Meeting the needs of pupils at Wave 2 and Wave 3
Meeting the needs of pupils at Wave 2
Support at Wave 2 involves additional time limited provision in the form of small group intervention to accelerate progress and enable children to work at age related expectations.
Meeting the needs of children at Wave 3
Support at Wave 3 involves additional time limited provision to enhance the progress of individual pupils where Waves 1 and 2 on their own are not having the desired effect. This involves focused teaching activities which tackle fundamental errors, misconceptions and gaps in knowledge or understanding that are preventing progress.
Targeting support: choosing and implementing interventions for pupils with significant literacy difficulties.
DFES – 05/03 DFES 0201/2003
Targeting support: implementing interventions for children with significant mathematical difficulties.
DFES 1083-2005
For further information contact:Lynne Bold (Primary Literacy Consultant)
Eleanor Hick (Inclusion / SEN Adviser)
Sue Bailey (Primary Mathematics Consultant)
Identification of pupil for support at Wave 2 or Wave 3
Literacy Wave 2 Strategies
Early Literacy Support (ELS)
- For children in Y1 who are working below age range expectations
- Consists of 60 additional ½ hour literacy sessions taken by a teaching assistant (daily sessions for 12 weeks plus optional 4-week top-up) delivered in addition to the class literacy lesson
- Recommended for groups of six children
- Focus on objectives from Reception and Y1and consists of a number of short interactive activities
- All lesson notes and resources provided and regular progress checks at the end of every four weeks.
Year 3 Intervention (Quest)
- For children in Y3 who are working below age range expectations
- Consists of a 16- week programme with 3 modules and notes for the teacher to help make links with the whole class teaching.
- Aims to accelerate the progress of the children towards age range expectations.
- Has a focus on reading, writing and spelling and developing independence.
- Class teacher leads the week with a guided reading or writing session followed by 3 X 20 minute sessions delivered by the teaching assistant outside the literacy lesson.
- There is one planned independent session.
Further Literacy Support (FLS)
- For children in Y5 who have achieved at least a level 2 at the end of Y4 and who are working at level 3 in Y5.
- Materials designed to interest reluctant and disaffected learners
- Particular aim is to encourage self evaluation and independent learning
- Consists of 3 x 4-week modules of 20 minutes sessions taken four times a week. 1 session to be taken by the teacher, 3 by the Teaching Assistant., plus 2 tasks to be completed in the class literacy session and 3 homework tasks.
Booster Books / Programme to motivate struggling readers and writers by setting them a task of writing a story then publishing it professionally. Qualified Booster Books teachers strategically support small groups of children. Includes ReaderBoost, WriterBoost and SpellerBoost. Training available from Kate Naylor. / 5x60 for 5 weeks / All ages / Kate Nayler
Booster Books LTD
01254 351 700
Mathematics Wave 2 Strategies
Springboard is a catch-up programme for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. The materials focus on key areas of numeracy. They provide additional
tuition for small groups of children outside the daily mathematics lesson (DML) during the weeks when these areas are being taught in the DML.
Schools are encouraged to adopt and adapt the Springboard materials to suit the needs of their children and individual school settings. Schools may decide to deliver the Springboard course in full or draw on the materials for use with children who have an insufficiently firm grasp of the groundwork required for the teaching programmes.
Springboard Aims:
- to support the identified children and to remedy particular weaknesses in number so that they are in a better position to access and benefit from the teaching programme in their Year and beyond;
- to set the expectation that these children catch up with their peers;
- to help teachers prepare a teaching programme enabling children to fully benefit from the main teaching programme for their Year as soon as possible.
