World Family Summit Sanya – China

06 – 09 December 2004 03 March 2005




Sanya, Hainan Province, China

06 – 09 December 2004


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World Family Summit Report




  1. World Family Summit Summary Report
  1. Main Conclusions
  1. Recommendations
  1. Appreciations

Annex 1. Invitation Letter from World Family Organization

Annex 2. Invitation letter from Government of China

Annex 3. United Nations Secretary General’s Message to WFO and Message of H.E. Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, President of Brazil

Annex 4. World Family Summit Programme

Annex 5. Sanya Declaration -The World Declaration for a Comprehensive Family Policy

Annex 6. List of Participants by Country and Region

Annex 7. List of Inscriptions

  1. World Family Summit Summary Report

The World Family Summit (WFS) was an initiative of the World Family Organization (WFO) in partnership with the United Nations and the Government of China to effectively contribute to the celebration of the International Year for Family +10.

Organized with the aim of reviewing and evaluating the goals accomplished since the 1994 International Year of the Family, in context of implementing the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and the ICPD Program of Action (ICPD-PoA), the World Family Summit took place from 6 to 9 December 2004 in Sanya, Hainan Province, China.

The Summit counted with the attendance of 300 participants representing 84 countries including Ministers, Parliamentarians, Governors, Governmental high officials, international, national and grassroots NGOs and coalitions, business community, media and press and the United Nations - UNDESA, UNDP, UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF and UNFPA.

The Minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China, HE, Mr. Weiqing Zhang chaired the Opening Ceremony of the World Family Summit and started by welcoming all participants to China.

Soon after, HE, Ms Xiulian Gu, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China and President of The All-China Women's Federation, in her opening speech, stressed the family's role as the fundamental unit of society. She underlined China's efforts to provide for and support the family through incorporation of family policies and programs into the government's national development strategies.

Ms. Xiulian Gu urged the reinforcement of communication and cooperation as essential means to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and responding successfully to the challenges facing families and development initiatives today.

The President of WFO, Dr. Deisi Kusztra made opening remarks emphasizing the role of families in implementing the MDGs and thanking the Minister Zhang Weiqing, Minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China and the Chinese Government, Ministers, personalities and all the participants for their massive presence.

Dr. Deisi Kusztraalso thankedthe United Nations Secretary General,Mr. Kofi Annan, for his message of support, and especially for his initiative and determination of supporting the World Family Summit.

In his opening address, Mr. Khalid Malik, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China focused on the role of the United Nations in China in implementing the MDGs.

Ms Najet Karaborni, Senior Interregional Adviser, UN-NGO-IRENE Project Coordinator NGO Section/ OESCpresented the message of the United Nations Secretary-General to the Summit. She also thanked the World Family Organization for its outstanding initiative to hold a World Family Summit and the Peoples' Republic of China Government for co-sponsoring it and hosting it.

Opening addresses were also made by HE Mrs. Ursula Haubner, Secretary of State for Family Affairs, Austria, HE Mrs. Saloua Ayachi Lebbene, Minister of Women and Family Affairs, Tunisia, HE Mr. Shahbaz Hussein Ch., Minister of Population Welfare, Pakistan and HE. Mr. Changsong Cai, Deputy Secretary-General, Hainan Provincial Party Committee.

The first and second days of the Summit featured panels on Family and related Millennium Development Goals and Millennium Declaration major objectives.

The Plenary Panel on "Family and Sustainable Development", along with panels on "Poverty Eradication", "Education", "Gender Equality", and "Child, Youth, and Elderly Health", took place on 6 December 2004.

Panels focusing on "Maternal and Reproductive Health", "HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care", "Partnership", "Environment", and "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)", were held on 7 December 2004.

Regional Success Stories highlighting the family role and contribution to policy decision and programs especially at local level for more well being in the world for all families and especially the disadvantaged ones were related on 8 December 2004.

The Summit ended on 8 December 2004 with the adoption of the Sanya Declaration that was extensively discussed with the participants at regional level and finalized by the Drafting Committee.

