Green Cleaning Policy
Green Cleaning Policy
Howard County Public School Systems
Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) is committed to contributing to the efforts of environmental awareness, conservation and healthier indoor environments. To that effort, the Office of Custodial Services has initiated a green, healthy cleaning/ housekeeping policy following guidelines that comply with the Green Seal Standard 42: Environmental Standard for Cleaning Services (GS-42) and recognized methods for healthy cleaning. Contractual or procedural requirements for janitorial service vendor(s) will require a written program in compliance with the guidelines.
Green, healthy cleaning procedures and policies are based on the following principles:
Ø To reduce, as economically and technologically possible, the environmental impacts associated with the use of products and equipment utilized during the cleaning of interior spaces.
Ø Cleaning for health without harming the environment.
Ø Environmental stewardship-shared responsibility among students, faculty and building service providers in reducing impacts on health and the environment.
Ø Green, healthy cleaning promotes a safer healthier environment that promotes effective learning.
Ø Sustainable policies and procedures to insure continued programs that promote healthy cleaning and reduced environmental impact.
I. Training
A. All HCPSS custodial staff shall undergo and submit evidence of training that covers all of the standards set forth in GS-42-Green Seal Environmental Standard for Cleaning Services.
B. All new hire cleaning service employees will complete the training within the time frame required under GS-42.
C. Completion of annual/refresher training in compliance with GS-42 standards will be documented.
D. Training will include recognized methods and procedures for cleaning of buildings that promote environmental hygiene and protect the health and comfort of building occupants.
E. Hands-on training in the proper use and application of new equipment, products and materials will be a component of the GS-42 program and will be on-going as new products, material and equipment are introduced.
F. Safety training, specific to the hazards of tasks and procedures performed during cleaning of all HCPSS spaces, will be provided to all employees.
II. Planning Requirements
A. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
A Standard Operating Procedure will be available to all personnel responsible for cleaning and maintenance of HCPSS facilities. The SOP will be reviewed and updated annually, or more frequently, as required.
B. A Green Cleaning Plan, initially specific to the Northfield and Ducketts Lane Elementary Schools will be reviewed and updated annually, or as changes to facilities or industry standards require. This site specific plan shall be comprehensive in addition to routine cleaning procedures and include:
Ø Effective communication plan between custodial services, school administration, building maintenance, students, faculty and staff.
Ø Floor maintenance plan, consistent with the manufacturers’ maintenance requirements.
Ø Routine and periodic cleaning schedules that define the minimum frequency required to achieve healthy, environmentally conscientious cleaning procedures in all areas to be cleaned.
Ø Equipment maintenance schedule
Ø Review of cleaning schedules with appropriate administrative and building maintenance personnel at least two times per year and adjustments made as indicated by structural, occupant or environmental changes.
Ø Accident and pandemic preparedness
Ø Green cleaning operations manual to include:
- Procedures for special areas such as high-traffic areas, food preparation and dining, laboratories, gym/exercise areas and all entryways.
- Storage of chemicals, dilution control, equipment, effective organization, proper ventilation, adequate lighting, and security in cleaning products and equipment storage areas and housekeeping closets.
- Response and actions to be taken to areas in which students or faculty have conditions in which cleaning practices may have a health impact, such as asthma or allergic response.
- Procedures to assist with the reduction of contaminants from sources that may be temporary or permanent, such as indoor plants, building renovations, and mold or mildew from water damage or conditions of extreme moisture.
- Hazardous material procedures in the event of chemical spills, exposure to bloodborne pathogens (OSHA), maintenance of material containing asbestos, cleaning/maintenance of structures containing lead based paint.
- Management of areas with concerns regarding poor lighting, inadequate ventilation, restricted access, and structural building engineering issues.
- Procedures that address seasonal conditions (ice, snow, heavy rain) and school closings during holidays, vacation times or other brief and extended closings.
- Communication and coordination with the building’s pest management program.
- Procedures for responding to special requirements or conditions that may require additional or more frequent cleaning procedures to avoid a negative impact on the health of students, faculty or visitors and on the environment(such as building renovations, introduction of negative environmental elements as a result of poor weather conditions, outbreak of flu or other contagious disease).
