The Aylesbury Partnership G85012

Aylesbury Partnership Patient Participation Group

Minutes of meeting

28th September 2015 - 4.00-17.30pm

Present: Alison Pisani, Carol Vincent, Acting Chair (until 17.10 – prior appointment), Mike Atterbury, (Minutes), Charles Cherrill, Josie Cherrill, Francesca Foster (QHS), Peter Pyle, Gus Norville.

Apologies: Abi Puddicombe ( Chair).

Welcome and Introductions. Carol welcomed all to the meeting and introductions were made.

1)  Minutes of last meeting: The minutes from the June 23rd meeting were agreed. Alison raised a spelling error, namely from EMOS to EMIS.

2)  Flu Campaign . Alison re-iterated that the uptake last year was below the figures needed for a full payment from the NHS and lack of funds could cause funding problems for the Aylesbury Practice in terms of number of Doctors funded and services available could be cut, therefore she asked for ideas to stimulate interest in the 2015 ‘Flu Campaign. Because the wrong vaccine was predicted last year, there may well be an epidemic this coming winter, and those vulnerable, particularly the elderly and children, should be immunised as soon as the programme begins , (w/c 5/10/15), because any delay could mean infection before the jab takes effect and also infection of family members who could catch it from others, sometimes fatally. She reassured those present that the jab itself DOES NOT cause the patient to suffer flu and asked for volunteers to speak to patients in the surgeries to try to encourage uptake. MA and CV offered to do this.

3)  Open Afternoon. This will take place on Monday 2nd November. Alison will try to get a Healthy Eating speaker along as well as speakers from other agencies such as Southwark Carers and Age UK. Alison asked for pointers on how we could get more people to come along to PRG meetings and special events, and MA suggested using the SMS service which is utilised to send patients reminders of appointments.

4)  The Aylesbury Regeneration – This has now been funded and work should start at the end of the year. CC asked if the current Aylesbury Clinic would be open right up until the new building was ready, and Alison confirmed it would. As a tenant on the Aylesbury Estate, CV warned that so far, nothing has gone to schedule. CV said that some buildings already emptied ready for demolition are now being used as tempary housing for Asylum seekers. CC said he was worried the patient list would get overloaded, but AP told the meeting that many people have dropped off the list as they have moved to other areas of London and the UK, so are no longer in the catchment area. Therefore, total patient numbers remain constant. Gus stated that he is attending an Aylesbury Refurbishment meeting on 12th October, at which he will make sure the requirements for integrated NHS services are raised.

5)  Update from Quay Healthcare Service rep (Francesca) and PPG Rep (Gus).

Francesca told the meeting that a 6 week consultation on IT systems for the new Quay Healthcare Service is taking place and asked if anyone would like to get involved. MA said he would and passed on his contact details.

(Note for Minutes: Carol left the meeting at 17.10, but before doing so had given a list of the health related meetings she would be attending over the next few weeks).

Gus distributed handouts from recent South East London Healthcare meetings and explained them to the meeting in brief. He talked about the idea of co-ordinators to ensure the patient was ‘pointed in the right direction’ to get them the best treatment for their condition. MA asked what qualifications these co-ordinators would have, (Medical? Administrative?) and Gus said that at this time it had not been decided. He said that several meetings are coming up at which patients can influence things by their involvement.

7. Closure of meeting

Alison thanked Gus and Francesca and all those present for their attendance and contributions, and the meeting closed at 17.25.

Date of next meetings

Open Afternoon Monday 2nd November 2015


Mon 14/12/15 3 – 4.30

Mon 08/02/16 3- 4.30

Tues 15/03/16 6.30 – 8