Disease Name Description

Acute sub-cellular degradation A terminal disease, very similar to the early stages of the phage. It can be cured using Borg regeneration techniques. In 2376 Voyager's EMH cured Dr. Lewis Zimmerman of acute sub-cellular degradation

Anaprolean fever Illness which affected Xindi primates. It could cause a pregnant female to lose her child

Anchilles Fever Disease which spreads rapidly and is often fatal. Styris IV was hit by the fever in 2364.

Andronesian Encephalitis A disease transmitted by airborne particles. An Enterprise-D crewmember was treated for this disease in 2365. Symptoms include seizures.

Arethian Flu Disease which infected Voyager's Lieutenant Hargrave

Atherosclerosis Condition in some Humanoid species which causes a hardening of the arteries and a deposit of fat on the arterial walls

Balt'masor Syndrome A disease which Klingons suffer from. Treatment involves regular injections

Bendii Syndrome Illness which sometimes affects Vulcans over the age of 200. It causes a total loss of emotional control, which can be telepathically projected onto others

Clarke's disease Debilitating illness suffered by Humans in the mid 22nd century. Clarke's disease is extremely painful, and usually terminal. There was no cure, though genetic engineering could probably have eliminated the disease

Common Cold Earth disease which was notoriously difficult to cure. It was finally defeated prior to 2364

Cytotoxic Shock Prostration of bodily function, caused by high levels of cytotoxins. It can be treated by inaprovaline

Dorek Syndrome A rare and incurable disease which affects 1 in 5 million Ferengi. Quark was once told he had Dorek Syndrome, but this was a lie

Fluvian fungus Illness which doctors could easily treat as of 2152

Hemocythemia Condition in which intracellular pressure is unstable. This condition is also called Hemocythemic imbalance. It is treated with osmotic pressure therapy

Hesperan Thumping Cough A flu-like infection

Iresine Syndrome A rare neurological disease which results in a peculiar electropathic signature in the thalamus and a severely decreased histamine count

Irumodic Syndrome Disorder which results in progressive degeneration of the synaptic pathways. It can be treated with peridaxon, though this is only palliative and no cure exists

Iverson's Syndrome Disease which causes fatal degeneration in muscle function while leaving mental functions intact. There is no known cure

Kalla-Nohra Syndrome Pulmonary disease found only in those who survived the mining accident at Gallitep

Kamaraazite flu A patient with this disease once sneezed so violently he nearly regurgitated his pineal gland

Larosian virus A Larosian virus went around Deep Space Nine in 2369, and was considered by Bashir as a possible reason for Jadzia's strange behavior

Levodian Flu Disease which normally lasts for 29 hours. Symptoms are similar to Earth flu.

Memory Virus Organism which thrives on peptides generated by a hosts brain. It avoids the bodies immune systems by disguising itself as an engram

Mendakan Pox Disease characterized by skin mottling. Harry Kim suffered from it in 2368

Neural Metaphasic Shock A failure of the neurological system in Humanoids. Potentially fatal

Neuroleptic Shock A neurological disturbance in which cortical functions of the brain's synaptic pathways are disrupted. This can result in a state similar to coma without the usual biochemical markers

Orkett's Disease Viral sickness which swept through the Bajoran work camps during the Cardassian occupation, killing thousands of children

Pa'nar syndrome Vulcan disease spread through mind melds. It was very similar to thymic sclerosis, causing degradation of the synaptic pathways and affected the endocrine and immune systems. It was officially believed to be incurable in 2152, but in fact this was a lie propagated by the High Command. A Vulcan properly trained in mind melds can cure Pa'nar with a meld

Phage (Vidiian) Disease which consumes the body, requiring replacement of major portions from other sources. The initial stage of the infection causes intense pain. The Phage was eventually cured by the Think Tank

Phyrox Plague The population of Cor Caroli V suffered an outbreak of this disease in 2366. It was contained with the help of the Enterprise-D. Starfleet Command classified the outbreak as secret

Plasma Plague Virtually indestructible and highly dangerous set of diseases. Plasma plague threatened the Rachelis system in 2365

Pottrik's Syndrome Disease which afflicts Cardassians. Very similar to Kalla-Nohra syndrome

PSI-2000 Virus Long chain of water molecules formed under variable gravity conditions, which acts on the body like alcohol

Rigelian Fever Deadly disease similar to bubonic plague. Rigelian fever can be cured by Ryetalyn

Rigelian Kassaba Fever A disease. Doctor McCoy once claimed that Spock suffered from Rigelian Kassaba Fever as a ruse to regain control of the Enterprise from the Kelvans

Rop'ngor A disease which affects Klingon children. It is somewhat similar to measles

Rudellian Brain Fever Illness which Miles O'Brien suspected his wife of suffering from

Rudellian Plague Disease which the Cardassian colony on Pentath III suffered from in 2372

Rugalan Fever Deadly disease which Audrid Dax's daughter Neema once suffered from

Rushton Infection Rushton Infection killed Jeremy Astor's father in 2371

Sakuro's Disease Rare disease which can cause an intense fever, weakness, and even death. Federation Commissioner Hedford died of Sakuro's Disease in 2267

Symbalene Blood Burn Virulent disease which is capable of killing an entire planetary population in short order

Synthococcus Novae Dangerous organism, a byproduct of modern technology. Doctor Sevrin was a carrier of the disease, although immune to it himself

Telurian plague Disease which was still incurable in the 2360s

Temecklian Virus Virus which broke out on Bajor in 2372

Teplan Blight Viral disease which was endemic to a planet in the Teplan system, located in the Gamma Quadrant. It was introduced in 2371 by the Jem'Hadar as punishment for the planet having resisted Dominion control

Terellian Death Syndrome Disease which causes dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, and a stinging in the lower spine. It causes cellular decay which can be reversed if caught early enough

Terrellian Plague A dangerous disease. When infected, the first symptom is a headache, but then various nasty effects begin to appear

Thelusian Flu A harmless rhinovirus. The first officer of the USS Lantree was treated for this disease prior to the ships visit to Gagarin IV

Thymic sclerosis A nonfatal Denobulan illness whose pathology is quite similar to Vulcan Pa'nar syndrome

Torothka Virus Disease whose symptoms include stomach cramps and a skin rash

Tuvan Syndrome A disease which affects both Romulans and Vulcans

Uridian Flu Disease which Barclay suffered from. Dr. Crusher treated it with a synthetic T-cell

Vegan Choriomeningitis Rare and deadly disease which almost killed James Kirk in his youth. The rulers of the planet Gideon extracted the dormant disease from Kirk's blood to infect their own people and cure the planet's massive overpopulation problem

Xenopolycythemia Disease characterized by an abnormal proliferation of red blood cells. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, enlarged spleen, and pain in the extremities

Yarmin Fel Syndrome Disease treated by the use of Hexadrin. It affects Cardassians, and can be terminal. Sufferers experience great pain

Zanthi Fever Virus which affects the empathic abilities of Betazoids. Sufferers project their emotions onto others

Zenopaldis Athemia A highly contagious disease. Symptoms include fever and dizziness. It is possible that this illness was invented by Phlox as an excuse to talk to Archer