Academic Unit of Oral Health and Development

NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in Paediatric Dentistry

(Fixed Term)


The University of Sheffield, in partnership with the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CharlesCliffordDentalHospital) and the Postgraduate Medical and Dental Deanery for Yorkshire and Humber (Sheffield locality) wish to offer an Academic Clinical Fellowship in Paediatric Dentistry. The academic supervisor for the post is Professor Helen Rodd, Paediatric Lead for Head of Academic Unit of Oral Health and Development.

Further details of the integrated academic training pathway can be found at:

In addition to training in the full curriculum ofPaediatric Dentistry, all Academic Clinical Fellows will be entitled to automatic enrolment on the Masters Programme in Clinical Research that is offered by The University of Sheffield. This is a programme that has been specially designed for ACFs and is aimed to provide students with in-depth understanding of the process and techniques for clinical research. It has been designed around the ACF posts and extends over a period of three years. Core modules cover all the important aspects of the research processes, study design, statistics and clinical trial methodology. There are optional modules covering specific areas of research methodology and a research placement and portfolio module which will be based around the ACF's individual research placements. Most of the taught modules are provided by the School of Health and Related Research, which has a strong record of providing taught Masters programmes in this area.

During the post, and as part of the research training programme, the successful applicant will be expected to prepare an application for a competitive peer-reviewed research training fellowship or educational training programme leading to the award of a higher degree (usually a PhD).

The Postgraduate Dean has confirmed that the post has the required educational and staffing approval and will come with an Academic National Training Number [NTN(A)] in Paediatric Dentistry.

To apply for the post you must be eligible to hold an NTN in Paediatric Dentistry and you should be aiming to pursue a career as a clinical academic in Paediatric Dentistry. You must be registered with the General Dental Council. Applicants who have already completed a Masters or an MPhil are also eligible to apply and may be exempted from parts of the generic research training programme.

Academic Unit of Oral Health and Development

The Academic Unit of Oral Health and Developmenthas responsibilities for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching inPaediatric Dentistry. The unit also has an international reputation for high quality research. Undergraduate Paediatric Dentistry teaching in the dental course takes place in the second, third, fourth and fifth years of the BDS curriculum.The unit also runs a two-year part time postgraduate taught course, which leads to the award of an M.Clin.Dent. Members of staff contribute to a number of internal and external postgraduate courses.

The school has core research laboratories including new Cell Culture and Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratories located in a new wing, which opened in April 2008. There are also excellent facilities for microbiology, advanced microscopy, image analysis, histology, materials science and electrophysiology, which have been enhanced through SRIF2 and SRIF3 funding and by significant investment in new equipment. The postholder will be encouraged and supported to establish an active team around him/her. Office accommodation and relevant computing equipment will be provided.

Clinical Unit of Paediatric Dentistry

The unit provides comprehensive paediatric dentistry services to the 950,000 population of Sheffield, Barnsley and Doncaster. In-patient operating is based at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. There are currently four NHS consultants and two Honorary Consultants, supported by one Lecturer in paediatric dentistry and 3 part-time specialty dentists, three Specialty Trainees and 2 DF3 trainees. Trainees are exposed to the full range of clinical paediatric dentistry including; preventative dentistry, dental anomalies, dental trauma management, orthodontics, oral medicine, oral surgery, advanced restorative dentistry and management of both medically compromised in and outpatients. There are multiple joint clinics including; oral medicine, restorative, orthodontics and oral surgery.

The CharlesCliffordDentalHospital and adjacent RoyalHallamshireHospital are equipped to a high standard with digital radiology and a computerised operating management system (the electronic dental record is currently being rolled out). Specialist equipment including dedicated surgical microscopes, on demand cone beam CT and ultra sound services are provided from the Dental Hospital Imaging Unit. Treatment facilities in the DentalHospital include out-patient new and follow-up clinics and day care facilities for inhalation sedation, while further day care/inpatient GA lists are provided in the adjacent Sheffield Children’s Hospitals.

The University of Sheffield – Information for Applicants

The University of Sheffield is one of the world’s top 100 universities as ranked by both the Shanghai Jiao Tong and The Times Higher Education in 2012. As a leading global university with ambitious plans for future achievement, we are able to demonstrate cutting-edge research across all our Faculties, from medicine to engineering, from nanotechnology to politics and the arts. The Quality Assurance Agency places us in the highest category for academic quality. Other recent independent quality surveys have placed us in the highest categories for research and teaching. The last Teaching Quality Assessment awarded us grades of "excellent" in 29 subject areas, a record equalled by only a handful of UK universities.

It was recently named University of the Year in the 2011 Times Higher Education Awards.

Our history reaches back to 1828 with the foundation of the Sheffield School of Medicine. In 1905, the University was established by Royal Charter. Our growth and achievements in the century which followed have been dramatic, ranging from the development of stainless steel to recent Nobel Prize winners in science and medicine, giving public credit and recognition to our scholars’ endeavours. Our outstanding collaborations with Boeing and Rolls-Royce won us a fourth Queen’s Anniversary Prize and status as a preferred model of industrial research collaboration across the UK and internationally, cited in Parliament as an inspiring model for future economic success.

