
Senior High School


Vocational Program


Application Pack

Esperance Senior High SchoolVET



Student Application Form

Unique Student Identifier

Application Questions

Application Questions (continued)

Code of Conduct

Parent Medical/Permission Form

Goldfields Institute of Technology - Parent Information and Consent

Farm Students ONLY - Esperance Farm Training Centre - Parent Information and Consent

Student Interview Feedback Sheet

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Esperance Senior High SchoolVET


Esperance Senior High School offers a range of vocational streams, which are aimed at providing students with an introduction to the workplace in their chosen field. Each stream has an Industry Coordinator which is listed below. Please note: that streams listed below will only run if there are enough students.Any aspect of the course can be discussed with the Industry Coordinator or VET Coordinator (Cynnamon Harper) prior to the interview.

Important Note: As of 2017 all students must achieve a Certificate II or higher to graduate (or an ATAR score over 50). Therefore, you must select one of the following unless you are an ATAR student.

The Industry Coordinators are;

VET Grid

  • Agriculture – Danny Pollard
  • Automotive – Keith Fitzpatrick
  • Building and Construction –Kelby Myers
  • Business – Cynnamon Harper and Natalie Wallace
  • Metals Engineering – Andrew Hackwell
  • Hairdressing and Beauty – Cynnamon Harper and Molly Zanker
  • Hospitality – Greg Forster
  • Tourism – Cynnamon Harper and Molly Zanker

Mainstream Grid

  • Skills for Work (Mainstream) – Leanne Cassam and Beau Scanlon

Students will be enrolled in aII and/or III certificate (relevant to their vocational pathway), Workplace Learning (WPL), English and Maths.Other subjects studied will be dependent on the VET stream the student is enrolled in. These are listed in the Upper School Handbook. Students need to be aware that they will be placed in local businesses around Esperance as part of their WPL. It is vitally important that they exhibit a high level of enthusiasm and commitment to their workplace, if they are to gain the most benefit from their studies.

Students need to arrange an interview with the Industry Coordinator for the stream they are interested in. Students should attend multiple interviews, if they are interested in several areas. Please photocopy this VET Application pack multiple times if you will be attending more than one interview. Come to the Drop a Job Student Office (located in the North Wing ground floor, opposite photography) Monday or Friday to get the VET Business students to do this for you.

Those students selected for entry into any particular stream will be based on the student’s suitability to the course using a ranking system. Students, who exhibit both the essential and preferred criteria, will be more likely to gain a place in the vocational program of their choice.

Essential Criteria

  • Clear vocational goals
  • Satisfactory Year 10, Semester 1 results
  • Resume
  • Completed application package (this document)

Preferred Criteria

  • Past work experience and/or
  • Part-time paid work

Cynnamon Harper

VET Coordinator - Esperance Senior High School

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Esperance Senior High SchoolVET

Student Application Form

NOTE: This form should be completed by the student in consultation with parents/guardians and school representatives.

Home Phone:
Other Phone/s:

Please select your three (3) preferred vocational courses (1 = 1st Preference, 2 = 2nd Preference, etc).

 / Agriculture
 / Automotive
 / Building and Construction
 / Business
 / Children’s Services
 / Hairdressing and Beauty
 / Hospitality
 / Metals and Engineering
 / Tourism
 / Skills for Work (Mainstream)


  • Understands the requirements of the program;
  • Has discussed participation in the program with parents/guardians;
  • Wishes to attend an interview and if selected participate in the program.

Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature

Unique Student Identifier

A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a student reference number made up of numbers and letters. It will link a student to their VET Certificates/Units of Competency. ALL students must have a USI if they are enrolled in a VET course. For more information visit the USI website (

If you already have a USI please enter it below:


In order to create a USI you will need one form of ID:

Driver’s Licence (includes Learner’s Permit)

Licence Number:

Medicare Card

Name as written on card
Medicare Card Number:
Reference Number:
Expiry Date:

Other ID – see the USI website for more information - Australian Passport, Non-Australian Passport, Birth Certificate (Australian ONLY), Certificate of Registration by Descent, Citizenship Certificate and ImmiCard.

Application Questions

NOTE: To be answered before the interview. Similar questions will be asked in your interview.
  1. Do you wish to graduate from year 12 with a WACE certificate?
/ Yes / No
  1. Do you wish to undertake further study when you leave school? If yes, briefly outline your further study goals below, i.e. Trade Course/TAFE Certificate.
/ Yes / No
  1. What type/s of jobs would you hope to get after leaving school?

  1. Why have you applied to participate in the program?

  1. What are your expectations of the program? What do you hope to gain from the program?

  1. Have you had previous work experience and/or Workplace Learning? If yes, please complete indicate your latest work experience.
/ Yes / No
Employer’s name:
Start and Finish Dates:
Type of work:
  1. Are you currently in paid work or have you previously had paid work?
If yes, please complete indicate your latest paid work. / Yes / No
Employer’s name:
Start and Finish Dates:
Type of work:

Application Questions (continued)

  1. Have you thought about a possible workplace for your WPL? If yes, please complete the following.
/ Yes / No
Employer’s name:
Contact Phone:
Employer’s name:
Contact Phone:
Employer’s name:
Contact Phone:
Employer’s name:
Contact Phone:

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Esperance Senior High SchoolVET

