Court Cases

Which Supreme Court case is correctly paired

with the constitutional issue it addressed?

(1) Gibbons v. Ogden — interstate commerce

(2) Dred Scott v. Sanford — executive privilege

(3) Gideon v. Wainwright — voting rights

(4) Roe v. Wade — rights of the accused

As a result of the Supreme Court ruling in

Miranda v. Arizona (1966), a person accused of a

crime is entitled to

(1) a speedy trial

(2) reasonable bail

(3) a reading of his or her rights at the time of arrest

(4) protection against cruel or unusual punishment

The “clear and present danger” doctrine stated by

the Supreme Court in the case of Schenck v.

United States (1919) had an important impact on

the Bill of Rights because it

(1) limited the powers of the president

(2) placed limits on freedom of speech

(3) clarified standards for a fair trial

(4) expanded the rights of persons accused of crimes

The Supreme Court decision in Schenck v.

United States (1919) stated that

(1) immigrants have limited rights

(2) freedom of speech is not absolute

(3) rights of the accused may not be limited

(4) women should be granted suffrage

Judicial review, as practiced by the federal courts,

resulted directly from

(1) the decisions of colonial governors

(2) the Articles of Confederation

(3) the Bill of Rights

(4) a Supreme Court decision

Base your answers to questions 42 and 43 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one

will be provided for you at government expense.


42 The requirements included in this passage are part of the Supreme Court’s effort to protect the rights of

(1) individuals accused of crimes

(2) students from unreasonable searches

(3) defendants from double jeopardy

(4) criminals from cruel and unusual punishment

43 This passage resulted from which Supreme Court


(1) Mapp v. Ohio (1961)

(2) Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

(3) Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

(4) Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)

The Supreme Court decisions in Gibbons v.

Ogden and Northern Securities Co. v. United

States were based on the federal government’s

power to

(1) issue patents

(2) control the stock market

(3) regulate interstate commerce

(4) encourage technological development