Mr. Lin Fanglue, ViceGovernor of Hainan Province, in his closing speech, thanked the organizers of the World Family Summit for choosing Sanya as the venue for the Summit. He explained that the Hainan Provincial Government is highly committed to sustainable development as the means to combat poverty, improve healthcare, and protect human rights, and that the Summit provided an excellent opportunity to discuss and promote the Millennium Development Goals and the ICPD Programme of Action.

For more details about the World Family Summit see the Summit Programand visit the Website at:

After the closing ceremony, the President of the World Family Organization, Dr. Deisi Noeli Weber Kusztra and some authorities participated at the Press Conference.

On the 9 December 2004 several authorities and personalities participated at the Inaugural Ceremony of a Monument for the Family to commemorate the World Family Summit organized by the Mayor of Sanya.

II.Main Results

The World Family Summit was hosted by the World Family Organization, the National Population and Family Planning Commission of China, and the AlI-China Women's Federation. It was co-sponsored by the Government of China in collaboration with the following UN agencies: UNDESA, UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF.

The Summit was organized in partnership with UNDESA, NGO Section/Office for ECOSOC support and Coordination and the Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DP ADM).

The main results that came out from the World Family Summit are:

A friendly and people-oriented debate and dialogue characterized the Summit focusing on common challenges facing family development, implementation of MDGs in the context of the family as well as reviewing goals and programs initiated since the International Year for Family in 1994.

A more comprehensive understanding of the MDGs and the role of the family in contributing to their implementation through an enhanced learning, dialogue and action process.

An exchange of experiences among participants to draw out the lessons learned and the best practices to adapt to each national context.

Consensus on the main and crucial issues and perspectives to be addressed and on how to address them.

Adoption of the World Family Summit Declaration and a commitment of alI stakeholders to implement it.

The outcome of the Summit, the adopted "World Dec1aration for a Comprehensive Family Policy," will serve as basis for a statement that WFO will draft with the advice and technical support of the UN-NGO-IRENE/NGO Section and present to the ECOSOC High Level Segment of July 2005, to be held in New York, USA.

It was agreed that a follow-up International Meeting bringing together alI the Summit participants will take place each year in a different venue to assess the implementation of the Sanya Declaration for each MDG until2015 starting in 2005 inAracaju, Brazil which offered to host the next meeting.

All participants expressed their goodwill to cooperate and to play an active role to contribute to the ECOSOC work in implementing the internationally agreed Millennium goals and the major UN conferences' outcomes and action plans.

III. Recommendations

The outcome of the Summit will be presented as the World Family Organization statement to the ECOSOC High Level Segment of July 2005, New York. This will enhance WFO contribution to the ECOSOC work in implementing the MDGs and the recommendations of the major international conferences and Summits in this field.

The outcome will also be reported in the United Nations Secretary General Report on the MDGs' Fifth Year Review to the General Assembly.

The World Family Summit also recommended:

Human security for all families should be taken into account, especially that of the disadvantaged, with human solidarity.

Promotion of exchange of innovative experiences and best practices among all stakeholders including NGO and business community, governments, parliaments, local authorities, academia and other civil society organizations and coalitions.

Learning and training including distance and online training on compressive strategies for poverty alleviation, sustained economic growth and sustainable human development for all families and generations.

Development of learning and training material using at the fullest the UN-NGOIRENE/NGOSection capacity and potential for capacity building and networking.

Design and implementation of joint pilot integrated cross-sector and multistakeholder programs, projects, and initiatives for family in partnership with governments, local authorities, NGOs, CSOs, business communities, and the United Nations to implement the Summit Declaration.

A concrete action plan shall be developed urgently based on the Draft Plan of Action of the Summit that will be finalized during the first trimester of 2005 in order to be ready to present and submit to the High Level Segment of ECOSOC, July 2005, New York.

