Thomas Jefferson High School
Federal Way Public Schools Course Syllabus2017-2018
Class:World History 10RPeriods: 2, 4, and 7
Teacher Name/Room Number: Steven M. Quesinberry, Room P-1
Communication:Phone-253-945-5753 Email- Website –
Course Overview
The purpose of this course to develop strong writing, speaking, reading, and critical thinking skills through a study of major world historical themes. Through the development of these skills, students will be ready to advance to IB history the following year. Many course assessments follow IB rubrics and IB-style questions.
Content-wise, the goal is to study how regions and different groups of people interact and trade ideas from ancient times to the present. As part of our study we will often work with two or more interpretations of historical events and themes in order to critically evaluate the past. Each unit will have one or two key questions that students will continue to go back to.
Course Framework – The following are potential units and depending on student interests, developing current events and my determination, the topics may change:
- Age of Exploration and Encounter
- Scientific and Industrial Revolutions
- Political Revolutions
- Modern Colonialism
- WWI and WW2
- Cold War
- Struggle for National Independence
- World Challenges and Human Rights
We use the World History textbook, online resources, videos and other materials as necessary. Students should have a 3-ring binder, pens/pencils, highlighters and loos-leaf paper. It might be helpful to have colored pencils and an eraser.
*Be Kind – Be kind and thoughtful to everyone, all the time. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
*Be Responsible – Take care of your responsibilities and requirements.
*Be Safe - All behavior needs to be lawful and not endanger the physical or emotional safety of other students.
Assessment and Late Work Policy
The Federal Way Grading System
- Each course has a set of learning standards (priority standards). These can be accessed on the FWPS website.
- Some work will be given an NFG (Not For Grade) and will be averaged into a single grade at different points in the year.
- Individual assignments are linked to one or more priority standards, and the score for that assignment will be averaged with all other assignment scores in that priority standard, resulting in an overall score for that standard.
- The class grade is the result of the average of all priority standard scores.
- Class grade barriers are as follows: A = 4.0-3.5 B = 3.5-3.0 C= 3.0-2.3 F= below 2.3
- Students are guaranteed at least two attempts for each priority standard.
- Please check your child’s grade frequently using the district grades online program. Parents should have received a letter from the district IT department with their password. (253) 945-2111
- Students may contact the counseling office, (253) 945-5604, or Ms Dickson, (253) 945-5609 for their password.
- All summative assessments must be completed and passed in order for a student to earn credit for the class. If a summative assessment is not completed, the student will be given an INCOMPLETE, until completed with the permission of Mr. Q.
The MYP scale will be used in this class to show your student’s progress
1-8 MYP scale
In the grade book, students will be graded on a 1-8. 1-2 = below standard, 3-4=approaching standard, 5-6= meeting standard and 7-8 = exceeding standard. As there is no “0” score available, a “1” will also be given to students who do not turn in an assignment. Teachers will make an effort to note in the grade book if an assignment is missing to help parents and students keep track of what is missing.
Attendance, Participation, Tardiness and Classroom Expectations
In order to learn all of the necessary information and concepts in this course, daily school attendance is especially important. All students will be expected to be in the room and in their seat when the bell rings, as we will begin immediately. If you have any questions concerning the attendance policy at TJHS, please consult your student handbook/planner. Unexcused absences may affect your ability to earn credit for the class. Your child is less likely to succeed if he/she is chronically absent or late (excused or unexcused). Chronic absence is defined as more than 8 absences a year. Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time. Students are expected to be in class when the bell rings. After an excused absence, students must follow up with their classmates first, then with the teacher to complete missing work. Currently, students may go to the following website for daily assignments and materials:
All students are expected to participate on a daily basis and many of our assignments have a built-in participation component. Please ask questions…often.
In an effort to stop the disruption of tardiness, upon arriving to class late, you must wait until the teacher finds the appropriate time to allow you to enter the classroom. Students who are late more than twice in a month will be asked to serve Quality Time with Mr. Q after school.
