Prevention Research Centers

National Community Committee Monthly Conference Call

2006Digest of Minutes


Month / Page
January / 2
February / 5
March / 11
April / 13
May / 16
June / N/A
July / N/A
August / 18
September / N/A
October / N/A
November / N/A
December / 20

January 3, 2006



Ella Greene-Moton (NCC Chair),

Gabriel McNeal (Minnesota),

Gary Tang (Seattle),

Linda Forys (University of Texas),

Willie Mae Bennett (Boston),

Carol Huddleston (Arizona),

David Reese (Kentucky),

Mena Hughes (UCLA/West),

Evelyn Whitmer (Arizona),

Freda Motton (St. Louis),

Imogene Wiggs (St. Louis),

E. Yvonne Lewis (Michigan),

Charlene Acker (Michigan),

Kay Read (EmoryUniversity),

Sheryl Threadgill (Alabama),

Juanita Williams (South Carolina),

Argin Hutchins (John’s Hopkins),

Sandy Good (Kentucky),

Donna Kelly (North Carolina),

Katie Barnes (North Carolina),

Sharon Brown (North Carolina),

Ralph Fuccillo (Harvard),

Matthew Starr (Rochester),

Susan Demers-Postlethwait (Rochester),

Sharon Bradford (Yale),

Ila Tittlebaugh (Arizona),

Suzanne Devore (Colorado)

Sharrice White (CDC),



Ralph Fuccillo called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. A roll call was taken and updated during the call.

EBPH Training (SIP 13)

Final plans are being made for the EBPH training and the deadline for registration is January 6, 2006. You may still register online. The training will be held on Wednesday, January 25 through Friday, January 27. All travel and meals for attendees will be PAID FOR and provided by the St Louis PRC. Each PRC may send one NCC representative. No continuing education credits will be offered for this course.


  1. You should plan to arrive on the 24th
  2. Classes will start the morning of Wednesday, 25th.
  3. Sharrice will send out a reminder email to all PRC Directors and NCC members.
  4. If the NCC representative or alternate cannot attend, the PRC should or can select another community member from their local community committee to attend the training.
  5. The goal of the training is to develop the capacity of NCC.
  6. There are 33 PRC’s and 9 leadership positions. This is what was funded.
  7. If you have problems registering on the WEB or do not have access to the internet, you can use this number, 1-800-782-6769 to register for the course. Someone from St. LouisUniversity will make a direct phone call to make plane reservations.

For further information, you may contact the principle investigator, Dr. Beth Baker at .

March PRC Meeting

There will be a PRC Networking meeting beginning Monday, March 20 – Wednesday, March 22, 2006. The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn in Atlanta. The NCC will hold their in-person business meeting on Monday, March 20, 2006.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide partners of the PRC program the opportunity to network and interact with one another. Some specific content areas that will be covered during this three day meeting include:

Working titles

1. Research methods

2. Health themes and networking

3. Partnering with community

The specific goal is to identify gaps in chronic disease research. There will be panel discussions and plenaries.

The PRC National Evaluation meeting will also be held on Monday March 20, 2006. There maybe two or three people from the NCC that will participate in the evaluation meeting on behalf of their local PRC but the majority of the NCC will participate in the NCC business meeting.

There was some concern that the CDC has had funds to pay for some expenses related to conference travel in the past. Sharrice stated that she will do some research on this and provide answers as soon as she has them.

There may be an additional opportunity for some community members to present posters on the work being done at their PRC to display during the meeting. More information regarding this is to come.

Ella indicated that volunteers from the NCC may be needed to help plan the conference content sessions. There does need to be some clarity on just what the members are being asked to do. Ella will provide feedback on this issue in the next NCC conference call.

Regional Directors

Annette Cook has resigned from the office of NCC Regional Director for the Southern region due to a job change. Ralph Fuccillo (NCC Chair elect) explained the process for selecting a new regional director. Anyone who may be interested in the position should contact Sharrice White at or Ralph Fuccillo at .

Special Interest Projects (SIPS) Recommendations

Argin Hutchins and Nedra Davis are working to provide NCC representatives with information on the process and how reps can engage in the process. This will help toward being successful in fully participating in the next round of funding (year 2007). Reps need to identify funding that they would like to see become available in the form of a SIP. To help facilitate this process it will be helpful to review the SIPS that were funded in 2005 and 2006. Goldie Watkins and Argin Hutchins will assist with this. Future meeting agendas will include time to discuss this issue.

