FLRC Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
November 14th, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.
Theregular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees to Order by Sally Doherty at 9:31 am
Present: Sally Doherty, Randy Taylor, Mark Robben, Vic Dykstra, David Stratford, Mike Nanson, Sherri Ploor and Glen Post.
Absent: Mark MacDonald
Approval of minutes from the 10/10/15 Regular Board Meeting:
Sally asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of 10.10.2015 and hearing none, the minutes were approved.
Approval of Minutes from the Town Hall Meetings:
Sally asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of the Town Hall Meeting of September 24, 2015 and hearing none, the minutes were approved.
Sally asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of the Town Hall Meeting of September 26, 2015 and hearing none, the minutes were approved.
Sally asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of the Town Hall Meeting of October 3, 2015 and hearing none, the minutes were approved.
Employee Reports
Office Manager-Randy Taylor for Amanda Graham
2015-2016 Fiscal Years Dues: $328,078.23
Prior Years dues and fees: $2522.85
Title Transfer Fees: $7000.00
Fuel: $92.00
Other: $849.00 (SAIF Co. Dividend)
Merchant Fee: $317.00
Processing Fee: $42.50
PAYMENT PLANS: 21 members on payment plans. Total amount owed $26,673.87
49 Members delinquent 2015-2016 Fiscal Years Dues totaling $83,300.00
16 Members delinquent prior years’ dues and fees totaling $59,621.43
Collection letters were mailed to severely delinquent members on November 5th.
Buildings and Grounds & Utilities-Travis Graham
Water plant PLC
The PLC controller has been down in the water plant for months now. We need to replace it and have it reprogramed. The company that owns and wrote our program went out of business. It is being restarted by a new company. They are in the process of buying the rights to our program so they can come out and get our plant back on line. It is a long process but the problem should be fixed soon after the New Year. We can still make water it just requires more hands on work. We have to spend more time in the plant babysitting it. We can’t turn it on and walk away for more than an hour at a time. If something goes wrong, the plant no longer has an automatic shut off. I have looked into having a different company come out and do the repairs. It wasn’t cost effective.
Water plant raw water pumps
We have been working on replacing the submersible raw water pumps for the water plant. The current pumps have an average life cycle of just under a year. There are 2 pumps that run one week on one week off. When they fail oil leaks out into the raw water tank. This requires a lot of work draining out the raw water tank prior to replacing the pumps. The pumps cost about $900 each. After some extensive brainstorming and research, I decided to replace the pumps with above the water pumps. This project has been a work in progress for a while now. The benefit of taking the pumps out of the water is, if a pump fails it won’t contaminate the raw water. Also we are expecting at least a 5 year life cycle. The pump manufacture is telling me with proper maintenance I should expect 10 years out of each pump. The cost for the new pumps is $1,200. So hypothetically the replacement cost of the old pumps in a five year cycle was at least $4,500. The new pumps will cost around $2,400 for a five year cycle. The new pumps should also allow us to make water faster if we want. The old pumps feed the plant at 48 GPM, The new ones are able to feed the plant at 60 GPM. We are still working on getting the new pumps up and running. Accurate sizing of the impellers for maximum gpm of operation was an issue. The project should be completed in the next week or so.
Lift station # 1 repair
Lift station #1 is located near the waste water plant. It had some issues with the pumps and piping. Grundfos pump service was contacted to come out to rebuild the number one pump and fix the piping. During the repairs they installed new floats, cables, rebuild the pump, and did a thorough inspection. They found the pumps had bad seals and sensors. One of the check valves and pipes had a large crack in it. The impeller in the pump was worn down to almost nothing. They repaired all the issues. Now lift station #1 pump is in good shape and we shouldn’t have to worry about it for eight years. We will do pump #2 next year. Due to pump #1 being in such bad shape the total cost for this year’s work is $5,450 for repairs. The cost for a new pump would have been $8,689
A lot of our time has been spent blowing off roads, trimming trees, cleaning ditches and burning the burn pile. Please remember to put your leaves and weeds on the compost pile over by Ricks dump trucks not the burn pile.
Maintenance Shop
I have had several projects in the shop. I repurposed an old broken trailer into a new dredge refueling trailer. Modified and repaired the trailer for the small lake boat. The JCB broke down and seemed the transmission failed. After a little research I found that the electronic shifter switch was bad. Parts are on order. Hopefully this will solve the ongoing transmission problem. We have continued to have small issues with the cub cadet mower, currently the blades keep falling off while mowing. I am working on a fix for this. The starter went out on the Ford, got it up and running quickly. We have also spent some time cleaning and organizing the shop so we can get a better idea of our inventory.