Students are not allowed to use electronic devices unless the teacher allows it (i.e.: cell phones, mp3 players, etc.) at any time in class. They must be turned off and stowed out of sight as you enter class. I will give a warning to the class or individuals. After the warning, any cell phones or electronic devices that are out will be confiscated. The first time it is confiscated, it will be held until the end of the period. The second time it will be held until the end of the day. All subsequent offences will result in an administrative referral and confiscation until a parent can pick it up in the office. If a parent must contact a student during an emergency or for an emergency, please call the office (253-945-5600) and they will deliver the message to my classroom.
TECH BREAK – I will provide a short TECH BREAK halfway through each period. The Daily TA will remind me about the TECH BREAK.
Bathroom Passes. The best time for a bathroom break is during the TECH BREAK. Students must sign out on a list, then write their name, time and destination on a pass. Students may use the bathroom pass no more than once every two weeks.
Food and Drink. Snack food allowed in class. Water and sealable containers will be allowed in class. If you make a mess, you will not be allowed to have food or drinks in class.
Here are the basics to ensure a good year together:
1. Respect each other and yourself.
2. Be prepared for class each day.
3. Wait for other to stop speaking before you speak.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Participate in all classroom assignments.
Reassessment Policy:
* TJHS students will have multiple opportunities to achieve mastery of a Priority Standard. This includes re-taking portions of tests (Policy 2420P), recognizing that students learn at different rates and times.
* Students are guaranteed at least two attempts for each priority standard. In some courses, multiple attempts are offered in class. In other courses, the second attempt takes the form of a retake. In this course and in the social studies department, students will typicallyhave multiple opportunities rather than retakes, as described below.
Reassessments fall into two categories: Multiple Opportunities or Retakes.
Multiple Opportunities:
Teachers will communicate when a particular standard will be assessed again as part of the curriculum. These “multiple opportunities”, as defined by the teacher, are offered to all students as part of the designed curriculum. Students need to show no extra readiness to participate.
* Retakes will be worth the same score as the original assessment or assignment. Any assignment given for practice or completion will not be used to determine a student’s grade, but can be entered into the grade book for communication.
*For summative assessments or standards that are only assessed once, students who score 2 or lower, may retake or redo the assessment in order to show they have can score at least a 3.
* Specifics for this class: some quizzes and tests will be offered for retakes. However, most assignments fall under the “multiple opportunities” category as described above.
How to get help:
The Library at TJ will be open after school Mondays through Thursdays from 2:15 to 4:00 for students to work on homework or projects. Tutors and staff are available during this time. An activity bus is available to take students home at 4:00 on these afternoons.
Academic Integrity:
At TJ, academic integrity is a guiding principle in all classes. Students must be diligent in protecting their academic reputation and avoiding all forms of plagiarism, academic misconduct, collusion, and cheating.
District policies apply. Each student is accountable for his/her own actions. To be successful, each student must treat others in a respectful manner. When a student does not uphold the rules, there will be a fair and clear process to resolve the situation. The student, teacher, administrator and parent will work together to resolve situations and assign consequences as needed. Sometimes students may be asked to serve Quality Time with Mr. Q, if the student does not serve this time, he or she will be referred to Administration.
TJHS Family/Staff
Academic Plan 2017-2018
Signature & Communication Form
Class:World History 10MPeriod: ______
Teacher: Quesinberry
Please return this page with the following information to the teacher listed above:
My child learns best when: (optional)
My child’s greatest strength is…
Parent/Guardian Name: / ______Email Address: / ______
Preferred Phone #: / ______Best time to call: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: / ______
Email Address: / ______
Preferred Phone #: / ______Best time to call: ______
Does your student have daily and reliable Internet access for schoolwork purposes (checking assignments, doing research, accessing online textbooks)? Please circle one.
YES / LIMITED / NOWe have read and understand this invitation to learn as described in the attached Academic Plan. Our signatures show that we are setting a course for success in this class.
Student Name (please print) ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Please keep the Course Syllabus for future reference and return this page to the teacher.