For Financial & Allied Institutions


Register & Head Office: 5, Upper Ground Floor, Samruddhi Venture Park, Hotel Tunga Paradise, SEEPZ – MIDC Central Rd, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 93.

Tel: 022 –6667 4444 / 6150 9800 / 2832 7219 |Fax: 022 – 2825 0414 | |


Name of the Institution / Company
Name of Chairman / MD / CEO / ED / Director / Chief General Manager) / Designation:
Contact Details: Tel: Mobile No: E-mail:
Name of the Coordinator / Assistant / Designation
Contact Details: Tel: Mobile No: E-mail:
Registered Head Office Address:
Regional Office Addresses in India:
Institution Registered Under the Category:
Date of Incorporation: / CIN NO.:
GST Number:
Business Activities:
Details of Financial Products & Services:
Area of Operations:
Operation Started in India:
Turnover of Company for last 3 years (in Rs. Cr) / Current Year / Last Year / Previous Last Year
Current Market Presence:
Potential Clients Segments:
Are you Interested to promote financial products and services amongst SMEs? Please give more details about expectation and segments:
Are you Interested for active involvement in our various programs and activities?
Are you the member of any other organisation or Chamber? Please provide the names.
Expectation from Chamber:
Awards and recognitions(Company Individual)


Category / Who can Apply? / Annual
Membership Fee
A / NBFCs, Investment Bankers, Financial Consultants, PE /VC Funds, Co-operative Banks, Assets Restructuring Companies, Rating Agencies, Credit Information Bureaus, Fintech Companies / Rs. 60,000/-
+GST @18%
(Payable Rs. 70,800/-)
B / Public Sector Banks / Nationalised Banks / Rs. 5,00,000/-
+GST @18%
(Payable Rs. 5,90,000/-)
C / Foreign Banks / Rs. 5,00,000/-
+GST @18%
(Payable Rs. 5,90,000/-)
D / Private Banks / Rs. 5,00,000/-
+GST @18%
(Payable Rs. 5,90,000/-)

We would like to apply forthe Membership of Chamber under the Category of ______along with Membership Fee and submitting herewith true and correct information about our Company.We also agree to abide by the rules and regulations introduced by the Chamber as the Member.

Yours Sincerely,

Applicant's Signature (with Company Seal) Name: ______Designation: ______

Membership Advantages:

  • Establish relationship with the Chamberfor development of contacts with SME sector
  • Opportunity to brand and promote products and services amongst SMEs
  • Share knowledge and education amongst SME sector
  • Participate in various activities and events organised by the Chamber
  • Active involvement in preparation of various research and study reports on SME sector
  • Identify emerging business opportunities in SME sector
  • Branding, Promotion and Marketing new financial products and other services
  • Enroll in members directory
  • Share articles and educational programs through SME Connect Magazine
  • Members should approach Chamber for business requirements support services and attend various events for Networking and Knowledge


Important Note:

  • Membership will be valid for 12 months from the date of applied
  • Please Attach Company Profile along with the proof of Membership Fee payment or Cheque / Demand Draft
  • Photocopy of Company Registration Certificate
  • Request on Company Letter Head for obtaining Membership for particular category
  • Acceptance / refusal of membership will be at the sole discretion of the Managing Committee of the Chamber.
  • No refund will be given for cancellation of any type of Membership for any reason whatsoever
  • Incomplete Application Forms will not be accepted.


Bank Details for making Membership Payment:

Date: / Amount: / Cheque or DD Number:
Name of the Bank: / UTR Number for NEFT:
Bank Details for transfer: / Small and Medium Business Development Chamber of India
Name of the Bank: / Allahabad Bank
Address: / Khar Branch, Vasu Smriti, Plot 383A 13TJ Rd, Khar (W), Mumbai – 400052
Account No.: / 50149797945
IFS Code: / ALLA0210302
GSTIN No.: / 27AAOCS8618K1ZL
(For office use only) Membership Approval
Membership Category ______Membership No. ______Date of Approval ______
Authorised Signatory______