Total water made 476,390 Gal
Total rain for Oct 4.55 inches
Board Reports – To be included in the minutes
Vice President & Personnel – Mark MacDonald
Secretary – Glen Post
Nothing to report
Treasurer – Randy Taylor
Director Reports – To be included in the minutes
Buildings & Grounds –Vic Dykstra
Report above by Travis
Legal - Mark Robben
Mike was involved in most of this in my absence. Thank you Mike.
1. Demand letter sent to Joe Cardona demanding retractions of false statements and reports that he circulated. Mr. Cardona complied.
2.Opinion from attorney stating the petition that was submitted re voting rights/procedures is flawed and any vote on it wouldn’t accomplish what the petitioners are after and would not be valid.
Committee Reports
Committee Liaison- Sherry Ploor
Nothing to Report
Solutions Team- Vic Dykstra
The Solutions team met on Saturday November 7th.
9 members in attendance.
Tom provided the water temp study results. The monitors were placed around the lake, creek inlets, upstream and downstream. The results showed water temperature levels too warm as expected due to a long hot season.
It also showed down stream creek temps higher than lower lake level temps. The theory that releasing cooler water down stream would be a futile effort. Keeping cooler water in would be best.
The lower level dissolved oxygen issues remain unchanged.
The big question? Since we seem to have many fish in the lake (due to observations and Sherry's fish catching numbers), are the fish adapting to higher temps?
Water sampling conclusions will be posted on the website.
The City of Dallas Oregon has a water reservoir much like our lake. They are experimenting with natural sediment catching prior to entering the reservoir. The lake could possibly benefit from their progress.
The Oregon solutions team came out on October 19th. Mark will provide contacts for Ecological Foundation funding requests.
Jeff talked with ODFW. He was advised to encompass a much larger area into our funding campaign. To include the entire water basin area and communities.
Jeff also set up a camera to record fish counts. So far not many fish are coming up. Chris Knutson ODFW fish biologist advised fish counts from the ocean are way down from last year.
Chris will put together probably fish count numbers for the area to use in marketing.
Maggie from NVWC will help us apply for OWEB application. Submission date October.
RFP to be sent out on early next week. The board will receive electronic copies before the meeting.
Financing campaign for the spillway/fishladder was discussed.
The Ecological Foundation needs to be the group requesting funds. The EF designates a project to solicit funds in their application.
The Solutions team requests a solid 501-3-C to be in place. At this point in time that might require restructure. Apparently two current members of the EC no longer wish to continue. It would be best if the chair of the EC was not a board member. No board members would be even better but the charter/bylaws requires two board members. I spoke with Glen about this briefly.
The Solutions team is hoping to have a EC in place that can efficiently work toward funding in cooperation with the team and the Watershed council.
Architectural – Dave Stratford and Sherry Ploor
Nothing to report
Social –Mike Nanson
Houses have been identified for the cabin crawl. Posters and information will be out next week
Committee members have been identified and the first meeting is scheduled for later today
David mentioned that Travis came to his house on Veterans Day to thank him for his service. Travis went to approximately 7 houses around the lake to thank veterans for their service. It was suggested that the social committee plan a Veterans Day event in future years.
Unfinished Business
Reserves Repayment Plan- Randy Taylor
Randy stated that it was imperative that we pay back the loan from the Reserves a quickly as possible.
Randy moved to use the moneys we recover from previous years dues and the Title Transfer Fees and the SAIF Refund Check to repay the loan of $20,000 from the reserves las quickly as possible. The motion was seconded by Sherry.
Discussion Followed.
The motion passed 7 yes and one abstention. The tally was:
Yes: Sally, Randy, Mark R. Vic, Dave, Mike and Sherry
Abstain: Glen
FLRC Water Company – Sally Doherty
Committee assignments – Sally Doherty
The following Board and Committee Assignments were made by Sally
2015-2016 FLRC Officers, Directors, Committee Chairs, and Committees
FLRC Officers
President – Sally Doherty
Vice-President – Mark MacDonald
Treasurer – Randy Taylor
Secretary – Glen Post
FLRC Directors
Building & Grounds Director – Vic Dykstra
Committee Director – Sherry Ploor
Communication Director - Mike Nanson and Sherry Ploor
Legal & Special Director – Mark Robben
Lake Quality – Dredging, weeds, water – unassigned
Revisions – Bylaw and CC&R – Dave Stratford
FLRC Committee Chairpersons
Architectural Committee Co-Chairs – Sherry Ploor and Dave Stratford
Finance Committee Chair – Randy Taylor
Firewise – Kathy Cardona
Neighborhood Watch Committee Chair – Doug and Frankie Barlow
Project Solutions (FHPS) Committee Chair – Jeff Busch and Vic Dykstra
Safety Committee Chair – Mark MacDonald
Social Committee Chair – Mike Nanson