Code of Conduct

The normal school rules underpin this Code of Conduct. In addition, the following rules will be abided by while participating in a vocational program or in an out-of-school activity.
Please tick the boxes below to confirm you agree to the rules.
 / Students must follow staff instructions at all times
 / Students must respect the property and rights of the school and others
 / Students must be punctual at all times
 / No student is to operate any vehicle, machine and/or equipment without staff permission
 / All students will dress in a neat and safe manner, and in accordance with the agreed standard
 / Smoking,drinking of alcohol and drugs are banned on all school premises and Southern Regional TAFE
 / Full and active participation in all course subjects is required at all times
The consequences of not following the rules and the general School rules are;
First consequence / Formal warning including parents/guardian contact
Second consequence / In school suspension where a contract of conduct is negotiated, with a copy to parent/guardian
Third consequence / Parent/Guardian to be involved in the counselling process before the student is allowed back into the course

Student Contract

I ______have read, ticked and fully understand the requirements as stated in the Code of Conduct.
Student Name:
Parent/Guardian Name:

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Esperance Senior High SchoolVET

Parent Medical/Permission Form

It must be noted that medical insurance is a parental responsibility and it is suggested each child has adequate cover in case of accident or injury.
Child’s Name:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Medicare No:

Medical History

List any medical history that may be important for the school to know. E.g. diabetic, epilepsy, asthma, allergies, etc.
Date of Tetanus Injector or Booster:
Name of Family Doctor:
Doctor’s Phone:

Swimming Ability

My child has achieved stage number _____ on ______(date).
  1. Beginning
  2. Water Discovery
  3. Preliminary
  4. Water Awareness
  1. Water Sense
  2. Junior
  3. Intermediate
  4. Water Wise
  1. Senior
  2. Junior Swim & Survive
  3. Swim and Survive
  4. Senior Swim & Survive

Emergency Permission

I do give / do not give(please circle appropriate choice) permission for my child to be taken to a doctor or hospital in an emergency situation. I understand that all medical expenses are the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Program Permission
I give my full support for my child ______to
Participate in the VET program selected
Parent/Guardian Signature:

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Esperance Senior High SchoolVET

Southern Regional TAFE - Parent Information and Consent

Day Excursion

Date: / As per school timetable
Activities: / Attending TAFE, Pink Lake Road
Duration: / 8.30am to 3.00pm
Location: / Pink Lake Road
Contact Arrangements: / 90719570
Transport: / Walk from school (after Form class)
Cost: / Included in fees
Supervisors: / Mrs Cynnamon Harper, Mr Keith Fitzpatrick, Mr Kelby Myers, MrMr Andrew Hackwell, Mrs Molly Zanker
Special Clothing/Equipment: / VET uniform and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). (NOTE: VET Uniform is specific to each industry area. Students will NOT be allowed to participate in TAFE classes if they are not attired in the appropriate VET uniform and PPE.)

Parent Consent

I am aware that any costs incurred as a result of accident or illness are my responsibility and that school staff are not responsible for any loss or damage to my child’s personal property that may occur during the course of the excursion.
I agree to inform the organisers well before the scheduled excursion departure of any change to my student’s health and fitness so that appropriate supervision may be arranged. I acknowledge that, should it be considered necessary, school staff will arrange to present my student for medical assistance and treatment.
I am aware that school guidelines and excursion guidelines need to be followed by my child at all times.
I give permission for my child ______to
Attend the above mentioned excursion.
Any activities that I do not wish my child to participate during this excursion are:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Emergency contact number:

Farm Students ONLY - Esperance Farm Training Centre- Parent Information and Consent

Day Excursion

Date: / As per school timetable
Activities: / Attending Esperance Farm Training Centre, Dempster Road
Duration: / 8.30am to 3.00pm
Location: / Dempster Road
Contact Arrangements: / Mobile – 0429 337 876, Office – 9078 2063
Transport: / Residential College Bus
Cost: / Included in fees
Supervisors: / Mr Danny Pollard, Mr RobertDurdin and Mr Bruce Fitzpatrick
Special Clothing/Equipment: / VET uniform and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), lunch (cooking facilities available)

Parent Consent

I am aware that any costs incurred as a result of accident or illness are my responsibility and that school staff are not responsible for any loss or damage to my child’s personal property that may occur during the course of the excursion.
I agree to inform the organisers well before the scheduled excursion departure of any change to my student’s health and fitness so that appropriate supervision may be arranged. I acknowledge that, should it be considered necessary, school staff will arrange to present my student for medical assistance and treatment.
I understand that if my child misses the bus to the farm in the morning it is my responsibility to transport them out. If transport cannot be arranged my child will be sent home for the day.
I am aware that school guidelines and excursion guidelines need to be followed by my child at all times.
I give permission for my child ______to
Attend the above mentioned excursion.
Participate in the Driver Education Program as part of this excursion.
Any activities that I do not wish my child to participate during this excursion are:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Emergency contact number:

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Esperance Senior High SchoolVET

Student Interview Feedback Sheet

Student Name:
Current School Year:
Preferences: / 1st / 2nd / 3rd

Selection Checklist

Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory / Very Good / Excellent
Appropriate dress and grooming
Enthusiastic and positive attitude
Listens carefully to questions
Thoughtful convincing answers
Asked appropriate questions
Clarity of speech
Confidence and maturity
Positive body language
Courteous behaviour
Supporting documentation (e.g. Resume, Semester 1 Report)
Program knowledge understanding
Realistic career goals
Commitment to further studies
Ability to work with others
Recommendation for program: / Yes / No

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