1.  Present: Cllrs. Pike (Chairman), Aldridge, Duggan, Foster, Gill, Mattick, Pickford, Rideout, Stanford, Thwaites and Travis. MDCllrs John and Rachel Carter.

Apologies: Cllr Morgan. PCSO Nikki Housley.

2.  Public Participation (open to anyone, whatever their age): Catherine Walters attended to ask who would be going to MDC Planning Board on the 21/10 to discuss Sestri. MDCllr John Carter said he would be going. Cllr Pike said he would represent the PC. Cllr Aldridge said he would go as a resident. Clerk to send mass letter using the database asking for support at Mendip meeting. Catherine was thanked for her efforts. Clerk to send previous PC comments to Cllr Pike. Dave Travis, of Chilcompton Cricket Club, attended to explain how he was trying to reroute the footpath that now goes across the cricket pitch. He also said that fixtures would now be listed on the entrance sign and that they were considering a flagpole to identify the sports club.

3.  Minutes of the Previous Ordinary Meeting: In 5(k) it is Gus Barnes. In 5(p) the drain on Wells Road outside Iona. In 4 it is Bevois House. In 5(p) it is Paulene with an ‘e’. In 5(c) It is Bennell not Nennell. With these amendments the minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly. Cllr Stanford said that items were being left off the minutes. It was agreed that cllrs would have five days to review the minutes before they were posted on noticeboards. Cllr Stanford was asked to submit a list of comments about the September meeting. These are included as an addendum below.

4.  MDCllr John Carter: Reported that Downside were adamant that Abbey Road was not their responsibility. Clerk to check with land registry. People should feel free to contact their MP. Clerk to put MP poster on noticeboard. He confirmed that Mendip was already sharing legal services with other districts. He reported that Mendip was setting up an affordable housing scheme in the district. Re Belvedere MDCllr Carter said he would follow up about crossings.

5.  Ongoing & Matters Arising:

a)  Affordable housing in Parsonage Lane: Now going through.

b)  Traffic Safety at Lynch Hill: Cllr Duggan reported on the meeting with Somerset CC engineers. At the meeting it was intimated that a footpath project going SW out of the village was feasible at a cost of £120,000 but it was now down to the SCC Health & Safety.

c)  Police Report: Written report. 15/9 bike found in the Street. 16/9 Attempted break-in at the Co-op. 18/9 Garage broken into at Woodview, motorbike stolen. 23/9 Suspicious man in vehicle in Parsonage Lane, claimed he was from CID, when challenged he drove off. 24/9 Burglary on Wells Road. 30/9 Garages behind Woodview broken into but nothing stolen. 30/9 Items stolen from changing rooms at Chilcompton Sports ground. Cllr Duggan said that the CCTV at the club had identified the culprits and belongings had been retrieved. 8/10 Minor RTA outside Bennell cottages.

d)  War memorial: Clerk reported that he had bought the bollards. Cllr Stanford said that they were totally inappropriate – too gaudy for the memorial. Cllr Mattick said he would ask Steve Davis to put them up when he does the repairs. It was agreed to monitor and consider more robust ones later.

e)  Des Mattick: Cllr Paul Mattick to install bench.

f)  Phone box: Clerk to contact Lizzie Morris to see if she was still committed to the idea of developing a mini art gallery. Ongoing. It was reported that someone from Bennell cottages would be happy to keep the top phone box clean if that one was adopted.

g)  Councillor information: Clerk to put photos of the cllrs on the website. Cllr Gill to investigate email addresses.

h)  Signposts: It was agreed that redecorating them was a spring job. But there were no thoughts as to who might be willing to do them. Cllrs were asked to suggest “an odd job man” who might be willing to give a quote.

i)  Footpaths: CL 5/6. Clerk to ask C. Haskins again about the possibility of a kissing gate at the end of Somer Lea. CL5/29 by railway line is okay. CL5/30 The SCC footpath officer has said you cannot say ‘no’ to dogs without a bylaw.

j)  Parsonage Lane visibility: Clerk reported that Gus Barnes had told him that the trees had been put there in order to slow cars down.

k)  Adopt-a-path: The footpath committee agreed to meet to discuss the issue. Clerk to put it on the agenda for next month and recirculate the original documents to cllrs.

l)  Flags: Cllr Pickford reported that the VHMC has suggested that the PC find another flagmaster. Clerk to ring Shaun Maundrill. Cllr Pike offered to raise the flag for Remembrance Day if Shaun cannot do it. There was a discussion about who was responsible for the weeds on the perimeter of the village hall grounds. Cllr Foster to ring Peter Tater, chairman of the VHMC.

m)  Local Plan: Comments were needed on the draft village questionnaire. Cllr Pike to bring final draft to next meeting.

n)  Station Mead Play Area: There was a discussion on whether the PC should take it over from Mendip DC. Clerk to write to Mendip to ask if they would decommission it.

o)  Drains: Clerk to report continuing concerns, in particular on Baker’s Lane, above the Drang on the Wells Road, outside Iona on the Wells Road, and outside No.8 Stockhill Road and 44/46 Stockhill Road.

p)  Newsletter: Thanks were given to Mike and Kathy Hughes for their work on the DTP and the advertising, also to the distributors and the clerk. Cllr Stanford said that he had got a different proof reader (the original person who offered their services) to look at it and he had found 88 mistakes. Cllr Pickford asked that deliverers be given more warning about date of publication next time.

q)  184 Bus service: It was reported that the 184 Libra no longer goes through Chilcompton.

r)  Montsurs Close lines: Clerk reported that Somerset CC have now said they will repaint the white lines. Clerk to chase in a couple of months if it doesn’t happen.

s)  Litter Pick: Thanks were given to Cllr Foster for her organisation. Cllr Aldridge to send volunteer list to Cllr Foster when his computer is running again. Cllr Aldridge to bring pickers and yellow vests to next meeting.

t)  Wells Road sign: Clerk to contact enforcement officer again about sign outside No.1.

u)  Brambles on Bowden Hill: Cllr Stanford reported that he had cut them back.

v)  Thorner Way: It had been reported that the developers had opted for Thorner Way rather that the PC suggestion.

6.  Committee reports: The Old Rec – The clerk reported that a cheque had been written and the PC agreed to buy the shelter from Chilcompton Skaters. Margaret Pugh has passed on rust remover and paint to the PC. Cllr Travis handed out provisional research carried out by the Play area equipment sub-committee, a further meeting of that committee was needed. Cllr Stanford announced that he was leaving that committee. Youth Club – Cllr Pike reported that two of the volunteers were leaving and that if replacements did not come forward the club might fold. Speedwatch – If Cllr Morgan received info on other villages, those details should go to Speedwatch volunteers not the PC. Hollwey – Cllr Pike said that he was going to get a photograph for the wall. Ponds – It was reported that Paul Jevans had cleared the bottom pond. Cllr Mattick to get new quote from Trevor Wilkins about clearing the others. Cllr Mattick said there were lime tree roots that needed removing. Cllr Stanford said there were two oak branches overhanging at the top of the field (east). Cllr Mattick to contact Alan Tibbs. Clerk to contact Primrose about what strimming they do around the ponds.

7.  Kissing Gates: CL5/29. It was agreed that the stile on the edge of the sports field should be replaced by a wooden rather than metal kissing gate. Clerk to tell Clare Haskins, Somerset CC.

8.  Invasive non-native plants: Re the Himalayan Balsam in the Valley it was agreed that the PC had exhausted legal possibilities. Clerk has written to the owners and had no response.

9.  Planning Applications: (a) 2015/2188 Opening hours conditions, Manor Farm. Cllr Mattick declared an interest. Recommend approval. (b) 2015/2332 Extension to replace garage, Glenwood, Bakers Lane. Recommend approval.

Subcommittee: None

12.  Planning Decisions: (a) 2015/1800 Conditions, Hillcrest, The Street. Approved.

13.  Accounts:

14.  922 – Glasdon - bollards - 61.72

923 – M. Rigby - reimbursements - 24.48

15.  924 – M. Rigby - Clerk’s salary - 269.40

16.  925 – Post Office (HMRC) - Clerk’s tax - 67.20

17.  926 – Chilcompton VHMC - hall rent - 45.00

18.  927 – Primrose - grasscutting - 650.00

19.  928 – Information Commissioner - data protection - 35.00

20.  929 – TPM - newsletter printing - 732.57

21.  930 – Jon Pike - VJ Day and paint - 140.57

22.  931 – Chilcompton Skaters - shelter - 500.00


Newsletter advertising income £555.00

14.  Correspondence: Provision of de-icing material. Cllr Aldridge to collect bags. Highways will automatically refill the bins. Police newsletter. Cllr Stanford reported that he had received letters from John Golding about trees and Susan Comber on speed limits. Clerk to find out from Jeff Bunting when the speed limits at the White Post end of the village were going to be changed.

15.  Any Other Business: Cllr Stanford said that he would take the wreaths away before 10/11. Cllr Stanford reported on the Mendip Forum, and in particular how SALC are saying that PCs will be taking on extra responsibilities. Cllr Pickford said that a reply should be sent to the woman who wrote about bonfires. Clerk to do so. Cllr Foster recommended cllrs should read the Parish Information Bulletin. Cllr Duggan said that the kerbs by Naishes Cross, where work has recently been done, are diabolical. Clerk to contact Western Power. Cllr Pickford said otherwise it was an excellent job. Cllr Rideout asked if there was any news about Broadband. Clerk to investigate.

16.  Date of next meeting: This was fixed for Wednesday 11th November 2015. Planning Meeting on Wednesday 28th September 2015.

17.  Close: The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00pm.

18.  Addendum: Cllr Stanford’s comments on the September meeting. “5c This is an important topic and the minutes need expanding. 5d This does not reflect or record what was discussed or actioned. The Ponds saga is not mentioned, so can it be assumed that there is no further action re. changes and public mtg. 5r No record of objection to cancellation of 184 bus service. 6 Should read - Cllr Stanford reported that a Member of Speedwatch had requested that data re. local Speedwatch groups was no longer being circulated. Clerk to contact Cllr Morgan and request that this data is circulated to Speedwatch Members. AOB No record of the verges on Bakers Lane. I specifically requested that Network Rail be contacted and requested to tidy up the verges. Furthermore I pointed out that when the PC considered the scheme, it was requested that the verge be made part of the pavement. It seems this request was not passed on. However, with the massive cost on this task it seems reasonable to leave the site in a tidy condition. AOB No record of the coal truck being painted. AOB No record of action re. village hall CP. N.B. I can't find the initial item. AOB No record of the Taylor Wimpey being asked to cut hedge. AOB No record of action re. Abbey Road. AOB No record or mention of any contact with volunteer 'proof reader' being contacted for further issues of to say thank you or no thank you.

Signed...... Date...... Witnessed......