IV. Appreciations

The World Family Organization would like to express its sincere thanks to:

His Excellency Minister Zhang Weiqing, Minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China and the Chinese Government, for his fantastic efforts and dedication in making this first World Family Summit a landmark in Conferences on Family Matters;

Her Excellency Vice-Minister Dr. Baige Zhao, Vice-Minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China (NPFPC); for her personal commitment towards the Summit and her formidable and unparalleled team: Dr. Hao Linna, Director General (NPFPC), Dr. Ru Xiaomei, Deputy Director-General (NPFPC), Dr. Hu Hongtao, Deputy Director-General (NPFPC), and their support Staff and Volunteers; their work was the backbone of the Summit and have a great share of the Summit’s success;

The welcoming Hosts, the Governor of the Hainan Province, Mr. Wei Liucheng, who was extremely kind in accepting to host the Summit and opened all doors within his reach to support this event; the Mayor of the City of Sanya, Mr. Liu Mingqi, who was so kind to offer his city to host the Summit and gave us, all the assistance we needed; and the Vice-Mayor of the City of Sanya Mrs. Zhang Qi, a woman who proves with hard work and much determination the meaning of “women empowerment”.

The City of Sanya for the extremely beautiful Monument that was inaugurated in homage to the World Family Organization and the World Family Summit;

The United Nations System Representatives: the Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan, for his message of support, and specially for his courage and initiative of supporting Family Perspectives; Mr. Sarbuland Khan, Under-Secretary General, for his constant support to WFO and the Summit; Mr. Guido Bertucci, Director of Division for Public Administration and Development Management/UNDESA, Dr. Hanifa Mezoui, Chief of NGO Section/UNDESA and Mrs. Najet Karaborni, Senior Interregional Adviser/OUSG/UNDESA, for their active participation, contribution, support, assistance and continuous defense of the Family as the center of development; Mr. Khalid Malik, UN Resident Coordinator in China/UNDP, for his remarkable notes in the opening of the Summit and his active participation providing concrete contribution to the Summit's work; Mrs. Siri Tellier, Resident Representative from UNFPA Beijing Office, for her extensive information on the involvement of Families and the impact of a diversity of cultures inside the Family;

Speakers, Keynote Speakers, Chairpersons, Moderators, Success Stories Presenters and Collaborators, because their participation was the light conducting our works, and their presentations showed the depth and extension of the works involving Family Perspectives, what is currently in development, what is the impact of projects, actions and measures and how they interfere in Family life. Their speeches, rich in experience and in content, presented different perspectives of different Family lives, but always directed to the common objective of improving the quality of life of the Families all over the World

Ministers, Secretaries of State, Representatives of Governments from all over the world, because their participation proved the good-will and interest of Governments of working on Family-focused policies and commitment of working towards the well-being of Families within their reach. Their participation as Speakers was a major contribution to the works of the Summit, with statistics and measures, presenting projects and experiences, and they listened attentively to the other programs which were presented and to the feedback directed to them, always seeking to improve their populations’ lives;

I would specially like to thank the Government of Austria, brilliantly represented by Her Excellency Mrs. Ursula Haubner, Secretary of State for Family Affairs, for her amazing participation and her deep involvement and compromise towards the Summit and the Declaration, since the beginning of the year 2002 and her determination in implementing the resolutions discussed at the Summit

WFO’s Executive Board, with very special thanks to our Vice President for Communication and Public Relations, Mme. Saida Agrebi, for her dedicated daily work towards the Summit, and her personal commitment of searching and reaching worldwide Organizations dealing with Family Issues, facilitating for many of them the possibility to become a participant; our Secretary General Mr. Eric de Wasch, for all the assistance, and to the other Executive Board Members, for extensively discussing and supporting this vital Summit, and taking the message back home to implement them locally, regionally, nationally;

Participants, who left their cities and countries, understanding and committing to this important work; their contribution was undoubtedly precious, and the continuation of our work and follow-up relies on the feedback of the participants;

The Drafting Committee, who worked with perseverance in preparing the Declaration, and the International Family, who read the Declaration, giving it a whole new meaning when showing their own diversity;

Observers and Contacts who could not be present but accompanied every moment and read, suggested, commented and committed to the Declaration, based on side documentation and reports, and from wherever they were, also compromised to our Summit in working towards family-focused public policies.