Northern Highlands Regional High School

United States History II

Mrs. Ajalat and Mr. Broking

Voice Mail Extension: Mrs. Ajalat 357, Mr. Broking 404

Class Website: Click on Ajalat in the “Faculty/Homework” section on School Wires

Course Description

Students will explore the history of the United States from the Progressive Era through today. The course will cover the major individuals, events, and trends that have shaped the history of our country. In addition students will develop skills of historical research, document analysis, use of technology, essay writing, and oral presentation.

Grading Policy

Every assignment during the year is worth a certain number of points. Your grade is calculated by dividing the number of points you earned by the total number of points it was possible to earn during the semester.

·  Tests, Papers, Projects, Quizzes - There will be several tests/major assessments per semester. There will also be regular short writing assignments and quizzes (both announced and unannounced). All of these assessments will have different point values to reflect their relative significance.

·  Homework, Formal Class Work & Current Events (see below).

Homework, Formal Class Work & Current Events

·  These assignments will receive a numeric grade. The grade you receive is based on the quality of the work. Poorly completed assignments will significantly lower your grade.

·  Assignments are to be submitted the day they are due and when I ask for it (not in the middle or end of class).

·  Late homework assignments will NOT be accepted

·  Neatness counts!

Essays & Papers

All assigned essays and papers should adhere to this format:

·  Double-spaced

·  12-pt. font

·  Times New Roman

·  1-inch margins

If an essay/paper is late, points will be deducted for each day it is late. This will be discussed further with the specific assignments.


·  Arrive at class on time. There will be consequences for being late.

·  You are responsible for everything discussed in class or in the readings. If you are absent, then you must get notes and/or assignments from a classmate, check the class website and see me. You will have as many days as you were absent to make up any missed assignments. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY TO GET ALL WORK AND NOTES

·  If you are absent on the day of a test or an announced quiz, you are expected to take it the next class session.

·  If you will be absent on a field trip you are still responsible for turning in all work on time.


·  You are required to bring the following to every class:

1.  A 3-ring binder with paper for notes

2.  Pen/pencil

·  You are expected to participate thoughtfully in class discussions.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Don’t do it. The penalties are severe. Please read the school policy on academic integrity.

Extra Help

I will be available for extra help before or after school. Please let me know beforehand that you would like to meet.

***Class Rules and Procedures***

1.  Be on time for class. When the bell rings you should be in your assigned seat and ready to get started.

2.  Come to class prepared. Students will not be permitted to go to his/her locker for materials. As stated above, late homework assignments will not be accepted.

3.  Attend to personal needs before coming to class. Passes will only be given for emergencies.

4.  No calling out. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. When one person is talking, no one else should be.

5.  Respect all members of the class and the teacher.

6.  Use appropriate and respectful language. No profane, racist, sexist, or otherwise inappropriate comments.

7.  No food or drinks (except water) in the classroom.

8.  Keep a grade log.

9.  The bell does not dismiss the class. Wait to be dismissed by the teacher.

10.  Participate in class and work hard… ask questions!

By completing the assignments and thoughtfully participating in class you will learn much more this year and I guarantee you will have more fun!

Information on Films: The following rated R films may be shown throughout the year. An alternative assignment will be offered to those who object to viewing the film/scene from the movie: Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, United 93, Schindler’s List, Pacific