Our focus on challenging thinking, grounded by applications to real life challenges, characterises an atmosphere of scholarship with purpose that is Sheffield. A century after we were founded by local people ambitious for the highest standards of education and a far-reaching impact, our founding motto of Rerum Cognoscere Causas – “To discover the causes of things” – lives on in our world class research and teaching.

Sheffield is a University with the broadest of horizons. We have around 6,000 staff and over 24,000 students from more than 130 nations, and our efforts in discovery draw on the rich diversity and talent of our university community. The last Teaching Quality Assessment awarded us grades of "excellent" in 29 subject areas, a record equalled by only a handful of UK universities. Our reputation for excellence is also global, with graduates in leadership positions around the world and our outstanding performance for research, as a member of the Russell Group of leading UK research universities, consistently confirmed by independent assessment internationally.

The most recent Research Assessment Exercise (2008) placed Sheffield in the top ten UK universities with 93% of its research ‘internationally recognised ‘(3*) or ‘world-leading’ (4*).

The quality of the student experience is also consistently rated as amongst the very best – The Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey in 2010 placed the University in the top five institutions in the UK.

The University of Sheffield is a large and complex organisation, brought together with a common academic purpose. We operate on an international basis with an annual turnover of £400 million. Our staff work in 70 academic departments across five faculties (Arts & Humanities, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry & Health, Science and Social Sciences) and Professional Services (which includes Development and Alumni Relations, Estates and Facilities Management, External Relations, Human Resources, Information Services, Research and Innovation Services, Planning and Governance Services, Student Services, Finance and Accommodation and Commercial Services).

Sheffield is England's fourth-largest city, with the wealth of facilities you’d expect to find in a major city, yet it's compact, welcoming and accessible. It’s a friendly city with a prosperous economy and relatively low cost of living, all of which makes for an excellent quality of life. The University campus is on the western edge of the city centre and is easy to get to by car, bus and tram.

The city of Sheffield contains an abundance of entertainment and cultural activities including award-winning theatres, museums and galleries, a variety of clubs and live music venues, and a range of spectator and participation sports. With a thriving cultural industries quarter and a range of city-wide events throughout the year, there is something on offer to suit everyone’s taste and interests.

More than a third of the city lies inside the beautiful Peak District National Park, and it’s virtually surrounded by open countryside – over half the city’s population live within 15 minutes of open countryside. It’s also the greenest city in England, with 175 woodlands and 75 public parks. Official statistics confirm Sheffield is one of the UK's safest cities. There is also a wide range of affordable housing and excellent state and independent schools on offer.

The University is integral to the life of the city on many levels – a high number of graduates like the city so much they choose to stay, and the knowledge economy has been central to wider regeneration. All these factors combine with the genuinely welcoming nature of the city and the University to offer all those working, studying and living in Sheffield a great experience.

SPECIALTY: Oral Health and Development

Academic Lead (University) for the Dental IAT Programme

Name and title: Professor Paul M Speight

Position: Dean of School

Address: School of Clinical Dentistry, Claremont Crescent. Sheffield, S10 2TA

Telephone: 0114 271 7802


Academic Supervisor (University) Details

Name and title: Professor Helen Rodd

Position: Paediatric Lead of Academic Unit of Oral Health and Development

Address: School of Clinical Dentistry, Claremont Crescent. Sheffield, S10 2TA

Telephone: (0114) 271 7814


Education Supervisor (Trust) Details

Name and title: Professor Helen Rodd

Position: Paediatric Lead of Academic Unit of Oral Health and Development

Address: School of Clinical Dentistry, Claremont Crescent. Sheffield, S10 2TA

Telephone: (0114) 271 7814


Clinical Supervisor Details

Name and title: MsHalla Zaitoun

Position: Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry

Address: Paediatric Dentistry Unit, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, Wellesley Road. Sheffield, S10 2SZ

Telephone: (0114) 271 7882


Deanery Programme Training Director Details

Name and title: MsHalla Zaitoun

Position: Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry

Address: Paediatric Dentistry Unit, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, Wellesley Road. Sheffield, S10 2SZ

Telephone: (0114) 271 7882


Post Details

JOB TITLE: NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in Paediatric Dentistry


Research Training

This NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) post is intended to offer integrated academic training. The ACF will undertake generic research training leading to a Master’s in Clinical Research (MClinRes) degree, which is to be offered across the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health. This programme is composed of taught credit bearing modules and has been designed to meet the requirements for NIHRIAT programmes, as set out by the director of research at the Department of Health. All ACFs in the faculty will undertake the core modules together and will then take optional specialist modules and the research placements as appropriate.

