Nuffield Road Medical Centre

Meeting: / Nuffield Road Medical Centre Patient Participation Group
Date: / Thursday 18 April 2013
Time: / 7.00 pm
Venue: / Nuffield Road Medical Centre

PPG Meeting 10 01 13Page 1

Nuffield Road Medical Centre

Present: / Kirsty Trigg (PPG Chair)
Terry Barham
Lesley Barham
Nasreen Bawa
Charles Malyon
Anne Shearcroft
Barbara Sinclair
Annabel Wood (NRMC GP Partner)
Greta Evans (NRMC Practice Manager)
  1. Apologies– Tricia Smith.
  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 10January 2013

The minutes were approved as a correct record.

  1. Matters Arising not on the Agenda

Health Fair – the date proposed was the same day as Chesterton Carnival. It was agreed to have a stand at this festival, focussing on the work of the PPG and the Walking Group.

Patient request for a bench – GE would action.

Action: GE

  1. Practice update
  • From 1 May 2013 Dr Selma Malik would become a partner of the practice.
  • Dr Amanda Wharton was retiring this summer; Dr Joanne Temple would join the practice from 5 August.
  • Dr Semrau-Boughton was taking a six month sabbatical from mid-May; Dr Anwen Morris would be providing cover for her duties.

There was a discussion about the number of GP partners. GE explained that the practice invested in more doctors and therefore the list size at NRMC was lower than the national average.

  1. Cam Health/Patient Forum Minutes 20March 2013
    KT gave an update on the last Cam Health forum meeting. There was now a new lay patient representing the Cam Health practices. He would be introduced formally at the next Cam Health Forum meeting and it was hoped he would attend one of NRMC’s PPG meetings in the future.

The Cam Health Board had met earlier in the day and was working out the new structure and considering how the nine Cam Health practices could continue their excellent joint working in the most cost efficient and sustainable way.

  1. Patient Survey 2012-13 Results
    The results of the survey and the action plan agreed at a previous meeting were discussed. The group agreed with the action plan (available on the NRMC website). It was noted that 53% of patients completing the questionnaire were in full time work. The group felt this made the survey even more meaningful as these were people who generally had the most time restraints.

GE reported that she had recently attended the Arbury Road PPG. It was suggested it would be interesting to hold a joint meeting, as the two practices were similar in size and served the same area.

  1. Role of the GP in Nursing Homes
    Dr Wood gave a talk on the role of the GP in local nursing and residential homes. The practice currently had over 600 patients in these homes (including extra care). In the larger homes - Cambridge Nursing Centre, Woodlands Care Centre, The Manor Care Home and Buchan House - the GP visited the home regularly for a complete session or sessions. At these sessions the GP would talk with the staff about any patient that had an acute need and go through any medication needs. The GP then visited the patient identified. They also visited patients that they wanted to review and might talk to the patient’s relatives.

The group talked about the GPs role in putting together an end of life plan, in discussion with the patient and their relatives, at the appropriate time. This plan would include asking patients about their wishes in respect of resuscitation. The form was circulated for information.

The group agreed that they found these talks interesting and informative. It was suggested the Arthur Rank Hospice would be a useful subject for a future talk.

  1. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and GP Practices

GE explained that the practice was now fully registered with the CQC. GE was the registered manager. The group looked at a couple of explanatory leaflets about the CQC and what practices might expect from a visit. At this stage the CQC was giving practices 48 hours’ notice of an inspection. If concerns about patient safety had been raised by a member of the public or staff the CQC might inspect without notice. More information for patients was available on the CQC website ( ).

GE outlined some of the work the practice had undertaken to meet the standards and better demonstrate its policies and protocols.


Text messages and emails – problems were reported with patients receiving text messages and emails from the practice. (Post meeting note: GE has checked and confirmed these are working correctly.)

Online appointments for practice nurses – GE explained it was not possible for these to be put on the automated system or on line. This was because:-

  • Not all nurses undertake all tasks
  • Treatment room tasks – the length of appointments varied greatly.

However appointments for the phlebotomist and the nurse practitioners was available.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Thursday 18July 2013 at 7.00 pm

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