
Annex 3 - Key projects and indicators.

Note: How it could be measured: in black text are measured by delivery organisation, in blue text = suggest

that ILO or external evaluators measure this.

Name of Organisation / Outline of project / Cost / Long Term benefits arising from project / What could be measured? / How could it be measured?
Caerau Dragons Boxing Club / New 4 rope boxing ring / £7,500 / With a new ring the club is now compliant with WABA safety rules and can continue to operate in the long term (the ring will last about 20 yrs.). The club will thus remain in Caerau and is now in a good position to expand its / The financial sustainability of the club.
The number of members
The number of people (members?) using the club.
The profile of people using the club (age, gender, where they live).
Number of events involving the wider community put by the Boxing Club and people attending
Attainments achieved by the Club e.g. club boxers winning tournaments or titles. Awards secured by the Club.
The effect using the club has on participants. / Financial records kept by the club (Accounts).
Records kept by the club (membership records)
Records kept by the club (daily register of users).
Records kept by the club (self-complete form for members on joining/renewing).
Records kept by the Club
Club records
Short-term: feedback questionnaires administered by Club (possibly including questions about self-esteem, social contacts, skills, health and well-being, aspirations).Longer-term: questionnaires completed by members, or part structured interviews (scope for use of online/social media), or case studies.
Credit Union / One year funding for staffing and running costs to keep office in Caerau open and start savings club in Caerau Primary school / £7,656 / The funding is a short term investment which allows the Credit Union to safeguard its position in Caerau; the one yr funding allows it to put in place a longer term funding strategy generating income from its premises. / The financial sustainability of the Credit Union.
The number of members of the Savings Club at Caerau Primary School.
The level of savings by members at Caerau Primary School.
The effect of membership on members at Caerau Primary School.
The number of adult members of the Credit Union (rationale = more junior members will draw in parents). / Financial records kept by the CU.
Longer term: the performance of the CU against the fundraising plan targets.
Records kept by CU (membership records).
Financial records kept by CU.
Questionnaires completed by members, or part structured interviews, or case studies.
Credit Union records
Dyffryn Chapel / Provide new disabled toilets and new heating system / £25,075 / Investment in toilets and heating systems creates a venue that can be used as OAP social centre and offer opportunities for young families that didn’t previously exist in Caerau. Investment is a capital one and no running costs required. / Savings realised by the new heating system/financial viability of Chapel.
Number of users with disabilities pre & post installation of toilets.
Total number of users of activities at Chapel.
Profile of participants in activities at Chapel: age, gender, where they live, who they came with (i.e. alone, with friends or with family member).
Total hours of activities at Chapel.
Type of activities, including type of family activities at Chapel.
Satisfaction levels of participants with activities/facilities.
The effect of taking part in activities at the Chapel on the different target groups (people with disabilities, Older people, and young families). / Financial records kept by Chapel (Accounts-heating bills).
User records kept by Chapel (self- complete form or register).
User records kept by Chapel (register).
User records kept by Chapel (self-complete form).
Activity records kept by Chapel (timetable).
Activity records kept by Chapel (timetable).
Feedback questionnaire administered by Chapel to group members.
Short term effects: Feedback questionnaires administered by Chapel.
Long term effects: Questionnaires completed by members, or part structured interviews, or case studies (q’s about “soft” outcomes: social, self-esteem, well-being , learning etc).
Llynfi Valley BMX track / Upgrade track facilities and car park / £24,000 / The investment in key facilities will allow the track to stage high quality events from competitors across Wales and the west of England for the first time bringing visitors into the area and new revenue for the track. / Financial performance/ sustainability of the track.
Number of events staged.
Number of competitors.
Where competitors are from.
How long competitors stay in the area and where they stay.
Level of competitions (“high level” or not).
Satisfaction of competitors with track/facilities.
Profile of track in BMX community.
Level of spend in local community by competitors.
Impact on local economy / Financial records kept by club (Accounts).
Activity records kept by club.
User records kept by club (registration records).
User records kept by club (self-complete form)
