Performing a Ritual


-The prescribed order of a religious ceremony,

- The body of ceremonies or rites used in a place of worship,

-The prescribed form of conducting a formal secular ceremony, a book of rites or ceremonial forms.

-A ceremonial act or a series of such acts/ the performance of such acts.

-A detailed method of procedure faithfully or regularly followed

-A state or condition characterized by the presence of established procedure or routine

Task: In groups of 4 maximum, you will research, create, perform and film a ritualistic coming of age ceremony. The ceremony should be based on a coming of age ceremony from a specific religion or tribal culture (marriage, first hunt, survival tests, etc…) That coming of age ceremony should then be adapted to a modern coming of age ritual (learning to drive, voting, first date, etc…)

Detailed notes and a detailed list of sites/ videos you viewed should be handed in with your work to prove that your group has done the appropriate search in order to properly represent the cultural/ religious ritual they are basing their performance on.

Each group will choose a director that will lead the group. The director will have the task of keeping the group focused and on task with the project. They may take input from their actors, actresses but, in the end they make the ultimate choices. Be sure to contribute and follow their director’s instructions or else you could be fired! In the event that you are fired, you will complete an alternate solo assignment.

The assignment will be video taped and shown in class. If your recording device does not have an editing option you are very familiar with you may need to film your ritual in one take.

Director’s Requirements:

-The scene is 4-5 minutes in length.

-The ritual involves repetitive movement.

-The ritual incorporates objects that make sounds.

-Instrumental music or vocal singing/chanting is included.

-Costumes are worn.

-Ritual has a beginning, middle and an end (based on researched elements).

-includes a variety of drama techniques (mime, tableaux, storytelling, etc.)

Actors/Actresses Requirements:

-Listen to your director.

-Inform your director of any absences before you are away.

-Suggest ideas to your director that may benefit your group.

-Take responsibility for your share of work

-Take initiative if the director needs your assistance or other group members are not fulfilling their roles

-Bring a costume (as instructed)

Good luck!!!!

DUE DATE: Last in class Work Period: Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

Presentation date for the videos will be: Friday, April 12, 2013

Notes for Performance:
