SCHOOL ADJUSTMENTPLANUpdated: 3rd March 2015

School: Cheese House Catholic School
Name: Stuart Little / D.O.B. 12/06/2008
Learning Support Teacher: Ms. Mouse Kateer / Year Group: Year 4
Primary Disability: GAD
Other Disability information: ADD
Academic data: Reading level – year 2
Strengths and Interests: enjoys sport – soccer and basketball
Learning Goals:To engage in school life with confidence and strive for personal best in academic work
Planning Domain:
Aspects which act as a barrier to access and participation in school life / Necessary Adjustments to support accessibility and participation in school life:
Curriculum - supplementary
Stuart gets very anxious about ‘doing the right thing’ at school. He is aware of his inability to keep pace with his peers and this also causes anxiety. Stuart will withdraw when he becomes anxious, will become reluctant to talk, tends to lay his head on the desk
ADD - He finds it difficult to maintain focus and is slow to complete tasks.
Difficulty following multiple or complex instructions / Curriculum
  • Avoid using negative language as it is often all he will hear and will become more anxious
  • Reassure Stuart, if you can work out the issue – then get him back on track
  • Use the phrase ‘we can sort this out’ to prompt Stuart to use his ‘self-talk strategies’ (recommended by counsellor and used at home) – give Stuart a minute to process
  • When Stuart is ready to talk – reassure and assist him with the task at hand
  • Seat Stuart on a table close to the front of the class, close to the teacher
  • Pair Stuart with Paula for literacy, James for numeracy – they are both kind and conscientious –they are helpful in keeping Stuart focused and provide good peer support during tasks
  • With discretion, reduce Stuart’s total work load. Break work down into smaller sections.
  • Monitor Stuart regularly – giving positive reinforcement for his effort, and for his work when appropriate
  • Limit instructions to no more than 2 simple requests
  • Give him concise verbal directions, by explaining tasks with as few words as possible - ask him to repeat back the instructions

Social Skills – supplementary
Stuart is confident in the playground but reluctant to join a group for group work due to his academic performance anxiety / Social Skills
  • Designate groups when possible - assign Stuart to an appropriate group – with students who are inclusive and have higher level cooperative skills (eg. Susan, Kyla, Mary, Tom H, James, Paula)
  • When students select their own groups discretely assist Stuart to join an appropriate group

Role / Name / Signature
Class Teacher