NCC next steps

Mid year training (will it continue to be Research America or other)?

Newsletter (Deadline for article submission is January 31, 2006).

Next NCC Fall retreat (2006) will be held in Michigan

NCC sub-committees need to have communication between members.

NCC members who expressed interest in working on PRC Steering committees need to make contact with Ella or Sharrice so that they can get connected to their selected committee.

Ella adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p.m.

February 7, 2006



Ella Greene-Moton (Michigan/NCC Chair)

Ralph Fuccillo (Harvard/Vice Chair)

Argin Hutchins (Johns Hopkins/Chair Elect)

Yvonne Lewis (Michigan/NCC Past Chair)

Gary Tang (Seattle)

Linda Forys (University of Texas)

Shirma Pierre (Boston)

Nedra Davis (Johns Hopkins)

David Reese (Kentucky)

Freda Motton (St. Louis)

Imogene Wiggs (St. Louis)

Kay Read (EmoryUniversity)

Sandy Good (Kentucky)

Katie Barnes (North Carolina)

Sharon Brown (North Carolina)

Matthew Starr (Rochester)

Rosemarie Rodriguez-Hagar (Minnesota)

Sangsook Cho (Berkeley)

Theresa Rudder (Colorado)

Chuck Conner (West Virginia)

Paul Gilmer (West Virginia)

David Collins (Morehouse)

Sharrice White (CDC)



Ralph Fuccillo called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. A roll call was taken and updated during the call.

EBPH (Evidenced Based Public Health) Training Course – SIP 13

Yvonne provided an update of the EBPH Training Course that took place January 25-27 in St. Louis, MO. Overall the training went very well and there has been a lot of positive feedback from those who attended. Participants were able to learn more about how to identify programs/interventions that provide the kinds of results needed in their communities, how to engage communities in planning and implantation of those activities, and what type of impact all of this could have on their communities.

Next Steps for SIP 13

  • Develop concept for RFA (Request for Application) using Concept Mapping activities (March – April)
  • Developed concepts will be used to help write RFA (April – June) in which four (4) projects would be funded through a competitive process. Again, only those PRCs/communities who had representation at the EBPH training will be eligible to respond to the RFA and apply for the funds.
  • Those interested in the RFA would need to respond (June – July)
  • The applications will be reviewed. This process will give other NCC members to participate whose communities are either ineligible or not interested in responding to the RFA (August – September)
  • Awards/Funding (October)

Comments/Recommendations made re: SIP 13

Argin restated a recommendation that was made and discussed by participants during the EBPH training that the RFA shift from a competitive process to more of a collaborative effort by the communities represented on the NCC. One idea was to target the grant process by regions and/or type of communities to increase the opportunity for impact and shared learning. With this suggesting it was recommended that a team be assigned to create a proposal for a targeted process which would be reviewed by the NCC Leadership and brought back to the NCC for approval.

Yvonne reiterated that though these were great ideas and could potentially be used for future NCC activities and opportunities, because of the current requirements and timeframe for the SIP it would not be feasible to implement the recommendations made at this time.

Sharrice also clarified that the general design of the SIP provided the NCC with the opportunity to be learn and be a part of an entire grant/RFA process from start to finish. She also recommended that the as the NCC continued to work in collaboration with the St. Louis PRC on this SIP that all lessons learned, ideas, recommendations somehow be documented to provide input to other PRC who may want to collaborate with the NCC in the near future. In addition, this documentation process could help the NCC develop future ideas/activities/opportunities for themselves as well.

The Committee decided to move forward on SIP activities as they currently stand and keep track of the ideas generated from this process to inform others and other planning processes.

PRC March Meeting

The Committee was reminded of the PRC Networking meeting beginning Monday, March 20 – Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at the Holiday Inn Select in Decatur (Atlanta), GA. The NCC will hold their in-person business meeting on Monday, March 20, 2006 from 1 PM – 5 PM. In addition, a room has been reserved for there to be and NCC Breakfast meeting on Tuesday March 21, 2006 7 AM – 8 AM if desired. There was also a recommendation from Matt that those participating in the meeting get together for Dinner (if possible) to provide time for socializing.

An agenda has yet to be set for the NCC meeting but will be sent to all members once it is developed. However, the agenda for the overall meeting is provided below!!!

