PREREQUISITE: Algebra 1 with a A-/B+ or better.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This Mathematics class is a second course of a three course series that will prepare you for success in college, in careers and in daily life. It helps you to develop the ability to: explore and solve problems, think critically, work cooperatively with others and communicate ideas clearly. The course will cover the California Mathematics standards for Geometry. Reading strategies will be employed in solving problems. Students with a test average of B or better may elect to go to Algebra 2/Trig. Students below that will go to Algebra 2.


***Scientific Calculator: TI-30XIIS (No others allowed on tests!)


Spiral notebook for MATH ONLY

Pencil and eraser

Compass (optional)

GRADING POLICY: Grades will be based on points accumulated through: tests, quizzes, homework, warm-ups, and notes. Points will be arranged in 3 categories:

Tests 80%, Homework 10%, and quizzes, warm-ups, projects, etc. 10%.

The Grading Scale: A 90-100% B 80-89.9% C 70-79.9% D 60-69.9% F Below 60%

Effort grades will be primarily based on homework.

O 90% or more turned inS 80%-89% turned in

N 65%-79% turned inU Below 65%

HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework is assigned EVERYDAY and is to be completed prior to the next class meeting. I will stamp homework along with the homework calendar at the beginning of each class. If you lose your homework calendar, you MUST have the stamped homework or NO CREDIT will be given. The homework will be reviewed in class at the next meeting and questions will be answered at that time. Students will receive 4 points per assignment, full credit, if and only if the assignment is complete WITH ALL work shown and every problem attempted. There will be no credit given for any “fake work”. Late assignments will be accepted until the day of the test for that chapter, but for half credit, 2 points.

******A student with 90% or higher in homework at the end of the semester may drop their lowest test score.

MAKE-UP POLICY: It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed. Students will be given as many days as they were absent to make up the work. The school website will have daily assignments for the entire chapter. Click on “Bratcher” on the teacher page to find the list. Test make-ups will be given for excused absences at an arranged time (before, lunch or after school). A student must make-up a test within a WEEK or it will result in a ZERO. (Unless it is an emergency) If a student is truant from class, the student will be given a zero for missed work.

CHEATING POLICY: Cheating on a test will result in a ZERO that cannot be dropped at the end of the semester. This includes, but no limited to: Cheat sheets, cell phones outor iWatches out (they must be put AWAY in assigned spot during tests and quizzes), talking, information written on body or desk, etc. The Honesty Code in the student Handbook on page 7 will be followed. “Intent to Cheat” before a test is handed out will result in a minus 10 points from the test.


  • Students are to be respectful to all people in the classroom.
  • Students must be in the class when the bell rings and remain until dismissed.
  • Students must bring ALL supplies to class EVERYDAY
  • Students must participate daily and work diligently
  • No talking while the teacher or another student is presenting
  • CELL PHONE POLICY: Cell phones are to be placed in the “cell phone wall holder” at the BEGINNING of class. If a student is caught using a cell phone - 1st time I will take until the end of the day, 2nd time I will turn it into the office.

If a student breaks any of these rules a detention will be given. They are served before school in my classroom at 7:25 or after school at 2:35, except for tardy detentions. Failure to serve the detention or arriving late will result in a second detention. Failure to serve again will result in a Saturday School. Further disruptions will result in parent phone calls, referrals or parent conference. The school’s tardy policy will be strictly followed.

VOICEMAIL: I can be reached at (562) 799-4780 ext. 82403. My email address is . Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions and I will respond as quickly as possible. (Note: Email is usually a faster response)

GRADE CHECKS: Grades will be posted on the school website using the Aeries program. These will always be the most current grade. Your I.D. number and password were sent to you by the school. Please contact the main office if you have questions.

EXTRA HELP: I encourage all students to come in for extra help if needed. I am usually available in my classroom everyday after school until 3:10. I also post Power Points on my teacher page for some lessons. I hold Review sessions before most tests. There is Griffin Lab in the media center Tues-Thurs 2:40-4:00. Griffin Virtual Lab will be held before each test also.

I look forward to a great school year!!

Deanna Bratcher