- Procedures to insure all chemicals are properly labeled at all times. All cleaning products and chemicals, including trigger-spray bottles and concentrates must contain the correct label associated with the material within the container and must be legible.
- Cleaning schedules, frequency, task assignments, and procedures for routine and special needs provided by Custodial Services are described in each Site Specific Plan for Ducketts Lane Elementary School and Northfield Elementary School. This document will be reviewed with appropriate administrative and building maintenance personnel at least twice annually and will be maintained and updated as necessary.
III. Maintenance and Use Plan for Powered Equipment
A. Plan shall include procedures and use of equipment designed to effectively
reduce contaminants within the building and with minimal impact of the environment.
B. Vacuum cleaners must meet Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) requirements.
C. Powered floor maintenance equipment, vacuums, burnishers, polishers, must be able to control noise levels at less than 70dBA and capture and collect particulate generated during cleaning and maintenance procedures.
D. All powered equipment must have a low emissions certification and be equipped to operate within the GS-42 standard sections 3.3 and 5.5. This includes floor burnishers, scrubbers, steam extractors, vacuum cleaners and power washers. All existing equipment used must be brought to the minimum standards in GS-42 or replaced.
IV. Products and Supplies
A. Only environmentally preferred cleaning products and supplies (such as Green Seal approved products) shall be used for cleaning and housekeeping of HCPSS facilities. These products and supplies include:
General- purpose cleaners
Floor cleaners, strippers and finishes
Bathroom cleaners
Glass cleaners
Carpet cleaners
EPA approved disinfectants
Hand soap
Toilet and facial tissue
Paper towels and napkins
B. Plastic trash can liners will be made of, at a minimum, 10-20% post consumer recycled content or bio-degradable material.
V. Cleaning Procedure Requirements
A. Cleaning procedures will be performed within the guidelines of the GS-42 Standard and recognized procedures for healthy cleaning. The Office of Custodial Services will maintain a current and updated procedure manual specific to the needs of Schools and as all HCPSS schools are phased in to GS-42 compliant cleaning procedures. A copy of the manual will be made available to the school’s administration and building maintenance, and will be conveniently accessible to custodial services staff.
B. Cleaning products, equipment supplies and materials shall be purchased, used and disposed of with the intent to reduce, re-use, recycle waste; increase efficiencies, and minimize the impact of waste to the environment.
C. Cleaning chemicals will be diluted from a concentrate, whenever possible, utilizing a dilution control system to provide proper dilution and employee safety.
D. The Office of Custodial Services will insure proper training of custodial staff and provide documentation of OSHA training including Right-to-Know, Hazardous Materials Communication, and Bloodborne Pathogens exposure.
E. Custodial Services will provide written directions and instruction that are easily understood and in appropriate language or visual content to cleaning staff for chemical dilution procedures, equipment use and maintenance, and chemical waste disposal.
F. Chemicals, materials, supplies and equipment shall be stored in assigned areas and will maintain the following:
· Visual and written organization of materials stored in the main supply area as well as throughout areas within the facility of allotted, smaller spaces.
· Areas shall be maintained for cleanliness and safety, including proper lighting and ventilation.
· All materials and equipment will be stored and maintained in a manner that promotes the life, warranty and efficiencies of equipment, and/or within the recommendations of the manufacturer.
· Any chemicals that are potentially flammable will be maintained in an approved and appropriate “Flammables” Container.
· Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all materials stored and used by Custodial Services to clean and provide housekeeping services for HCPSS facilities will be maintained by Custodial Services. All SDS will be contained in an SDS binder, organized and clearly visible in the primary storage facility. Copies of SDS specific to hazardous chemicals that are stored in additional spaces that are not easily accessible to the primary storage area shall be available in each additional area.
G. Equipment and materials will be disposed of with the intent to reduce environmental impact at all times. Waste review will be an integral part of the Custodial Service’s operations manual and will include methods to reduce chemical waste, make use of re-usable materials, such as microfiber, whenever possible, and recycle materials and equipment that are acceptable to a community recycling program.