Sharrice mentioned that due to a lack of interest the tours that were being provided of the CDC’s main campus may be cancelled. NEW UPDATE: THE TOUS ARE STILL ON.!!! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT JEAN SMITH AT BY COB FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2006.

New NCC Listserv

The listserv is close to being completed and ready for use. Sharrice will send out the first email with general guidelines and instructions very soon so please stay tuned!!!!

Other Announcements

  • The next NCC Conference Call is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7, 2006 2 – 3:30 PM
  • The NCC Communications Subcommittee is still waiting and in need of submissions for the next NCC newsletter

Ella adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.

March 20-22, 2006Prevention Research Centers Program Meeting

Day / Session / Location
Monday, March 20
8:00 - 8:30am / Breakfast / Rotunda
8:30 – 5:00pm / National Evaluation Meeting
(make arrangements with ORC, Macro, ) / Decatur Ballroom B
11:00 – 5:00pm / PRC Ancillary Meetings
  • PRC National Community Committee
  • WISEWOMAN Program
(make arrangements with Jean Smith at 770-488-5588, or ) / Holiday Inn or CDC Campus
Tuesday, March 21
7:30 – 5:00pm / Table Exhibits- All Day / Henry Oliver F
7:30 – 8:30am / Registration / Rotunda
7:30 – 8:30am / Breakfast / Rotunda
8:30 – 8:45am / Opening Remarks
  • Eduardo Simoes, Director, CDC, Prevention Research Centers (PRC) Program
/ Decatur Ballroom B
8:45 - 11:15am / PRC Directors’ Business Meeting (all welcome)
  • PRC Program Office Information Sharing
  • Thematic Networks Update
  • PRC Committee Updates
  • Elections
/ Decatur Ballroom B
11:15 – 11:25am / Break
11:25 – 12:15pm
Sessions / Community Institutional Partnerships: Understanding Trust Among Partners
  • Sharrice White, CDC, PRC Program
  • TBA, ORC Macro
Using the Community-Based Prevention Marketing Model
  • Carol Bryant, University of SouthFlorida
Examples of PRC Evidence-Based Workplace Interventions
  • Jo Anne Grunbaum, CDC, PRC Program
  • Mark Schuster, University of California Los Angeles/RAND
  • Jeff Harris, University of Washington
/ Decatur Ballroom B
Decatur Ballroom A
Swanton Amphitheatre
12:15 - 1:30pm / Lunch on your own
Tuesday, March 21 --continued
1:30 - 3:00pm
Sessions / Sharing Surveys, Tools, and Other Prevention Research Products Produced by the PRCs
  • Demia Sundra, CDC, PRC Program
Roundtable Facilitators
  • University of Colorado
  • ColumbiaUniversity
  • EmoryUniversity
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • University of Iowa
  • JohnsHopkinsUniversity
  • University of Minnesota
  • MorehouseSchool of Medicine
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Saint LouisUniversity
  • TulaneUniversity
  • YaleUniversity
How Training Programs Were Developed by PRCs for Public Health Professionals, Advocates, and Students
  • Marie Carter, CDC, PRC Program
Roundtable Facilitators
  • University of Arizona
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Michigan
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of South Carolina
  • TexasA&MUniversity
/ Decatur Ballrooms A&B
Decatur Ballrooms A&B
3:00 – 3:15pm / Break
3:15 – 5:00pm / CDC Chronic Disease Division’s Program Strategies and Research Needs
  • Jo Anne Grunbaum, CDC, PRC Program
Panelists and Roundtable Facilitators
  • Division of Adolescent and School Health
  • Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
  • Division of Diabetes Translation
  • Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
  • Division of Physical Activity and Nutrition
  • Division of Reproductive Health
  • Office on Smoking and Health
  • Arthritis Program
/ Decatur Ballroom A&B
5:30 - 7:30pm / Prevention Research Centers Program Award Ceremony
(Hors D’Oeuvres and Cash Bar) / Old Courthouse on the Square, Decatur
Wednesday, March 22
7:30 – 3:15pm / Table Exhibits- All Day / Henry Oliver F
7:30 – 8:30am / Breakfast / Rotunda
8:30 – 9:00am / Keynote Address
  • Janet Collins, Director, CDCNationalCenter for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
/ Decatur Ballroom B
9:00 – 10:30 / PRC Collaboration with State Health Departments- Successes, Challenges, and the Future”
Opening Remarks
  • John Robitscher, Director, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
  • Katie Duggan, Saint Louis University
  • University of Michigan
  • Michigan Department of Community Health
  • University of Washington
  • Washington State Department of Health, Cancer Prevention and Control Unit
  • West VirginiaUniversity
  • West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
Closing Remarks
  • Janet Collins, Director, CDC, NCCDPHP
/ Decatur Ballroom B
10:30 - 10:45am / Break
10:45 – 11:45pm / Telling the Research Story
  • Barbara Gray, CDC, PRC Program
/ Decatur Ballroom B
11:45 – 12:00pm / Break
12:00 – 1:15pm / Working Lunch (buffet)
YMCA USA: Activate America Initiative and PRCs’ Role
  • Shannon Griffin-Blake, CDC, Community Health and Program Services Branch
  • Katie Clarke Adamson, Director of Health Partnerships and Policy, YMCA USA
  • Jean Wiecha, HarvardUniversity
/ Decatur Ballroom B
1:15 – 1:30pm / Break
1:30 – 3:00pm
Sessions / Demonstrating PRC Approaches to Partnering with the Community
  • Ralph Fuccillo, HarvardUniversity
Panelists and Roundtable Facilitators
  • ColumbiaUniversity
  • JohnsHopkinsUniversity
  • University of Michigan
  • MorehouseSchool of Medicine
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • University of TexasHealthScienceCenter at Houston
/ Decatur Ballrooms B
1:30 - 3:00pm
Sessions / Effecting Policy and Environmental Changes
  • Barbara Ainsworth, San DiegoStateUniversity
  • University of Arizona
  • HarvardUniversity
  • University of Iowa
  • University of South Carolina
/ Decatur Ballrooms A
3:00 – 3:15pm / Concluding Remarks
  • Eduardo Simoes, Director, CDC, PRC Program
/ Decatur Ballrooms B
Please Complete EVALUATION FORM Provided in the Program Book and Leave at Registration Table.
Thank you!