The aim is that the successful applicant will be allowed to develop as a clinical academic in research and/or education. Specifically we anticipate that the candidate will develop an area of research interest in line with the Research Strategy of the School of Clinical Dentistry. Areas of particular research interest, which may be developed, include studies of mechanisms of innate immunity, host-microbial interactions, the regulation of cell behaviour by cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, mechanisms of pain including peripheral and central mechanisms of altered excitability, biomaterials and tissue engineering or aspects of educational or public health research. A full description of the School’s areas of research can be found on our website:

It should be noted this Academic Clinical Fellow post is fixed term for three years, so a key aim will be to raise external grant or fellowship funding to support future research, ideally through an application for a Clinician Scientist or equivalent post. Up to 50% of the appointee’s time will be available for research and related academic work


You will contribute to the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes of the School and will also be involved with the assessment of students.

Clinical Training Programme

The clinical programme is designed to provide training for a maximum period of three years towards a CCST in Paediatric Dentistry.The curriculum for training will follow the national curriculum for Paediatric Dentistry which is available on the GDC website (

The successful candidate will join other trainees in Paediatric Dentistry and will train in rotation with colleagues. The weekly timetable will ensure that the successful candidate has four sessions for research each week. More prolonged periods of research can be arranged as appropriate. The details of the programme will be tailored as far as possible to the individual needs of the successful applicant, in consultation with Ms Halla Zaitoun, Training Programme Director.

Progress will be monitored by the ARCP process, but if the individual is unsuccessful in obtaining a research training fellowship/educational training programme within the three years, he or she will join a standard Paediatric Dentistry training programme. Also, if at any time during the three years the ACF decides or is advised to leave the academic training pathway, they would be able to continue non-academic specialty training once a suitable placement was identified.

Objectives of the Integrated Academic Training Programme

  1. To obtain a Master’s in Clinical Research, University of Sheffield
  2. To develop an area of research interest in line with the Research Strategy of the School of Clinical Dentistry
  3. To raise an external grant or fellowship funding to support a further period of training and research leading to the award of a higher degree (usually a PhD.
  4. To obtain a maximum of three years clinical training towards a CCST in Paediatric Dentistry.

Study and Training

The Deanery is committed to developing postgraduate training programmes as laid down by the General Dental Council, Colleges and Faculties and by the Postgraduate Dean’s Network. At local level, college/specialty tutors work with Unit Director of Postgraduate Education in supervising these programmes. Trainees will be expected to take part in these programmes (including audit) and to attend counselling sessions/professional review. Study leave will form part of these education programmes and will be arranged in conjunction with the appropriate tutor. Study leave is granted in accordance with Deanery policy and are subject to the maintenance of the service.

Relationship between Academic and Clinical Training

Academic training will be based in the School of Clinical Dentistry which has a wide range of appropriate core research facilities. Clinical training will be undertaken primarily in the Unit of Paediatric Dentistry in the adjoining Charles Clifford Dental Hospital. In addition there will be operating sessions at Sheffield Children’s Hospital which is adjacent to the Charles Clifford Dental Hospital. There may also be opportunities to undertake sessions within our local community dental service.

Successful candidates

The expected outcome of the ACF is the preparation of a successful application for a research training fellowship or educational training programme leading to a higher degree plus evidence of satisfactory progress in clinical training.

Unsuccessful candidates

If at the end of the ACF the StR fails for whatever reason to obtain, or decides not to pursue, a training fellowship award for MD or PhD studies, they will continue with StR clinical training if an appropriate aptitude for clinical training has been demonstrated.

REPORT TO: Professor Helen Rodd

Accommodation and support for the post

Office space will be made available within the academic unit.

Person Specification

Applicants should provide evidence in their applications that they meet the following criteria. We will use a range of selection methods to measure candidates’ abilities in these areas including reviewing your on-line application, seeking references, inviting shortlisted candidates to interview and other forms of assessment action relevant to the post.

Criteria / Essential / Desirable
Qualifications and experience
1. /

Primary Dental Degree.

/ X
2. /

Full registration with the General Dental Council.

/ X
3. / FDS/MJDF/ MFDS/ or equivalent. / X
4. / Intercalated degree. / X
Clinical Experience
5. / Completed broad based training such as 2 years Dental Foundation training. / X
6. / Previous experience in Paediatric Dentistry. / X
7. / Experience in Hospital Dentistry. Eg. Oral and Maxillofacial surgery / X
8. / Experience in undergraduate teaching / X
9. / Experience of PG teaching and student supervision / X
10. / Teaching qualification; evidence of teaching innovation. / X
11. / Track record of research productivity in terms of peer-reviewed publications. / X
12. / Research grant income / X
13. / Oral or poster presentations at scientific meetings / X
14. / Experience in clinical/academic time management. / X
Interpersonal Skills
15. / The ability to communicate accurately and concisely, verbally and in writing. / X
16. / The ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team. / X
17. / Must demonstrate commitment to further research. / X
18. / Understanding and experience in clinical audit. / X