Ashdod-Yam Archaeological Project: July 9 – August 4, 2017

Registration and Housing Form

  1. Personal Information

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Zip/Postal Code
Date of birth
Gender /  Male  Female
Passport Number
Name of contact person
Tel. of contact person
E-mail of contact person
Excavation Experience

Note: Team Members will be engaged in all types of archaeological activities, as needed.

Work includes hard physical labor (working with pick axe, moving dirt), light physical work (delicate excavation with small tools and brushes), pottery washing and recording. Consideration will be given to individual capabilities and preferences, but this is not guaranteed.

2. Statement of Health and Insurance Status

I hereby state that I have complete health, accident, and personal possessions (theft and damage) insurance, valid in Israel. I have been pronounced by my doctor and my insurance program to be medically fit and up to the exertions of manual work in a hot climate. I am aware that should the above statement be untrue, I would have no claim for compensation from the Project, its supporting institutions, directors or staff.

Name of Applicant:


3. Payment Information

Registration fee (non refundable): 50€ (should be transferred in NIS)

The work week is Monday to Friday. Team members enjoy free weekends from Friday after lunch to Sunday evenings.Note that, unlike many other excavations, your expedition fee includes your room for the weekends, but meals are NOT provided by the dig during the weekends (we provide dinner on Sunday evenings though). If you choose to stay at the camp over the free weekends, there are plenty of options for eating in its vicinity.

Weekly fee per person: 500 €(should be transferred in NIS)

It is better to stay for at least twoconsecutiveweekson the excavation. Needless to say: the longer you stay, the greater your chances to witness some amazing archaeological discovery...

One week: 500 €

Two weeks: 1000 €

Three weeks (reduced): 1450 €

Four weeks (reduced): 1900 €

Leipzig University students: Four weeks (reduced): 1800 €[1]

The price includes:

Cost includes participation in the dig, air conditioned furnished rooms (up to 3-4 people in a room, divided into two units), with toilets and showers (smoking is not allowed within the rooms); full board (morning coffee, breakfast at the field, fruit break at the field, lunch, afternoon coffee and cake, and dinner);free WiFi 24-hours internet access within intended areas on the premises; transportation to the site and back on working days and transportation to special tours, which will be arranged from time to time; 24-hours a day security and first aid in the camp; all academic lectures and workshops; afternoon archaeological programs and social activities, educational tours to archaeological and historical sites and museums in the region.

The price does not include:

Flights to and from Israel, health insurance, meals on weekends.

4. Participation (at least two consecutive weeks)

Week 1: July 9 – July 14 (arrival on July 9 afternoon)

Week 2: July 16 – July 21 (arrival on July 16 afternoon)

Week 3: July 23 – July 28 (arrival on July 23 afternoon)

Week 4: July 30 – August 4 (arrival on July 30 afternoon)

5. Housing and Board

We will stay in the city of Ashdod, at theORT YAMI-ASHDODNaval officers boarding school ( located at the bottom of Giv'at Yonah (Jonah's Hill: which is named after the prophet Jonah, who is believed to be buried there), within a shortwalking distance from Mei Ami, Lido and Oranim Mediterranean Beaches, south to northern Lachish River Promenade.

The expedition administration will be in charge for making the list of people for each room.If you wish to make any special requests regarding housing, please detail them below:

6. Weekend Tour to Jerusalem (optional): 50€

Make the most of your summer and discover Jerusalem with the Ashdod-Yam Archaeological Project. The fee covers only the transfer to Jerusalem. More information will follow shortly. Stay tuned!

7. Your Balance

The balance of your participation fee is due by March15th2017.

Registration fee / 50€
Participation fee
Weekend Tour to Jerusalem (optional)
Total / €

Method of Payment

1. The preferable method of payment is by credit card. The sum in Euros will be charged in shekels, using the official exchange rate on the date the charge is made. We accept the following cards: VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS. In order to pay with one of the above mentioned cards, we need:

Full name
Passport Number
Passport’s country of Issue
Type of Credit Card /  VISA  MasterCard  American Express
Number of Credit Card
Expiration Date
Card security code (CVV/CSC/CVD)

2. Participants wishing to pay by check or bank transfer should add 40 € to the participation fee, which is required in order to cover bank charges. If you chose to make your participation fee by bank transfer or check, please indicate it (by writing "yes") in the field below:

Participation Fee will be made via Check / Yes/No
Participation Fee will be made via Bank Transfer / Yes/No

Checks should be issued to order of: Israeli Institute of Archaeology

and sent to: 5 Openhaymer St., Rehovot, 76701 Israel.
For bank transfers, our bank information is:
Bank name- U-BANK (26)
Rehovot Branch- 279
Israeli Institute of Archaeology
Acc number-262668
Iban- IL310262790000000262668

Refund Policy (registration fee excluded)

Late May 2017 is when we commit for accommodations, as well as hire staff according to the number of volunteers then registered. After that date we are subject to cancellation fees. Therefore, if the balance of your payment has not been received by that date, your registration is void. Our refund policy is:

  • If for any reason we are forced to cancel your participation, you will receive a full refund.
  • If you withdraw from the expedition before May 15th, you will receive a full refund less US$ 50 cancellation fee.
  • If you withdraw from the expedition after this date,but before the agreed date of your arrival you will receive a 50% refund.
  • If you do not show up for the excavation on the dates for which you have registered or decide to withdraw after your arrival, we regret that no refunds can be given.


[1]In any case, you have to be a student of Leipzig University (BA, MA, Diploma, PhD, Staatsexamen, Kirchliches Examen). Please contact Prof. Dr. A. Berlejung () to apply for this special discount.