March 7, 2006 2 – 3:30 PM EST



Ella Greene-Moton (Michigan/NCC Chair)

Ralph Fuccillo (Harvard/Vice Chair)

Yvonne Lewis (Michigan/NCC Past Chair)

Linda Forys (University of Texas)

Nedra Davis (Hopkins)

Charmayne Little (Hopkins)

Freda Motton (St. Louis)

Willie-Mae Bradley (Boston)

Kay Read (EmoryUniversity)

Sandy Good (Kentucky)

Katie Barnes (North Carolina)

Matthew Starr (Rochester)

Susan Demers Postlethwait (Rochester)

Sangsook Cho (Berkeley)

Sheryl Threadgill (Alabama)

Sylvia Stevens (?)

Beth Baker (St. Louis)

Sharrice White (CDC)



Ralph Fuccillo called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. A roll call was taken and updated during the call.

EBPH (Evidenced Based Public Health) Training Course – SIP 13

Beth Baker from the St Louis PRC gave an update of where the group is regarding activities associated with SIP 13. She also went through the PowerPoint slides that highlighted some of the course evaluation results from the EBPH Training course that NCC members participated in back in January. (Please see additional attachments)

Both Yvonne and Freda mentioned that this information would again be provided during the NCC meeting on March 20th and handouts would also be available.

There was some discussion about how to distribute the materials from the training course and all of the evaluation results to all of the NCC members. Because of the size of the documents it was not recommended that these materials be sent via email but be available during the NCC meeting in March and/or stored on the PRC’s Community Webboard which is located on the PRC website. The Community Webboard is currently “under construction” and not accessible at this time but should be available soon!

Next Immediate Steps for SIP 13

  • Develop concept for RFA (Request for Application) using Concept Mapping activities (March – April)
  • The NCC Leadership will work with the staff at the St. Louis PRC to provide recommendations/guidance on the concepts that will be included in the RFA based on the Concept Mapping results or input provided by the NCC participants during the EBPH training course
  • The recommendations made will be shared with the general membership of the NCC for further input and feedback
  • General Timeline: March - April

PRC March Meeting

The Committee was reminded of the PRC Networking meeting beginning Monday, March 20 – Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at the Holiday Inn Select in Decatur (Atlanta), GA. The NCC will hold their in-person business meeting on Monday, March 20, 2006 from 1 PM – 5 PM. Ella gave an overview of the draft NCC agenda and reminded members that Jo Anne Grunbaum, the Team Leader for Research and Evaluation at the PRC program office would introduce herself and provide NCC members with the opportunity to ask questions.