All labs MUST include all of the following information in order to receive FULL credit.

Labs are to be shared via google docs with me.

At the top of the first page make sure to type your name, the date and your period.

Title of Experiment

Experimental Question

  • The purpose of the experiment in the form of a question.
  • State any variables (labeled independent and dependent) and any controls used in the experiment.


A discussion outlining the important concepts in the experiment,in which you should discuss the purpose of the experiment; what you are trying to prove/discover.

You should include any known or actual values if pertinent (i.e. if trying to find the density of a substance, include its actual value and the source from which you obtained this value)

The complete balanced chemical reaction (if applicable) with states of matter should also be in this section.

You should explain any major concepts behind the purpose of the experiment (look in your notes/textbook to include key concepts that the experiment is addressing)

Along with any or all key chemistry words and their definitions that are pertinent to the completion and understanding of the lab


  • Abulletedlist of ALL of the materials used in the experiment

-Chemicals with the names written out (no abbreviations) and include molarities where known.

-Quantities of each (example: 4 test tubes)


  • A concise paragraph written in past tense stating what you did in the experiment OR a numbered outline of the procedure.
  • Watch out for significant figures (i.e. 5.000 grams of salt was measured vs. 5 grams of salt …)

Data & Observations

  • All of the raw data that you collect during an experimentMUST be presented in a well-organized table.
  • Do not forget EVERY lab MUST include written observations as well, in a table where appropriate.


  • Any mathematical manipulation (this includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) of the data collected during the experiment.
  • You MUST include ALL mathematical formulas that you use in this section and you MUST show all of your work (even if it is just a subtraction) in order to receive FULL credit!
  • You MUST include ALL final results in a nicely organized table.

This section would also include any graphs that you are asked to make from the experiment.

This section would be where you would calculate percent error or standard deviation.


  • This should be a three-paragraph dissertation on your results and data and what they mean.

- Paragraph 1:

  • begin with purpose of the lab
  • next briefly discuss the procedure
  • then discuss ALL of your data and results for the experiment
  • Finally conclude with whether you successfully met the purpose of the experiment, what you “discovered”, and if it makes sense why or why not.

- Paragraph 2:

  • discuss what the central chemical idea was behind the experiment and explain the key concepts
  • discuss the key mathematical relationships used to help you form your conclusions
  • include how your results led you to form certain conclusions

- Paragraph 3:

  • begin this paragraph with your percent error for the experiment (if known)
  • Discuss any errors or mistakes that you encountered in this lab and how they might have affected your results.
  • Discuss whether your solution (conclusion) to the experimental question is realistic why or why not.
  • include any other solutions to the problem that you feel would also be acceptable and why

Analysis: This section would be where you would answer ALL of the questions that accompany an experiment.