Personnel/Human Resource Department

Request for Action

FUSD Board Meeting of July 11, 2012

Certified Personnel


A.  Approval to offer teaching contracts for the 12-13 school year to Justine Anders and Alyssa Messerol FHS, Michael Asplin, David Bender, Debra Krzesowiak, Sylvia Marshall PBH, Patrick Barton MR, Krista Beck Rhone, Azita Dehkordi, and Anthony Goodwin, CCR, Diana Coleman, Wendy Griffen, Nicole Masters, and Paul Saggau AK8, Beverly Hackett CB, Aaron Kermes, Nelly Kalinchekova and Marissa Sanchez SR, Denise Pair – multiple sites.

B.  Approval to offer counselor contract to Perrin Ehler – PBH

C.  Approval of change of position from MR art teacher to CB Assistant Principal for Jim Bock.

D.  Approval of change of position from AK8 parapro to SPED LTS for Pearl Russo $120 per day

E.  Approval to re-hire Shannon Nash at SPED LTS at PBH $120 per day.

F.  Approval to pay $20 per hr. for Kindergarten screening to Tonya Newsome, Diana Albert, Kimberly Ott, Michelle Bocchino, and Marilyn Kallina, for TAP training to Amy Milchman, $25 per hr. for 21st Century Learning to Elyssa Eiring.

G.  Approval to pay $600 to Frank Bermier for summer intersession, $500 to Karin Kraus for CTE extra days, $263 to Ruben Gutierrez, Bobby Khanna, Shubhra Brown, Michelle Fogarty, and Elena Wilcox for ASAMA math team duties, $5,264 to Kim Schultz for Math Data team manager duties.

H.  Approval to accept letters of resignation and recommendation to impose $1500 liquidated damages to Devin Howe, Roger Lyman, and Jennifer Weber effective 6/1/12

I.  Approval to accept letters of resignation and recommendation not to impose liquidated damages to Tracy Brehm and Stacie Navarro, effective 6/1/12

Classified Personnel


A.  Approval to hire FHS athletic trainer Ruben Barrera $45,000, PBH campus monitor Victor Hardy $10.74 per hr., bus drivers Eugene Metz and James Lohrmann $11.85 per hr., Renatta Freeman and Reed Lark $13.30 per hr., sub bus driver Christina Trujillo, Leonard Bates and Barbara Madrid $11.85 per hr., district driver Carol Carrales $8.93 per hr., FHS attendance secretary Pam Haney $11.00 per hr., sub health care professionals Denise Dublin $11.85 per hr., David Jones $20.14 per hr.

B.  Approval to re-hire Janetta Blair for SR health aide, $11.26 per hr.

C.  Approval of summer custodial duties for Jennifer Montgomery and Jasmine Lopez $9.80 per hr. change of position from café custodian $9.80 per hr., to snack bar attendant $9.45 per hr. for Venus Ashbey, from café line server $8.13 per hr. to café custodian $9.80 per hr. for Greg Bejarano, from café line server $8.13 per hr. to snack bar attendant $8.93 per hr. for Rosa Pena, from café line server $8.13 per hr. to snack bar attendant $8.93 per hr. for Aida Pertuit, from 8 hours per day to 6.5 hours per day as AK8 kitchen manager for Dee Yazwa, hourly rate to remain the same., from sub custodian $9.80 per hr to FT custodian $10.22 per hr, for Rocio Beltran and Francisco Lopez, from FHS attendance secretary $10.23 per hr. to FHS registrar $11.23 per hr. for Cynthia Houck, from CB lunch monitor/crossing guard $9.69 per hr. to AK8 campus monitor $11.00 per hr., for Brenna Bader, from groundskeeper $9.80 per hr. to FHS facility assistant $13.30 per hr. for Gabriel Segovia

D.  Approval to accept letters of resignation from Craig Daubert, Guadalupe Garcia Hire, Robert Munoz, Glenn Hinton, and William Howard effective 5/31/12




7/5/2012 3:48:47 PM