Weeds/Lake Quality Committee Chair -
FLRC Committees and Members
Advisory Committee
- Mark MacDonald
- Mark Robben
- Randy Taylor
Architectural Committee
- Sherry Ploor - Co- Chair
- Dave Stratford – Co- Chair
- Bev Mohnkern
Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra – Chair
- Frankie Barlow
- Ralph Rossknecht
- Dave Stratford
- Randy Taylor
- Bob Yoder
Communications Committee – Mike Nanson and Sherry Ploor - Co Chair
Finance Committee - Randy Taylor - Chair
- Doug Barlow
- Mark Doherty
- Skye O’Callahan
- Sherry Ploor
- Eugene Whitley
Firewise Committee- Kathy Cardona – Chair
- Gail Boxman
- Joe Cardona
- Travis Graham
- Glen and Mary Post
- Jenny Tomasso
Neighborhood Watch - Doug and Frankie Barlow – Co- Chair
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Policy Update – Glen Post – Chair
- Randy Baldie
- Joe Cardona
- Dave McLean
Project Solutions (FHPS) – Jeff Busch- Chair
- Vic Dykstra
- Ralph Rossknecht
- Sherry Ploor
- Tom Rupers
- Skye O’Callahan
- Alex Nokovic
- Janine Robben
- Mark Robben
- Doug Barlow
- Gayle Boxman
- Doug Vorwaller
- Kevin Adolphson
- Gary Mohnkern
- Mark McDonald
Revisions – Bylaws and CC& R’s – Dave Stratford – Chair
Social – Mike Nanson – Chair
- Debbie Adolphson
- Frankie Barlow
- Alison Broughton
- Patricia Rossknecht
- Carolyn Taylor
Weeds/Lake Quality –
Meeting coffee maker clean up – Sally Doherty
Sally assigned Kevin and Mark Robben to the job of making sure the coffee maker is cleaned and unplugged after each meeting.
Petition –Special Meeting – Sally and Mark
The board has received a letter from the attorney that, in his opinion, the vote to change the voting manner at the lake would require 100% approval from the membership and would not accomplish the desired goals.
The meeting was recessed from 11:03 am to 11:16 am
Discussion came back to the vote needing 100% to pass and that the change would have to include the Declaration. Mary Post asked how to make a change and Sally stated that the Committee would do it.
Dave asked the primary sponsor, Mary Post, to withdraw the petition in light of the attorney’s opinion. Mary Post agreed and withdrew the petition,
Dave moved the board accept Mary’s withdrawal of the petition. The motion was seconded by Sherry and passed unanimously.
Dave moved that we direct the Legal and Special Committee to research the posting of Attorney’s Legal Opinions in our minutes and/or on the web site. The motion was seconded by Randy and passed unanimously.
New Business
Records Resolution – Mike Nanson
Mike Nanson presented a resolution on Records Production for first reading. It follows:
Fishhawk Lake Reserve and Community, Inc.
WHEREAS, “Declaration” is the Declaration Submitting is an Oregon corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oregon; and; “Bylaws” is Bylaws of Fishhawk Lake Reserve and Community, Inc.; “Act” is the Oregon Planned Community Act, Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 94; “Association” is the Fishhawk Lake Reserve and Community, Inc. Association; and the definitions contained in the Declaration and the Bylaws shall be applicable to this Resolution;
WHEREAS, ORS 94.670(12) allows the board of Trustees, by resolution, to adopt reasonable rules governing the frequency, time, location, notice, and manner of examination and duplication of association records and the imposition of a reasonable fee for furnishing copies of any documents, information or records described in this section. The fee may include reasonable personnel costs incurred to furnish the information;
WHEREAS, Article 9, Section 9.1 of the Bylaws requires the board of directors and the manager, if any, to keep detailed records of the actions of the board of Trustees and the manager, minutes of the meetings of the board of Trustees and minutes of the meetings of the Association;
WHEREAS, Article 9, Section 9.2 of the Bylaws requires the board of Trustees to keep financial records sufficient for proper accounting purposes and as required by the Act;
WHEREAS, Article 9 of the Bylaws requires the board of Trustees to keep other records as provided more fully in the Bylaws and the Act;
WHEREAS, Article 9, Section 9.1 of the Bylaws requires the Association to make available the books, financial statements and current operating budget of the Association subject to the requirements of the Bylaws and the Act;
WHEREAS, the Declaration and Bylaws do not define what is included in the definition of “books, records, financial statements and current operating budget”;
WHEREAS, Article 9, Section 9.1 Trustees of the Bylaws authorizes the board of Trustees, by resolution, to adopt reasonable rules governing the frequency, time, location, notice and manner of examination and duplication of Association records and the imposition of a reasonable fee for furnishing copies of such documents, information or records. The fee may include reasonable personnel costs incurred to furnish the information;
WHEREAS, the Board deems it in the Association's best interest to adopt a uniform and systematic procedure for the request and inspection of Association records; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the rules and procedures set forth below shall be the process for handling owner’s requests and inspection of Association records.