What Works

Notes from What Works @ your library workshops

Day In Day Out seminar 29 June 2004-07-02

What Works?

Something For Everyone program for Library Week 2004 (Bayside Library Service):

§  Paid full colour wraparound for local newspaper to advertise program of events

§  Dog trainer-most popular event

§  AFL footballer also popular

§  Reading chair with books & coffee

§  Program attracted extra visits to libraries

Blackburn Talks: Blackburn Library hold popular talks and demonstrations while branch is closed on Mondays such as Bonsai, Scrapbooking, Feng Shui. $2.50 charge to cover catering. The talks usually attract 30 local residents and businesses, but must be organised well in advance.

Jobs @ your library (Monash Public Library Service)- booked out session for Your Future campaign

Collection displays: Finance, and Finance for Women, Treasures from the Bottom Shelf

Travelling Treasures: exhibition of State Library of Victoria material

Early Music in the Round (Bayside Library Service)

§  Early Music Guild performs in costume every Sunday afternoon

§  Attracts 80-100 people

§  Advertised by banner and in local paper

Travel related events such as:

§  Caravanning- popular afternoon talk aimed at retirees

§  How to Book

§  Going Overseas for the First Time (with Lonely Planet)

Stargazing- popular all-ages event during summer

Joint events and other relationship marketing with:

§  Multicultural organisations and Migrant Resource Centres, to promote LOTE collections

§  Neighborhood Community Houses

§  Local arts centres/ galleries

§  Local woodworkers (DIY collection)

§  Local nurseries/florists (Gardening collection)

§  Local wine shops (wine & cheese night)

§  Local bookshops- to sell books at literary events

§  Probus clubs

Seniors Computer Club (Bayside Library Service)

§  Grandparents & email sessions

§  Twice weekly training sessions

§  Small fee

§  Training is run by peers

Valentine’s Day competition

§  Books wrapped and ribboned

§  “Take home a blind date” or a “perfect partner”

§  Some barcodes selected to win prizes of chocolates, wine, or flowers

Author Dinner at the Pub (Inverloch Library)- attracted large ‘Grey’ crowd

Made in Moreland (Moreland Council promotion)

Sticker added to CDs, art, books, clothes, etc to promote local businesses and artists

Other ideas:

§  Book launches by local authors, particularly evening events

§  Banners used both externally and internally. e.g. Greater Dandenong uses double sided banner “Live learn discover”. Councils may be able to assist with funding.

§  Door prizes

§  Making use of hidden staff talents!

§  Using the P.A. system to promote events, especially holiday programs

§  Taking part in community festivals, literary festivals, and other external events

For Youth:

Trivia Night (Eastern Regional Libraries)

§  Attracted 35 kids aged 13 to 16

§  7-9pm, offered mocktails and pizza, prizes such as magazines, questions written by staff

Rhyme Time (Bayside Library Service)

Very popular storytime for <18 months, promoted through maternal & child health centres

Events targeting boys and girls separately (Moreland Libraries), such as:

§  Visits by footballers

§  Music and dancing in Youth Space in conjunction with local schools

§  BrowsA and LARFF teen bookclubs offering free pizza, coke and print credits

Artwork display area (Mildura Library)

§  Joint project with Youth Centre to produce and display 6-8 large artworks by young people

§  Teens learned about digital art programs, Internet, and running a project

§  Also invited local schools to create canvas mural to decorate blank wall

Homework Help (Yarra Melbourne, Greater Dandenong’s Latchkey program, Monash)

Use volunteer tutors & aim at different age groups

Workshops on:

§  Manga art

§  Guitar

§  Writing Rap

§  Keys Please (learning to drive, with VicRoads)

§  Spoken word (eg Express Media and Going Down Swinging poets)

Bean bags in teen areas

Evening storytimes

What hasn’t worked?

Men’s health

Some teen music events

Launch of graphic novel collection

Read Rap (Moreland Libraries)- for primary school children

Diet & exercise for teenagers

School bands, even with pizza and new CDs on offer!

Bad parking arrangements

Too many signs


Local radio is usually very supportive

Journalists and photographers come sometimes but not always

Can build up to regular column in local paper, eg ‘Bookmarks’ in Hamilton paper

Submit regular columns to Council newsletters