Underline the vocabulary words in your story! / Create a crossword puzzle or word search using definitions, synonyms and antonyms. You must use at least 10 words from unit 6.
Write a song or rap which includes at least 10 words from unit 6 and demonstrates you understand the meaning of each word used. Underline the vocabulary words in your song! / Choose 10 words from unit 6 and write them each in a sentence. You will have 10 sentences total. Underline the vocabulary words in the sentences! / Choose at least 10 words from unit 6and create an illustration to represent the meaning of each word.
Write a poem using at least 10 vocabulary words. Underline the vocabulary words in your poem! / Design a card game or board game that usesthe definitions and spellings of 20 words from unit 6. Include directions! When you are finished, challenge a friend to play the game with you! / Use your unit words in a letter to a friend. The topic of the letter can be anything, so be creative! You must include at least 10 vocabulary words in your letter. Be sure you do not just create a list!
Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe
Directions: Below are some really fun ways to practice vocabulary. The middle square is required (the one in bold). Then, you will choose two additional activities to make any tic-tac-toe design: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Circle your choices on the board!