Ultimate Soccer Football

(A Modified Gaelic Football Soccer Game)

The game switches between soccer and (Touch) Gaelic Football.

Basic Rules

Using the Ball

* You can dispose or use the ball via throwing, kicking or running with the ball.

* You can run with the ball an unlimited distance, however you cannot be caught

with the ball (e.g. cannot be tagged or touched with the ball).

* If you catch a ball from a kick you receive a free kick.

* If you receive the ball from a throw or a kick that has bounced, there is NO free


* If you are caught, or touched whilst in possession of the ball, play transfers to

the opposition via a free kick.

* If the ball is on the ground a player can pick it up. They may however be caught

or tagged by another player immediately and a free kick would be awarded.

A free kick means defenders must stay 2metres away from the player to allow time and space to use the ball.

(The player can choose to immediately play on or take a max of 10-20 seconds to take the free kick.)

Scoring is via getting the ball into the opposition net.

This can be via striking with any body part but it cannot be thrown into the net.

If you use your hand the score value is 1 point.

Any other body part is valued at 3 points.

Positions are traditional invasion game of forward, midfield and back. There is no set goalkeeper as everyone can handle the ball.

Field, Equipment and Facilities

A soccer ball. Standard soccer field, half field and goals appropriate to the number of players per team. As a fast moving game it requires an outdoor space or very small teams indoors.

Rule progression

-  To limit soccer dribbling there is the option of applying a rule where a person close dribbling the ball with their foot can be tagged with the hand and the opposition receive the ball via free kick. Controlling and dribbling the ball, is considered the same as picking up the ball. This rule helps limit the dominance of skilled soccer players.

The game is divided into Soccer OR Gaelic

-  when playing soccer if I catch the ball I can immediately play Gaelic Football. If the player drops or mishandles the ball in attempting to catch it then it is considered ‘handball’ and a soccer free kick is awarded.

-  if the ball is on the ground I have the option of kicking it to myself to make it Gaelic or playing as if it were soccer.

Higher level extension

-  If playing soccer it remains this way until the ball is caught or received on the full from another player. Eg When the goalie does a kick restart I could catch it and play Gaelic. The kick can be received from either your team or the opposition.

-  When playing Gaelic if the ball is dropped a soccer free kick is awarded against the team who committed the offence.


Soccer - Touch Rugby (I have played this and it works well with the game changing to soccer when a Rugby penalty is awarded, and from soccer when the ball is caught).

Gaelic – Touch Rugby / American Football (with a rugby or American football)

Soccer – Basketball?