3 Hayes Road, Deanshanger, Northants MK19 6HP

Tel 01908 566373, Email:


Chair: Cllr Gardiner Vice Chair: Cllr A Dott

To members of the Highways and Planning Committee: You are summoned to attend a meeting of Deanshanger Parish Council’s Planning Committee at the Parish Council officeon Monday 27th January 2014 at 7.15pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.


152. To receive a report from 14iCapital with regards to planning application for Fox and Hounds

153. Public forum

154. Apologies for absence

155. To receive declarations of interest

156. To approve the minutes of the Highways and Planning Committee meeting held on13th January 2014

157. Matters arising from the previous Highways and Planning Committee minutes (for information only) –13th January 2014

158. To consider the Committee’s response to the following applications for Planning consent:

a)S/2013/1715/MAF –Variation of condition 2 (plans) of S/2012/0903/MAF (Conversion of 2 Hayes Road to form five flats, demolition of 4 Hayes Road and erection of 10 dwellings) to amend the design of all plots (including the addition of rear conservatories, fenestration rearrangement, omission and addition of rooflights, omission and addition of dormer windows, changes to height and pitches of garages to all plots except the flats, additional trees and hedges removed in the landscaping scheme) – 2-4 Hayes Road

b)S/2014/0003/FUL – Part demolition of rear extensions and addition of single storey rear extension – Fox & Hounds, 71 High Street

c)S/2014/0041/FUL – Convert existing garage into annex (retrospective) – 175 Glebe Road

159. To consider a recommendation to Full Council on the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Proposed Main Modifications Consultation

160. To consider a response to South Northamptonshire Council for naming of new Street at 2-4 Hayes Road

161.To consider next steps with regards to confirming ownership of back path

162. To consider items on the outstanding list

163. Correspondence received

SWillis – Clerk
