Minutes of the Bowdon Croquet Club Committee Meeting

Monday 08 December 2014

The Secretary assumed the Chair prior to the election of Lorna Frost as Chairman (David Walters vice-chairman) following which the meeting proceeded.

1.  Attendance

Ken Cooper; Lorna Frost (chair); Charles Harding; Barry Keen; Barry McKenzie; Kay Martin (minutes); Alan Mayne; Steve Reynolds; John Saxby; David Walters.

2. Apologies for Absence

Colin Irwin; Carole Kelsall.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting


4. Matters Arising

AM expressed disappointment regarding the introduction of the 30pence charge, implemented following the last meeting, giving notice that he intended to raise the matter under AOB - proposing revocation which he will support with the financial cost for the club.

5. Secretary’s Report

·  Associated with the above JS had received emails on behalf of the Canasta players complaining about the lack of warning and consultation – he has arranged to attend and speak with them tomorrow.(Further discussion in AOB).

·  Jo Pierpoint has already paid for her husband, Sidney to become a non-playing member – she has now submitted an application form.

·  AGM minutes checked prior to being placed on the notice board and website – two minor changes and to be headed “Draft subject to approval at the next AGM”.

The following sub-committees and club representatives were agreed:-

·  Bar- JS, CH and Frank Moir.

·  CA Tournament Secretary – Ian Lines.

·  Catering Officer – CK.

·  Club Coach – KC.

·  Club Competitions – SR and BK.

·  Equipment – CI.

·  Handbook Editor – Christine Irwin.

·  Handicap – CI, KC, BK and DW.

·  House – BK and SR.

·  Membership – Christine Irwin.

·  Publicity – CH.

·  Recruitment – CH.

·  Social – KM and LF.

·  Tournament – ex officio: – croquet secretary; Ground Manager; equipment Manager and catering officer.

·  Trafford Sport’s Council – JS.

·  Web Masters – KC and John Wastell.

·  Safeguarding – Carol Steinberg.

6. Treasurer’s Report

BMcK informed the meeting that subs of £7,872 had already been received. He will be sending out notice to the rest for payment due at the beginning of January. The Raffle prior to the Annual Dinner raised £274. Printing and Stationary cost £350 which included £266 for printing Clang. Mike Steer had provided costs for equipment to produce Clang ourselves. Some discussion followed but any decision deferred as the Spring edition would be limited in size (A4 and posting cost) as had to be posted along with the AGM minutes, President’s Address and Competition Entry forms.

The Audit fee of £120 had been paid under miscellaneous. BMcK advised the committee that, following the AGM, DW had queried whether the term “audit” was correct. In fact there had not been an audit for at least 10 years as this was not a legal requirement for clubs and would be many times more costly than the “independent financial examination” which was conducted by Michelle Miller. Agreed that the situation could be regularized by an amendment to the rules – “Audit be replaced by Independent Examination of the Accounts”. Proposed by AM; seconded by SR.

7. Croquet Secretary’s Report

Dates for the Calendar

·  Taster Days/ Beginner’s Course dates – Course Thursday 7th May for 6 weeks. Taster Days in late April (dates at next meeting).

·  BBQ on 18th June.

·  The Bowdon qualifier for the National One Ball Championship will be held on Wednesday 25th March.

·  The summer Wednesday Competition will commence on 1st April.

·  Hot Pot Supper on Saturday 11th April (to be no Saturday tea on this day).

·  The Trefoil Guild to visit on 05th May from 6pm.

NWF Leagues

·  The result of the NW Federation vote regarding bonus points in the Advanced League was 5 to 4 in favour of retaining them. Following consultation with the relevant players we will continue playing in this League for one more year.

·  NWF Leagues to be entered as last year with the change from a Golf Handicap Team being replaced with 2 teams in the Level Play League.

·  The following Team Captains were confirmed:-

Advanced League A – KC

Advanced League B – CH

Handicap League – St Mary’s – AM; Firs – SR

Short League – John Howarth

Mid-week League – Griffins – JS; Earls – BMcK

Level Play Golf League – Bandits – AM; Sinners – Ros Pimlott.

C. A. Events

·  It was decided not to bid for any CA events for 2017. Agreed to investigate the possibility of holding the Solomon Trophy in the future.

·  KC has sent fixture book changes in to the CA.

·  DW has asked Adam Swinton if he wishes to be put forward for the Development Squad and is awaiting his reply.

CA National Knockout Captains –

·  Inter club Advanced Play – CI

·  Inter Club Golf – AM

·  Mary Rose – CH

·  Longman Cup – BK

·  Secretary’s Shield – BK

NWF Committee

·  Gary Wilson of Pendle is the new chairman replacing Liz Wilson.

·  Chris Slater of Chester is the new Auditor replacing Peter Wilson.

Internal Competitions

Changes are being made to the Internal Competitions for the coming season, mainly to ease congestion on the lawns in the early part of the season also to generally improve the playing experience. Areview of the effect of the changes will be undertaken at the end of the season to see whether they have had the desired effect and/or whether other changes are required.

1. Silver Box to become a single life competition, with all 1st round losers being entered into a Plate competition.

Entrants to the All-England Handicap competition for the subsequent seasonwill be selected from the Silver Box entrants, and for the Millennium Handicap Competitionfrom those in the Plate.

2. 14pt Handicap to become a single life competition (with no associated 'losers' comp).

3. In all comps where there is an option to play best of 3, the default will be a single game, unless both players want to play best of 3.

4. E Class to become an 18pt competition, going to peg after 2back - both players to have 10 bisques.

5. Doubles. Players will nominate their partner on the entry form, or ask SR to 'find them a partner'.

6. Golf.Waiting the finalisation of handicapping from the CA.'

8. Ground Manager’s Report

The lawns have been verti-drained and are in very good condition for the time of the year. Work has commenced on providing a storage facility in the rear of the hut on lawn three. The self seeded sycamores have been cut down again. AM raised the possibility of moving the cycle rack and after discussion, he is to investigate what is required by members who cycle. JS requested that the Fir’s hedge be made the same height throughout.

9. Membership/Recruitment/Publicity

Nothing to report.

10. Social Committee Report

KM reported that the Annual Dinner had gone well.

11. House Manager’s Report

·  The Gas Fire has been replaced by an identical model.

·  John Greatbanks has replaced the dripping tap.

·  The bar stools fit in well but will need cushions.

·  The replacement security light by the entrance gate will be sorted in January.

12. Equipment Officer’s Report

Nothing to report.

13. AOB

AM introduced his concerns in respect of the 30 pence charge imposed upon the various groups and proposed that this be rescinded. Following discussion a vote was taken and it was agreed that tea and coffee would now be free for all members at all times. The £2 charge for Saturday Tea would remain also the 50pence entry fee on Wednesdays. Members would need to provide milk.

A member had asked AM for clarification on the number of times visitors could be signed in. It was agreed that if this was in respect of possible new members the restriction to two occasions could be varied but they must be signed in and pay a green fee.

JS pointed out that the car park was not being lit appropriately due to problems at the Jubilee Rooms.

14. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 12th January at 7.30pm

Agenda for next Committee Meeting on Monday 12th January 2015 at 7.30pm

1. Attendance

2. Apologies for Absence

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

4. Matters Arising

5. Secretary’s Report

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Croquet Secretary’s Report

8. Ground manager’s Report

9. Membership/Recruitment/Publicity

10. Social Sub-committee Report

11. House manager’s Report

12. Equipment Officer’s Report

13. A.O.B.

14. Date of next Meeting,

7.30pm Monday 9th February 2015