Tender No. NIELIT/CH/MMG-144/2016 NIELIT Chandigarh
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)
(An Autonomous Scientific Society under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology MeitY), Govt. of India)
C-134, PUNCOM Building, Industrial Area, Phase VIII, Sector 72, SAS Nagar, Mohali
Tender document for providing Housekeeping and General Services
Price of this Tender Document: Rs. 500/- Only by DD (non-refundable).
Tender Publishing Date / 27-10-2016 (2:00 PM)Tender Document Download Start Date / 27-10-2016 (2:00 PM)
Pre Bid queries submission last date / 07-11-2016 (9.30 AM)
Queries to be e-mailed to
Pre Bid Date and Time / 07-11-2016 (11.00 AM)
At C-134, Industrial Area, Phase VIII, Sector 72, SAS Nagar, Mohali
Pre Bid queries clarifications upload / 08-11-2016 (5.00 PM)
Tender Submission Start Date / 08-11-2016 (5.00 PM)
Tender Submission closing Date Time / 17-11-2016 (11.00 AM)
Technical Bid Opening Date & Time / 18-11-2016 (11.00 AM)
Tender No. NIELIT/CH/MMG-144/2016 NIELIT Chandigarh
1) Tender documents may be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. Aspiring Bidders/ Suppliers who have not enrolled/registered in e-procurement should enroll/register before participating through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. The portal enrollment is free of cost. Bidders are advised to go through “Instructions for online Bid Submission” provided at Annexure-A.
2) Tenderers can access tender documents on the website, fill them with all relevant information and submit the completed tender document into electronic tender on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.
3) Tenders and supporting documents should be uploaded through e-procurement. Hard copy of the tender documents will not be accepted except documents specified in clause 7(ii).
Tender document for providing Housekeeping and General Services
1. Background:
1.1 NIELIT Chandigarh, a premier institute of the northern region, is a registered society under ‘The Societies Registration ACT XXI’ of 1860. It was setup as “Regional Computer Centre” by the erstwhile Department of Electronics, Govt. of India in the year 1978 to promote the use of Information Technology and to provide IT education to various Government Organizations, Public Sector Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies of northern region. RCC upon merger with DOEACC Society, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, in the year 2002, was re-christened as DOEACC Society, Chandigarh Centre. The centre has now been renamed as NIELIT Chandigarh w.e.f. 10th Oct., 2011. NIELIT Chandigarh is an ISO 9001:2008 certified, professionally managed Centre with clear-cut strategies and aims at developing excellence in IECT and reaching out to masses for their skill development.
NIELIT Chandigarh has been imparting education and training in the field of Electronics and Information Technology in formal and non-formal sector. Students of various Engineering Colleges as well as employees of various Govt. departments, Defense personnel etc. have been undergoing training in various advanced courses. It has also been extending its services in various other fields of Electronics and Information Technology at national level.
1.2 Director NIELIT Chandigarh invites on line bids through CPP Portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app for obtaining Housekeeping and General Services
2 Value of Contract: Rs. 21.5 lakhs (approximate)
3 Eligibility Criteria:
3.1 E-tenders are invited under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid and Financial Bid from reputed experienced and financially sound Manpower Companies/Firms/Agencies for providing manpower services as per details given below to NIELIT Chandigarh, C-134, PUNCOM Building, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, Mohali.
3.2 Financial turnover during the last 3 years ending 31st march, 2016 should be at least Rs. 10 Lakhs per year.
3.3 The bidder must furnish copies of Balance Sheet signed by Chartered Accountant as a proof of its turnover for past three years (2013-2014, 2014-15, 2015.16) along with Technical Bid.
3.4 The bidder must furnish details of PAN and valid Service Tax No. and also attach a copy of each of the above documents along with Technical Bid.
3.5 The bidder should have experience of providing similar services to any two Departments / Organizations of the Government of India / Autonomous Body / State / UT Governments / Public examination bodies like PSU examinations, Bank examination etc.