Springboard 3
- Intended for those children in Year 3 who have achieved Level 1a or 2c in the Key Stage 1 national tests in mathematics
- Identified children will be those who are under-achieving and have the capacity to improve
- Consists of 10 units, each containing 2 sessions which is designed to be delivered by a teaching assistant
- Each unit of work has teaching notes, photocopiable activity and resource sheets, and homework tasks
- Each unit consists of two sessions of 30 minutes each that are led by a teaching assistant and consolidates the work introduced by the teacher
- Recommended for groups of 6 – 8 pupils
- Designed to be used flexibly over the first term and a half of the school year
Springboard 4
- Intended for those children in Year 4 who have achieved Level 2c or 2b in the Year 3 Optional tests in mathematics
- Identified children will be those who are under-achieving and have the capacity to improve
- Consists of 10 units, each containing 2 sessions which is designed to be delivered by a teaching assistant
- Each unit of work has teaching notes, photocopiable activity and resource sheets, and homework tasks
- Each unit consists of two sessions of 30 minutes each that are led by a teaching assistant and consolidates the work introduced by the teacher
- Recommended for groups of 6 – 8 pupils
- Designed to be used flexibly over the first term and a half of the school year
Springboard 5
- Intended for children who have achieved a level 2a or 3c in the Year 4 Optional SATs, who will, with extra support, achieve a level 4 in the KS2 Tests
- Identified children will be those who are under-achieving and have the capacity to improve
- The initial lesson (50 mins) in each unit is designed to be delivered by a teacher, with a follow-up session (45 mins) by a teaching assistant
- Preferably for use in the autumn and spring terms
- Three photocopiable activity sheets for each unit of work. One introduced in the main lesson, another in the follow-up session and the third completed by children requiring further consolidation or as revision at a later stage
- Short weekly homework task to be completed between the lead lesson and the follow-up session
- Teaching objectives, vocabulary and resources are listed as well as teaching points and key questions
Springboard 6
- Designed to provide additional support in booster classes for children in Year 6 who, with intensive targeted support, can achieve level 4 in the Key Stage 2 national tests
- Identified children will be those who are under-achieving and have the capacity to improve
- 22 half-hour lessons designed for use during the spring term
- Can be used alongside and in addition to the work being planned in the daily mathematics lesson
- Covers aspects of mathematics that the target group of children appears to find difficult
- Includes copies of related past Key Stage 2 national test questions
- Each lesson has a sharp focus and is independent of the other lessons
- There is scope to combine two half-hour lessons into a one-hour lesson as the topics are often related. This may require some minor changes to the structure and timing of the lessons
Literacy Wave 3 Strategies
Here is a list of various 1-1 interventions that are available to use with children at Wave 3. It is not an exhaustive list and there may be alternatives operating in your school. The aim of this information is to alert you to new ones and to support you in choosing the right one to meet the needs of the children in your school. Children are likely to need different approaches depending on the nature of their special educational needs.
Name of Scheme Brief Description Length Years FurtherAgeRange Information
Toe by Toe / A highly systematic page-by -page and step by step series of activities in one book with instructions for the ‘coach’ provided for each activity. Parents, teachers and teaching assistants can all use this scheme. Recommends daily use 20 minutes. / The time it takes to work through the scheme / Any age / Keda and Harry CowlingWhen would you use this? For a child with specific difficulties in reading e.g. dyslexia
Better Reading Partners / Trained adults partner children to develop independent reading strategies. Each session follows a similar format of re-reading a familiar text, re-reading a new book recently taken home and introducing a new text. Can use volunteer parents. Training provided by Joan Glynn. / 3x15 minutesfor 10 weeks / Y1-Y6 / Joan Glynn
When would you use this? For a child for whom extra support with reading is needed. The one –to-one time with a sympathetic adult also impacts on confidence and self esteem.
Fischer Family Trust Wave 3 Programme / Early intervention programme run by trained teacher assistants. Includes elements of word, sentence and text level work and oral language skills. All lesson content provided in training file with resources. It is one-to-one. Training information from Lynne Bold 01257 516160. / 5x20 for 20 weeks. / Y1/Y2 / Fischer Family TrustProject LTD
01462 708685
When would you use this? This programme is tightly structured and involves 3 days training for the classteacher and TA. It’s clear structure and training mean it can be delivered by TAs. It is used with children who need additional one to one support with reading and writing.
ILS Individual Literacy Support / Teachers work with children one-to one on a diagnostic programme that builds on the child’s strengths.Each session includes a range of short activities to teach phonics/reading and writing and any other specific area of difficulty. An assessment is provided in the file plus a range of activities to carry out in the sessions. / 3x30 minutes for 12 weeks / Best at Y1/2 but could be used at any age. / Lynne Bold
Literacy consultant
LPDS Centre
01257 516160
When would you use this? ILS is designed to be delivered by an experienced teacher. One day of training is provided. It is tailored to meet the specific needs of individual children.
The Five Minute Box / A multi sensory programme based on the best principles for teaching specific learning difficulties. It covers phonics, early sight vocabulary and spelling patterns for both reading and writing. It was designed by a SENCO. It is to be carried out daily by a teacher assistant. / Not specific / All ages from YR onwards / 01442 878629When would you use this? This can be used with children who need extra time to learn or consolidate basic skills. It can be used with children with
Dyslexia or those who have English as an additional language.