H. Vacuum cleaners used to clean the schools will be certified by the Carpet Rug Institute (CRI), cleaned and maintained consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations. A documented inspection and quality control plan for vacuum cleaner and filter maintenance will be maintained and updated by Custodial Services. Vacuuming will always be performed with the intent to avoid dust and particulate exposure to workers and building occupants.
I. Preventing the entry of dirt, dust, particulates and contaminants in to the building will be a priority and daily procedure of Custodial Services.
· All outdoor and interior entryways shall be kept clean and free of debris.
· Assure that all entryways maintain appropriate walk-off matting that is: 6-10 feet of scraper/wiper matting, followed by 6-10 feet of wiper matting. A total of 12-20 feet of matting as described will be located at every building entry point. Custodial Services will communicate the lack of or need for replacement matting to Administration.
· Matting located in high traffic areas and affected by severe weather will be vacuumed daily and more frequently as required to prevent the entry of contaminants and dirt into the building.
J. Floor Care
- Based on predetermined frequency rates, routine maintenance of hard floors will include:
· Vacuuming with appropriate vacuum or dry/damp microfiber mop to maintain a clean appearance.
· At a minimum, heavy traffic areas will be cleaned daily.
- Schedule according to traffic and use. Cleaning of areas with light traffic and spaces with limited use should be scheduled to minimize unnecessary maintenance.
- Periodic maintenance of hard floors will be scheduled in accordance with the school’s administrative guidelines and will:
· Only be performed on floors where sufficient floor finish exists on the floor surface to prevent corruption of the underlying flooring.
· Apply restoration chemicals with mop-on or auto scrubber instead of spray-on application.
· Use burnishing and buffing equipment that captures and collects particulate generated during burnishing and buffing.
- Restorative maintenance will be performed on an as-needed basis rather than on a fixed schedule and appropriate notification will be provided prior to proceeding.
· Areas in which floors are stripped shall be well ventilated to the outside before and after stripping procedures.
· Stripping procedures will be performed during low to zero occupancy periods.
K. Carpet Care
- Heavy traffic areas will be vacuumed daily, including entrances, corridors, main passageways, offices and lobbies.
- Light traffic areas, limited access areas and areas with periodic use will be vacuumed on a schedule to maintain cleanliness.
- Light carpet cleaning is to be performed until this method is insufficient to maintain cleanliness and appearance.
· Carpet extraction will be performed on as-needed basis and will be scheduled with appropriate administrative and building maintenance personnel prior to the procedure.
· Carpet extraction procedures will be performed during low to zero occupancy periods.
· Upon completion of carpet extraction, remove water and provide airflow sufficiently to allow carpet(s) to dry in less than 12 hours.
· Low-moisture “Encapsulation” cleaning methods will be used on as-needed basis. The Whittaker LOMAC process is used as an interim maintenance.
L. Cleaning that requires disinfection
- Use disinfectants only where required:
· Restrooms
· Door handles
· High touch areas during cold and flu season
· Other areas where pathogens may collect and breed. Use only EPA registered disinfectants or disinfecting devices.
- Follow product label directions for dilution and preparation and allow for effective dwell time.
- Restrooms:
· Clean from high to low areas and toward the doorway.
· Perform dry cleaning tasks before wet cleaning.
· Surfaces touched by hands (door knobs, light switches, toilet flush handles, faucets, soap dispensers, etc.) will be cleaned and disinfected daily, or more frequently with increased use.
· Any standing moisture on restroom floors and surfaces must be controlled and removed as soon as possible.
· Supplies, equipment (except powered equipment) and material used to clean restrooms must be isolated and used only for restrooms, never used to clean other areas.
· Remove and replace trash liners at a minimum, daily. Disinfect the trash receptacle upon completion of liner removal and before replacement.
· Fill all drain traps on a regular basis.
M. Dining and lounge areas
· Daily cleaning and sanitizing surfaces in food preparation and food consumption areas is required to protect human health.
· Clean and sanitize high hand touch areas daily or more frequently with increased use.
· Waste containers that collect food waste must be covered and emptied at least once per day or when full. Clean and sanitize food waste receptacles daily.
N. Trash collection(other than restroom or dining areas)