3.6 The bidder should have satisfactory arrangement to provide Housekeeping and General Services at Mohali.
3.7 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
a) The Bidders will be required to submit the EMD of Rs 43,500/- (Rs. forty three Thousand and five hundred only).
b) The EMD should be submitted through a Demand Draft (DD) drawn on any commercial bank in favour of NIELIT, payable at Chandigarh/Mohali.
3.7.1 Forfeiture of EMD: The EMD will be forfeited: If the bidder withdraws the bid at any stage after submission of bid; If the bidder withdraws the bid before the expiry of the validity period of 90 days from the date of bid submission or within the time frame of extension given by NIELIT in special case communicated before the expiry for the bid validity. If the bidder fails to comply with any of the provisions of the tender document;
3.8 Refund of EMD
3.8.1 EMD shall be refunded to the selected bidder, only after signing of the contract and furnishing of Performance Security Deposit by way of Bank Guarantee as mentioned in para 3.9.1 below.
3.8.2 EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded, without any interest, after the tender finalization or expiry of the tender validity, whichever is earlier.
3.8.3 No interest will be payable on the amount of EMD.
3.9 Performance Security Deposit:
3.9.1 Submission of Performance Security deposit: Security Deposit in the form of an unconditional, unequivocal and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) will be submitted within period of seven days of the date of award of job order equivalent to 5 % (Five Percent) of the contract value valid for the entire period of the contract plus an additional 3 months beyond the contract period and any applicable extension periods as may be required by the Purchaser.
3.9.2 Forfeiture of Performance Security deposit: Performance Security deposit shall be forfeited/invoked in following cases: - In case of pre mature termination of the contract due to any of the clauses of termination/ if the Agency/bidder fails to fulfill its obligation under the contract, Earnest Money amount of Rs. 43,500/- or the performance Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited. No interest will be paid by NIELIT on the amount of Earnest Money Deposit which will be refunded after receipt of Performance Bank Guarantee from the successful bidder. Proper notice will be given to the Bidder with reasonable time before Earnest Money/ performance security deposit is forfeited. Forfeiture of earnest money / performance security deposit shall be without prejudice to any other right of NIELIT to claim any damages as admissible under the law as well as to take such action against the Agency/ Bidder such as severing future business relation or black listing, etc., as may be deemed fit.
4 Scope of Work
3.10 : The selected agency will be required to provide Houskeeping and General services as per details given below to NIELIT Chandigarh, C-134, PUNCOM Building, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, Mohali:-
S.No. / Type of manpower required / Number of Persons required / Minimum Educational Qualifications / Wages1. / Helper / 8 / Matric / As per Minimum wages Act.
2. / Safaiwala / 2 / Able to read and write
3. / Driver / 1 / Should have valid license for driving four wheeler
Number of persons may be increased or decreased depending upon requirement from time to time
5. Time Schedule: Selected bidder will be required to provide House Keeping and General services to NIELIT Chandigarh within a period of 15 days of issue of the Job Order. The contract shall be valid initially for a period of one year.
6. Terms and conditions:
6.1 Tenderer will not sublet / transfer whole or any part of the assigned work to other(s).
6.2 Incomplete/ Conditional tenders will be rejected.
6.3 Administrative charges approved shall be valid for a period of one year.
6.4 Any subsequent corrigenda/clarifications related to this tender will be published on the websites nielit.gov.in and Chandigarh.nielit.gov.in and CPP Portal. All such subsequent corrigenda/ clarifications shall be binding on the bidders.
6.5 Director/Director Incharge NIELIT Chandigarh reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.
6.6 Service provider agencies having at least three years experience in the field and valid license from Labour Department and also having registration with the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Service Tax and PAN/GIR Number for providing various manpower, as enunciated above, shall be eligible.
6.7 Basic rate (Minimum Wages) will be as per Minimum Wages Act for Mohali (Punjab) EPF and ESI will be as per Govt. rules, Service tax+SBC+KKC will be applicable as per Govt. rules (current Service tax + SBC + KKC is 15%). Bidder has to give only his service charges in percentage. Rest of the figures will be taken from current minimum wages, ESI, EPF and Service tax.
6.8 Service Charges will be calculated on basic rate (excluding EPF, ESI etc.) and should be given in percentage only. Service Charges given in rupees will not be accepted and the bid will be rejected.