Fischer Family Trust High Five Programme / Intervention programme run by trained teacher assistants. Aimed at Y5/6 children and revises the different text types studied in KS2. All lesson content and resources provided in training file. It could be delivered one-to-one or in a small group. Training information from Lynne Bold 01257 516160 / 4x20 for minimum of 10 weeks / Y5/6 / Fischer Family TrustProject LTD
01462 708685
When would you use this? You would use this with children working at 2C or below in Y5 or Y6. The 2-day training programme equips Teaching Assistants to deliver this structured programme.
AcceleRead/AcceleWrite / This systematic programme based on continuous diagnosis of needs is delivered by computer and mediated by teachers or other adults. It is one-to-one. / 5x20 for 4 weeks / Y3-Y6 / Vivienne Clifford and Martin Miles
When would you use this? You would use this programme with KS2 children who enjoy working on a computer.
Lifeboat Read and Spell Scheme / There are ten books in this highly structured, multi-sensory scheme that contain a total of 100 photocopiable lessons, each following a consistent lesson format. Useful for independent and differentiated learning. Can be used by parents or teacher assistants. / Not specific / Any age / Robinswood Press01384 397475
When would you use this? You would use this programme with a child who needs help with reading and spelling. It is easy to follow through books
of worksheets. Could be used by parents or inexperienced teacher assistants.
Mathematics Wave 3 Strategies
INS Individual Numeracy Support / Teachers work with children one-to-one on a programme based on the child’s needs, which have been identified using a diagnostic assessment included in the INS file.Each session includes short activities which use games and practical activities. The INS file also includes activity details, a list of essential resources and planning/recording sheets. The file is available to purchase from LPDS Centre. / 3 x 30 minutes for 12 weeks. / Ideally at Yr1 but could still be used effectively in KS2. / Sue Bailey
Primary Mathematics Consultant
LPDS Centre
01257 516160
When would you use this? INS is designed to be delivered by an experienced teacher. One day of training is provided. It is designed to be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual child.
Supporting children with gaps in their mathematical understanding / A Primary National Strategy resource pack, available in hard copy and on CD-ROM. The pack contains a user guide, a resource book and sets of A4 booklets, one focusing on errors/misconceptions in addition and subtraction, and the second on multiplication and divisionThis is a flexible resource designed to support the identification of specific areas of mathematics that can prevent children achieving expected levels of progress. It provides targeted approaches to tackle fundamental errors and misconceptions. / A flexible resource – see User Guide on CD-ROM / KS1 & KS2 / Can be ordered from
DfES Publications
Tel: 0845 60 222 60
Ref : DfES 1165-2005 G
When would you use this? This is ideal if the child’s problems are specifically with number and you have diagnosed the exact needs. It is very structured and can be delivered by a TA. One day of training is provided.
Talk Together / Based on First Steps and Better Talking Partners. Language box with comprehensive plans and motivating resources, including texts. Highly structured “fun” scheme for small groups of pupils. Programme piloted in local mainstream school, raises self-esteem and speaking and listening skills.Boxes available for 6- month loan. / 30 twenty minute sessions. / Key Stage 1 and Years 3 and 4. / The LoyneSchool,
Sefton Drive,
01524 64543
When would you use this? You would use this with children who needed to develop their speaking and listening skills. And are advised to contact the Loyne school for guidance.
Better Talking Partners / Trained teacher assistants work intensively with small groups of children to promote interactive speaking and listening. Useful for children with EAL. Training available from Sarah Montague Learning Excellence. / 3x20 minutesfor 10 weeks / Y1-Y3 / Sarah Montague
Teacher Adviser
LPDS Centre
01257 246534
When would you use this? You would use this with children who needed to develop their vocabulary and speaking and listening skills.
Top Tips for Talking / Language box with tried and tested resources, ideas for activities, and overview of normal development. Four areas of focus – Speech Sounds; Expression; Comprehension and Listening and Attention. Developed by Speech and Language Therapist and SpecialSchool staff. Boxes available for 6 -month loan. / Flexible. / Key Stage 1 mainly. / The LoyneSchool,Sefton Drive,
01524 64543
When would you use this? You would use this with children with identified speech and language difficulties.
Learning and Teaching for Dyslexic Children / Free Primary Strategy resource to provide school-based whole-staff professional development to increase the understanding of dyslexia and to develop a range of strategies to help dyslexic children succeed. / Not specific / Any age / DfES 1184-2005 CDITel:0845 60 222 60