

Is it safe to have multiple dogs in a home with a newborn?

Yes, with proper expectations, boundary setting and management many families enjoy the company of multiple dogs while raising children.

Are there specific breeds you do not recommend for families with babies?

No, our program focuses on the individual dog’s behaviors not a generalized approach about breed. Dogs that have been well socialized and live inside with their family make great companions for both parent and baby as they grow.

Why did you create Dogs & Storks® in 2002?

As an active volunteer and past president of German Shepherd rescue I saw first hand how many dogs are abandoned once a family is expecting. As the Mother four children and a certified dog behavior consultant, I found it frustrating and believed that with more resources available families could make more informed choices about their companions. We do our best to offer cost effective resources for families throughout the United States and Canada.

What formats do the FPPE program come in?

DVD, with video footage of a Dogs & Storks® consultation ( for sale)

Workshops in various location in the US, Canada, Australia, Austria and Hong Kong.

Online free resources via blog, webinars and podcasts

How does someone become a part of the FPPE presenter network?

In order to be considered an applicant must have a solid knowledge base in dog behavior and training. Presenters have years of hands on experience and have a strong affiliation with reputable dog related organizations. We screen our presenters carefully taking into consideration our goals and commitment to families and positive training techniques.

Why Choose FPPE?

Ongoing support, mentoring and education. Many dog professionals do not have children and are looking for more education to better support their clients needs. We require this additional education and offer ongoing topics related to this niche.

We are always updating our material and offer support to all presenters with consultations and marketing. We believe that by establishing a recognized program we can make a greater impact in the lives of dogs and babies through positive, practical and affordable resources.

Brief bio:

Jennifer Shryock is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) through International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants ( and a Professional Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers ( as well as the Pet Professional Guild (

Jennifer has a B.A. in Special Education, Kutztown University. In 2002, Ms. Shryock began her own dog behavior business, Family Paws LLC - Cary NC, working with families and dogs. Ms. Shryock has over twenty years of experience working hands-on with families in a variety of environments. Active in dog safety, Ms Shryock is also Vice President, Doggone Safe, US. Doggone Safe is dedicated to dog safety and victim support. Ms. Shryock also works with Karen Delise (author, The Pit Bull Placebo) for the National Canine Research Council. A welcomed speaker within her own field and beyond, Ms Shryock has presented at numerous conferences for example, North Carolina’s Safe Kids Coalition Annual Conference, Pet Sitter International’s Annual Conference as well as DONA International’s Annual Conference.

The Shryock family consists of 4 children ages 2 ½, 11, 15 and 16. Their four legged family members are Windsor a rescued Pit Bull, Bailey, rescued Siberian Husky, Duke a rescued German Shepherd and Quentin a 9 month old German Shepherd Puppy…oh and 3 feline rulers of the house.

Who do we contact for more information about FPPE?

Jennifer Shryock B.A. CDBC


Jennifer Shryock B.A. CDBC 919.961.1608