6.9 Service Charges of the agency should be viable that can incorporate all the statuary expenditure of the bidder for his employee and should not violate any clause of the tender document.
6.10 The manpower employed by the agency will always keep identity cards with them for verification while working.
6.11 The Agency will provide summer and winter uniforms, identity card, as required under the law at his own cost. All personnel of the Agency will wear the uniforms in clean condition while on duty. NIELIT Chandigarh shall not pay any extra charges to the Agency against these items. Uniform for various categories of workers to be provided by the Agency shall be decided in consultation with NIELIT Chandigarh.
6.12 The NIELIT Chandigarh shall have the right to replace or stop any person without assigning any reason whatsoever and the substitute shall have to be provided by the contractor immediately, if required.
6.13 The manpower to be provided by the Agency should be physically fit, healthy for performing manual & assigned duties and shall not be below 18 years of age.
6.14 The manpower will be screened by NIELIT Chandigarh. All the persons to be provided should have good moral character. No criminal case be pending against any of the persons employed by the Agency. The Agency should ensure that his worker does not smoke, not indulge in drinking alcohol or intoxicants or in gambling.
6.15 The details of the persons deployed by the Agency with Bio-data, attested proof of Identity and the latest photographs of all the persons shall be supplied to the NIELIT Chandigarh for record.
6.16 The Agency shall comply at its own cost with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time whether of Central or State Govt. as applicable to him or to this contract without any liability and responsibility to NIELIT Chandigarh, whatsoever it may be.
6.17 The Agency shall be liable for full fidelity of the personnel to be provided and in case any pilferage/damage/theft/shortage is caused to the property of NIELIT Chandigarh due to the carelessness of the persons deployed by the Agency, the value as assessed shall be recovered from the payment due to the Agency under the contract. If some amount is still found recoverable, the Agency shall deposit the same within 15 days from service of notice by the NIELIT Chandigarh.
6.18 The Agency shall not pay to the persons engaged by him less than the minimum wages as approved under effective Minimum Wages Act.
6.19 The NIELIT Chandigarh will not be liable to pay any amount other than settled in the contract. Any payment under provision of the ESI Act, 1948, Workman Compensation Act 1923, payment of Gratuity Act, 1948 and Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions, Act 1952 or any other statutory liability shall be made by the Agency and challans/receipts may be enclosed with the monthly bill. The agency shall be solely responsible and liable for his persons under the provisions of Contract Labour (R&A) Act and the labour and services laws. A certificate to this effect will have to be submitted by the agency in separate challan in respect of manpower employed by him. The certified copy of challans may be submitted next month along with the bill.
6.20 NIELIT Chandigarh agrees to pay the contractor @ minimum wages as fixed by the Govt. of India from time to time under the Minimum Wages Act 1948.
6.21 The statutory charges will be paid to the contractor as per Labour Laws on the minimum wages as prescribed by the Govt. subject to production of supporting documents in token having discharged the liabilities (EPF & ESI) by the contractor for the previous month(s).
6.22 The Agency shall maintain daily attendance record of the personnel deployed showing their arrival and departure time and submit to NIELIT Chandigarh an attested photocopy of the attendance record with the monthly bill.
6.23 The Agency shall ensure that the payment of persons deployed by the Agency have been made for the billed period after getting the payment.
6.24 Under no circumstances Agency is entitled to claim any charges over and above the charges prescribed in the terms of this contract.
6.25 TDS and other taxes as applicable will be deducted from agency’s bill as per Govt. instructions from time to time.
6.26 In case of any change of constitution of the Agency, the rights of NIELIT Chandigarh should not suffer.
6.27 Agency shall maintain all records/registers as required to be maintained under various labour laws and other statutory laws in force and as amended from time to time.
6.28 A local representative of agency shall be In-charge of the entire contract and shall be responsible for the efficient rendering of the services under the contract.
6.29 The Personnel deployed by the Agency should be disciplined and will not participate in any activity prejudicial to the interest of NIELIT Chandigarh/Govt. of India /any State/ or any Union Territory.