Grendel Chapters 4-7 Reading Guide









Chapter Four—Cancer:


1. How does the Shaper create “mor(t)ality” with “casual words”?

2. How is the Shaper’s name fitting?

3. What does Grendel mean when he says that he is “always transforming the world with words—changing nothing”?

4. The Shaper speaks of “an ancient feud between two brothers which split all the world between darkness and light.” Who are the two brothers? What is the affect of the story on Grendel?

5. Why does Grendel rush down to the villagers outside of the mead hall?

6. What does Grendel decide regarding the fate of Hrothgar and the Shaper?

7. What do you think the “presence” is that Grendel feels all around him in the darkness?

Chapter Five—Leo:


1. Describe the dragon’s personality from the first few pages of the chapter.

2. As Grendel discovers, what is the dragon’s secret talent?

3. What does the dragon have to say about humans and the way they live their lives?

4. What is the Shaper’s role in the lives of humans, according to the dragon?

5. What does the dragon tell Grendel about the future? Why doesn’t Grendel believe him?

6. According to the dragon, what does Grendel do for humans?

7. What is the dragon’s final advice for Grendel?










Chapter 6—Virgo:


1. How does Grendel change after his encounter with the dragon?

2. What “charm” has the dragon put on Grendel? How is it actually a curse?

3. What is different about Grendel’s reaction to the Shaper’s song?

4. What does Grendel mean when he says that he wanted to shout, “Lo, God has vanquished mine enemies!”?

5. How is Grendel “transformed” after his first raid on Hart?

6. Why does Grendel feel “as hollow as a rotten tree” during his next raid on Hart? What does this say about Grendel’s character?

7. How does Grendel toy with Unferth at Hart?

8. According to Unferth, what is poetry? What is heroism?

9. Why do you think Grendel decides not to kill Unferth?

Chapter 7—Libra:


1. What is Grendel’s law? What does it mean?

2. Who/what are the other threats to Hrothgar’s kingdom? What happens when he is confronted with one of them?

3. Why does Grendel keep smelling the dragon’s scent?

4. Describe the impact that Wealtheow has on others, including Grendel.

5. Why does Grendel decide not to kill Wealtheow?

6. What does Grendel mean when he says that he has “cured” himself at the end of the chapter?