Our Lady of Victory Church, Davenport, IA
October 24, 2016
Members present: Charlie Jones, Bernie Mack, Rick Willows, Bob Briggs, Lucas Roth, Molly Crosby, Matt Osen
Members not present: Judy Johnson
Staff present: Chad Steimle, Fr Greiner, David Mattke
Items Distributed Prior to Meeting:
10/24/16 Agenda 09/26/16 Minutes
September Balance Sheet September P&L Budget Performance
September Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison Loan & Amortization Sheets
Meeting was called to order by Fr Greiner at 7:30 PM. Opening prayer was led by Fr. Agenda was approved with addition of Loan & Amortization sheets. Minutes of the September meeting were approved.
1. Parish Council - mission statement committee met and re-wrote mission statement. Will wait on final approval 10/25 from PC before proceeding with communication to parish.
1. A few line items discussed and financial reports approved.
2. 3rd of 9 principle payments of $10,000 made
1. Window proposal for $128,000 for all 5 arched window frames discussed - will approve via email before November meeting after receiving final written proposal from Bovard.
2. AC proposal for $131,000 from NW Mechanical. Will vote via email before November meeting after request for seeking 2 more local proposals from Schebler & Ryan Assoc.
3. JFK boiler - unknown immediate costs but city may now dictate completion in 2 phases with AC & ventilation together so that could increase needed funds - more details to follow from Chad
4. Sound system speaker analysis not completed yet - complaints about not hearing Fr very well
5. ADA - 50% of goal after one month
6. No new updates on future Communications Director or website
7. Offered preliminary loan numbers for $500,000 from QCB&T - well within working range
1. Security of church being analyzed with emergency evacuation drill plans and looking at upgrading our exit doors/eliminating glass breakage entry.
1. Future vision planning could very well affect budget - growing pains a good thing as NW Davenport expands housing with OLV being only viable Catholic option at this point in time.
Next meeting - November 28, 2016 - 730PM.
Submitted by David Mattke