February 2, 2015

Dear Friend,

The XYZ AMBUCS Chapter will be hosting Trek 4 Trykes on May 22, 2015. Our walk is part of a national grassroots effort to provide Amtryke therapeutic tricycles to people with disabilities and serves to raise funds on both a local and national level through sponsorships. We are seeking contributions from valued partners like you so that all of the funds raised by the event can go towards purchasing trykes.

There are four levels of sponsorship opportunities available:

Sponsorship Level / Event Sponsor / Route Sponsor / Trek
Sponsor / Advocate Sponsor
Gift Value / $1,000 / $500 / $250 / $100
# of Sponsorships Available / 2 / 4 / 10 / 10
Pre-event advertising (News Releases, Posters, Etc.) / 
Company name displayed on Sponsor Sign at event /  / 
Company name on event shirts /  /  / 
Company logo on event website /  /  /  / 
Complimentary walk entries / 6 / 4 / 2 / 1

Your sponsorship will underwrite the event; maximizing the use of dollars raised to provide Amtryke therapeutic tricycles for people with disabilities in our community. We appreciate your willingness to consider supporting XYZ AMBUCS Chapter and look forward to hearing from you soon. A sponsorship commitment form is enclosed. Please contact me at yourphone and/or email if you have any questions or go to to learn more about our event.

Trek 4 Trykes Chairman


Company Name:______Contact Person:______
Street Address:______
City, State, Zip:______
Phone:______Email:______Company Website ______

Yes! I would like to participate at the sponsorship level indicated below:

Event Sponsor / $1,000
Route Sponsor / $500
Walk Sponsor / $250
Advocate Sponsor / $100

______pledges a total of $______as an underwriter for Trek 4 Trykes.

Payment Type: Check enclosed Visa Master Card American Express


Card Number Expiration Date Name on Card


Authorized Signature


Billing Address City State Zip Code

Commitment form must be received at least 30 days prior to the event. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Checks should be made out toXYZ AMBUCS Chapter. Please send a high resolution or vector graphic of your logo to the email address below for inclusion in promotional materials.

Your Chapter Name | Attn: Trek 4 Trykes | Mailing Address | City, ST ZIP
Fax: (123) 456-7890 | Email: