United States History Study Guide

Benchmark #2

1)Why was the Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution?

2)How did the population change in the United States after the Civil War?

3)How were Big-city political machines of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were able to dominate city governments and win elections?

4)Why did the United States emerge as a major industrial power in the late nineteenth century?

5)Political machines of the late 19th and early 20th centuries ______.

  1. allocated city housing to immigrant groups most in need
  2. restricted city employment to English speakers
  3. provided immigrants with jobs, housing, and other assistance in return for political support
  4. deported immigrants who refused to assimilate and learn English

6)Why was President Theodore Roosevelt known as the “trust buster”?

7)Starting in the mid-19th century, U.S. industry enjoyed tremendous growth, innovation, and expansion. New developments included the Transcontinental Railroad, electric power systems, the telegraph, and the telephone. How can you best describe the The American capitalist economic system during this time?

8)Though never winning a U.S. presidential election, the Populist Party influenced American politics and society by advocating for ______.

  1. an eight-hour work day in factories and voting rights for women
  2. the coinage of silver to raise inflation and guaranteed farm prices
  3. government regulation of railroads and prohibition of alcohol

establishment of a mine safety council and the imposition of a national income tax

9)The progressive era of the late 19th century advocated government intervention to help farmers, miners, and factory workers. This was exemplified by the ______.

A. Interstate Commerce Commission, which regulates railroad shipping rates

B. Pendleton Act, which created a civil service system for the government

C. FDIC, which insures bank deposits

D. establishment of a graduated income tax

10) After winning the Spanish-American War, the United States controlled the former Spanish colonies of ______.

11) What did Theodore Roosevelt mean by the quotation below?

12) Why did thousands of African Americans from the South move to northern and Midwestern industrial cities during the Great Migration?

13) Women had been advocating for the right to vote since before the Civil War. When did their efforts gain national political support?

14) Who was the creator of one of the first settlement houses?

15) Which war did “Yellow Journalism” have a serious impact on?

16) ______is an action of a state or government to acquire territory.

17) The Central Powers consisted of ______.

18) What treaty ended World War I?

19) What “tool” was used to help finance American entrance into WW1?