Assessment Schedule 7882

Standard:7882Version 4Level 2(4 credits)

Title:Raranga kete tīmata

Activities / Evidence
the answer expected / Judgements
defines the standard to be achieved / X/
This standard and standard 7869 Prepare harakeke for kete can be completed together.
Activity 1
Koreo with your kuia and kaumātua about the tikanga and kawa associated with weaving kete.
Make notes in your journal.
Learn and apply them as you are weaving your kete tīmata.
(Pc 1.1,) / The candidate’s journal with the notes from the kuia and kaumātua.
Written description of tikanga learned and applied during the weaving of the kete tīmata. / Tikanga and kawa associated with weaving kete are identified and applied.
Activity 1a
Make your own papa kupu associated with the weaving of kete tīmata either used by your kaitohu, or your kuia and kaumātua.
  • Record in your diary when and where you used the kupu
  • Practice the pronunciation of all kupu. Ten is enough but you may learn more if you wish
  • Get your kaitohu to sign your journal whenever you add and use new kupu.
(Pc 1.2) / The candidate’s journal where the kaitohu signed and verified the use and pronunciation of kupu are accurate and correct. / The kupu used are
  • associated with weaving kete
  • used appropriately
  • pronounced correctly

Activity 1b
Learn a waiata associated with weaving kete. Make a visual recording of your group singing the waiata.
(Pc 1.3) / A visual of the group singing the waiata with the candidate clearly identified. / The waiata sung is
  • Associated with weaving kete
  • In accordance with tikanga and kawa

Activity 2
To start the base whiri the papa for the kete tīmata checking it is secure as you work.
Raranga the kete using the takitahi pattern.
Create corners that are balanced so the kete is stable and strong
Secure top of kete
Make handles that suit the size and the purpose of the kete.
Attach handles to the kete.
( Pc 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) / Visual of the three plait whiri
Visual of candidate weaving the kete.
Visual of at least 2 corners
A visual of the candidate with the completed kete
  • The takitahi pattern is visible
  • The handles are attached and suit the purpose of the kete.
/ Whiri papa is secured.
The takitahi pattern is distinguished in the weave and the kaupapa is related
Corners are balanced to ensure stability and strength.
Kete top is secure
Handles attached suit the kete according to the size and purpose.
Excess trimmed off.
Candidate signature / Dated
Assessor signature / Dated
Kaitohu/Assessor comments:
If applicable, reasons why Akonga has not achieved unit standard: / Proposed re-assessment date:

Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora Assessment Schedule 7882  Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2018Page 1 of 3