User records kept by club (self- complete form).
User/activity records kept by club (type of event). Possibly number of entries to “elite level”.
Feedback questionnaire administered by club.
Promotion & media records kept by club (advertising carried out, articles about the club in specialist/local/national media).The club will also record publicity and feedback on social media.
Club will add questions to registration forms about where people come from, where they stayed locally and for how long.
Estimate from external sources for activity-tourism spend coupled with length and place of stay records kept by club.
Group to record periodically new business start-ups and new jobs created by BMX track.
Noddfa Youth Club / Children’s and Youth clubs’ provision / £25,000 / Good quality youth work will help young people to develop skills and self-esteem which will help their personal development.
The activities will also allow for families of young people to access wider support available from other organisations working in Caerau. The rationale is that families will come to the club with their children and if more children come then so will more families. Youth workers will then be able to informally “refer” adults to services and activities.
The activities are very strongly supported in the consultation findings and their funding will give people confidence that their views are being listened to. / Numbers of young people taking part in youth activities.
Types of youth activities.
The impact of participation in activities on young people.
The impact of the informal “referrals” on family members.
The feelings of people in the community. Do they feel their views are being listened to? / User records kept by club (register).
Activity records kept by club (timetable).
The Club’s youth workers use Richter Scale, observation and case studies to record impact on personal development. These records can be made available to the evaluation.
External evaluators to carry out group discussions with youth club members to complement/triangulate findings from youth workers. Also Scope for use of online/social media. Q’s about self-esteem
Case studies of individuals who have been encouraged to access services or take part in activities through this informal process. Youth workers to record. It may be necessary for the external evaluators to interview youth workers to elicit these case studies. Care will be needed to obtain permission/ensure confidentiality.
Baseline questionnaire or part structured interviews.
St Cynfelyn’s Church / Refurbish church hall / £11,348 / This is the final element in a major refurbishment of the church and hall and is a purely capital investment which will not need renewing for many years. / Savings realised by the new heating system/financial viability of Chapel.
Total number of users of activities at Church Hall.
Profile of participants in activities at Church: age, gender,
Total hours of activities at Chapel.
Type of activities, including type of family activities at Chapel. / Financial records kept by Chapel (Accounts-heating bills).
User records kept by Church (register).
User records kept by Church (self-complete form).
Activity records kept by Church (timetable).
Activity records kept by Chapel (timetable).
Noddfa/ Dance Club/Boxing Club / Refurbish Gym for multi-use / £24,000 / Allows more people to engage in a wider range of recreational activities serving a variety of needs from dance to keep fit (for different ages) to boxercise and boxing. It will also bring in more users to each of the three clubs, increasing membership and income. The three clubs using the same space will also encourage closer cooperation where possible. / Sustainability
More usage
Diversity of usage
Pride in community
Personal development, wellbeing etc / Accounts and membership figures of all 3 organisations
User records to be kept by user groups: Boxing Club, Fitness Club and Dance Club.
Activity records (timetable)
Case studies of individuals who have been encouraged to access services or take part in activities through this informal process. Youth workers to record. It may be necessary for the external evaluators to interview youth workers to elicit these case studies. Care will be needed to obtain permission/ensure confidentiality.
Attainment records – dance group members achieving competitive or representative success.
CDT / Refurbishment of whole kitchen and café area / £29,000 / Income generated from the café will allow CDT to become self sustaining.
Wide range of social activities and services available to people in Caerau as a result of CDT flourishing / Financial sustainability of CDT
Wide range of services and social activities delivered in CDT; thus
Number of activities run by CDT in centre
Number of services provided by external organisations within CDT and people accessing them
Number of local groups using the centre for social activities / CDT accounts
CDT records (including accounts)
Records of external service users
CDT records and records of those groups
Rugby Club