Lesson plan PRO-FORMA

Name of Teacher: Housley A Subject: Geography

Year Group: 8-6 Setted  Upper

Mixed Ability Middle

Lower 

Number of Boys 8 Total Number in Class 13

Number of Girls 5 Number of Pupils with IEP’s 11

CONTEXT – TOPIC Where in sequence of lessons, how long is the Unit of Work etc.

Economic Activities – primary industry approx. 4 weeks

- agriculture

Previous work: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industry – terms and examples.

Farming – meaning, products, decision/skills of farmer, types of farming.


·  To understand how a hill farmer makes his money

·  To appreciate the problems facing hill farmers today

·  To consider diversification as a means of surviving as a hill farmer

·  To begin to develop the concept of planning and managing environments towards sustainable development


The Mucky Hand?!!! (Pupils think about when it is OK to have dirty hands and when not)


·  Recap ideas from a farmers decision-making “What a farmer needs to know”

·  Now going to examine one real farm to appreciate these decisions. FARMERS IN?

·  By end of lesson know what he produces, how he makes his money, what are his problems and how he tries to solve them

·  Room for plenty of your ideas at the end of the lesson!

·  Locate farm area in Atlas


·  Case-study of the farm through slides and commentary

·  Pupils to briefly annotate accompanying worksheet


·  Rehearse problems of monetary issues - sale of fleece (29p loss) (£300+ over flock)

- sale of lamb for meat (role play)

·  Examine problem of falling prices and sales. Refer to recent incidents and news articles. (26/8/99 400 ewes released in N. Wales etc.)

·  Examine evidence of diversification at case study farm and others in area (quad bike farms)


·  Assess progress in learning objectives by “cards”

·  Ideas to redevelop old barn area


Pupil exercise books and ATLASES. Gogarth in file – qual adverts + newspaper ?

Cards – learning objectives … and examples

Slides of Gogarth

Slide projector/screen/stand/extension cable

Slide worksheet

Back-up material - farm data sheet, OS map extract, income and expenditure graphs

- newspaper articles, adverts for quad bike farms


Pupils to complete section on worksheet re-developing Old Barn over this winter ready for Summer 2000.

Read and discuss question worksheet with parent/grandparent.