Life without Parole

Author: Rick Fleck

© 2008 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 6.8 / Points 26

Word Count: 78,821

257 pages

1. Rick’s family put him in _____most of the time. (Page 11)

a. Adventist School / b. military school
c. Public School / d. reform school

2. Rick successfully sold _____ as marijuana. (Page 15, 16)

a. celery / b. filigree / c. marigolds / d. parsley

3. A _____ is someone who talked people into buying stuff at fairs. (Page 20)

a. circuit rider / b. chamois / c. gullible gageteer / d. pitchman

4. Opening Pandora’s Box refers to _____. (Page 26)

a. beginning a great adventure
b. starting a major business venture
c. starting trouble that can’t be stopped
d. wanting to please your friends

5. Rick was introduced to drug using by _____. (Page 25)

a. another pitchman Tony / b. his brother Sam
c. his partner Luke / d. a teacher, Mr. Stone

6. Junkies are not well-liked by most _____. (Page 30)

a. athletes / b. movie people
c. pitchmen / d. none of these

7. Rick’s rehab went out the window when he got involved with _____ again. (Page 55)

a. city lights, a limo, and women
b. making money and going to fancy restaurants
c. alcohol
d. all of these

8. Misty didn’t like Mario because he was part of _____. (Page 78)

a. the Mexican Mafia / b. carnival pitchmen
c. the Adventist church / d. none of these

9. After Misty left, Rick got involved with _____. (Page 86)

a. alcoholic anonymous / b. black magic
c. Curious George / d. none of these

10. Although Rick had not killed the men he had _____. (Page 96)

a. told Clavo they had stolen his money
b. driven the car they used
c. been dealing in drugs
d. all of these

11. Rick blamed his school for not teaching him about the importance of_____. (Page 110)

a. God’s law / b. knowing God
c. healthy living / d. reading the Bible

12. Rick began to study the Bible to prove that _____. (Page 110, 111)

a. Adventists were wrong
b. the 7th day is the Sabbath
c. God is a myth
d. all of these

13. Rick’s Bunkie wanted Rick to hide the Bunkie’s _____. (Page 132)

a. Bible / b. drugs / c. knife / d. pictures

14. Rick did not get paroled from his time for selling drugs because they found out he _____. (Page 144)

a. claimed to be a Christian
b. got involved in a fight
c. had lied about his education
d. was involved in a murder

15. Rick washed his own jumpsuit so he could _____. (Page 154)

a. get out of his cell / b. keep it
c. talk to the guards / d. none of these

16. Rick was very surprised when _____. (Page 161,164,165)

a. Clavo became a Christian
b. Clavo was offered a 10 year deal
c. he was declared guilty
d. all of these

17. Rick’s sign that he believes God is going to get him out of jail was that _____. (Page 169)

a. he get a good lawyer paid in full
b. he be transferred to a new jail
c. he be given a job in the prison library
d. none of these

18. Rick liked being a barber because it gave him a chance to _____. (Page 189)

a. acquire snacks and shirts
b. hear the latest news
c. talk about God
d. none of these

19. The most deadly force in prison is _____. (Page 220)

a. drug induced anger / b. racism
c. religious wars / d. sexual depravity

20. Salty and Rick were punished because they had _____. (Page 225, 226)

a. a prayer meeting without permission
b. slandered the guards
c. thrown food
d. none of these
Correct answers: / 1-a 2-d 3-d 4-c 5-a 6-c 7-d 8-a 9-b 10-d
11-d 12-a 13-b 14-d 15-b 16-d 17-a 18-c 19-b 20-d